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~i'd run off the end of the earth
just to see if you'd catch me
when i know you let me fall

Ethan's POV

Since she believes in fairy tale I thought she might like the idea of going to an amusement park. So I brought her here.

It was almost midnight and the park was empty. I paid the authority to let us in and permit us the ferris wheel.

It's one of the common themes, going up there at the top and stay there for a while. Gaze the stars and talk with you partner. That's what they do in the movies. So why not.

"It's really scarring me Ethan it's dark here", she kept shivering so I offered her my leather jacket.

"Come on Olivia, you're a grown up."

The lights were turned on when I gave them a sign.

"Wow", she said hardly breathing.

Really wow, I've never seen an amusement park at night before. The light is already blinding my eyes.

"Come, let's go up"

Olivia's POV

"Come, let's go up",what!!

I soo don't want to tell him that I am scared to ride a ferris wheel. It's not like I have a height phobia.

If there is some phobia that combined height and claustrophobia together I might have that.

But I don't have the particular any of them. I just don't like the idea of being hanged on in air and go so slow and sometimes not moving at all.

"I don't think I want to go there."

"Why, come on let's go. I've never been in a ferris wheel too. It will be fun."

"Okay, then."

I agreed only because he has never experienced it before. As for me I have only rode it once and didn't like it at all.

We sat and went up. Even if it was going too slow, the cold breeze hit us on the face.

"I have a confession to make", he said on our quarter way.

"I have never visited a park, this is my first time."

"What? Not even as a kid?"

He shook his head innocently.

"I have a confession to make too."

"spill it", he said looking around.

"I dont like hanging in the middle of nowhere, a lot of feet above from the ground."

Our cart stopped in our midway just when I said it.

"I thought it was fairy talish!"

"It is."

"Oh my god Olivia I had no idea. I should have listen to you the first time you said you don't want to come here. I should have underst..."

"It's alright."

"...but I insisted you. I'll tell them to..."

I kissed him hard on the lips. He stopped at once and started kissing back. We couldn't move much but still continued. His skin was warmer against my skin.

I pulled up and gave him a peck after that."You talk a lot of shit when you don't know what to say."

"Keep doing that and I might never stop."

We stared at each other for a while until he spoke,"Do you want to go down?"

"Not really. You know what, the first time I came up here I was really scared. I thought it was the height or the small place that I feared. But I just realized it was none of them. I was scared because no one was there to hold me if I fell down."

"I can't promise I won't let you fall. But I can promise that I will hold you if you ever fall."

I might cry anytime now.

"Just promise me you will hold on to me too", he added.

"I promise I'll hold onto you forever. I trust you no matter what and I promise not to break your heart."

"I promise not to break your heart too."

I never promise someone unless I'm too sure I can keep it. But I promised him without a second thought.

It felt like I was telling him I loved him and he was saying it back.

"Why is it always we're in a wrong place whenever I feel the urge to kiss you or hug you?"

"So you noticed it too", I said and he smirked.

We were watching the city lights silently and suddenly the wheel started to go down.

We roamed around a little bit and went to the kids gaming section.

"Name a toy", suddenly Ethan stopped and asked. I turned my left to see soft toys.

"Are you gonna win me one? It is too much for you to be romantic 3 times a day."

He chuckled took a ring in his hands and I whispered,"I want the hugsy."

He sighed and won me the hugsy. "Are you planning on sleeping with it?"

"Maybe. How are your aiming so good?"

"I am skilled with guns and rifels, how else do you think."


"There are a lot of people ready to kill me everyday and are a threat to my family too."

I shut my mouth realizing my mom's one of them.

"Where else would you like to go", he asked when we reached near the car. I like it when someone asks that.

"Home", I said.

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