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~you never gave a warning sign
i gave so many signs~

Olivia's POV

It is already dusk and I'm still roaming outside. I came out to clear my head. I was mad at Ethan double time because he did not even call to calm me down. I walked by the shore and checked my phone to see the time.

What the hell! My phone was off and I don't even know since when.

I ran back to home.

Shit. He must be damn mad at me right now.

The lift opened revealing Ethan sitting on the couch with his face palming.

I stepped foot inside and went to sit beside him.

"So? High school, museum, sea shore?"

"Stop tracking me everytime."

"Do you have the slightest idea how worried I was?"

"I had no idea my battery died. It won't happen again."

"But it did."

He said and left me alone. I realized he is referring to the day when I left him to see Logan. I agree that it was my fault. But I had no intention to do this to him this time.

"Ethan please talk to me", I went to see him taking off his clothes from this morning.

"About what?", he asked, putting the cufflinks into the drawer.

About anything because I dont want to see your cold shoulder.

"What happened with your dad later I was gone?"

"If you really wanted to know you would not have left",he opened first two buttons of his white shirt and went inside the washroom.

I also took off my blazer and went inside. I walked into the shower and stopped him from opening the tap.

"Please, say something, be mad at me, do anything just don't stop talking and please stop stealing gaze."

I looked down to finally perceive that he was in his underwear. My eyes travelled back to his eyes after going through his abs.

"I thought you left me, forever", the sadness in his voice slapped me.

"I was mad at your dad not you Ethan. I wish you stood out for me sooner. I wish you hadn't bring dad..."

"It was Nick's idea Olivia", that got me stoned. Why did he not say it before. I thought his dad gathered us to force my dad to give up his  portions.

"I...had, no idea."

"Next time talk to me before making assumptions by yourself."

He said and trailed his hand over mine and pulled the tap causing us both get damped.

I didn't stop him. We were both soaked within minutes.

"You might catch a cold Olivia, you should go now", he said coldly and turned around to put both of his arms against the wall. With every move and words he was getting colder.

"You are still mad at me", I reached for his right arm and touched them. He turned the shower colder so that I leave. But I didn't. Ice cold water dripped over my limbs and I stayed exactly steel.

"I'm not Olivia."

"Then call me Olive", I pleaded.

"Just. Go."

I unbuttoned my shirt and threw it on the ground and went back to room only in my inner. He did not look back even for a glance.

Ethan's POV

I was mad at her. But she broke the ice around my aura as soon as I saw her with my own eyes.

I tracked her and kept myself updated with where she went the whole day. I was relieved when she came back so I went to get a shower.

Being stubborn she also walked in.

"You might catch a cold Olivia, you should go now",I said coldly. I turned around because seeing her wet I got hard down there.

Her shirt was getting see through revealing her firm breasts under bra. I couldn't hold it. 

"You are still mad at me", her tiny hand contacted my skin and I turned the water colder. She made it hard for me since I haven't fucked anyone for long. She can't know that she turns me on this way.

"I am not Olivia."

"Then call me Olive."

"Just. Go", if she doesn't go out this time I swear I'll grab her. I can stop myself no more.

But she was gone. I didn't even notice until I saw her shirt on the ground completely soaked. If only she knew what I had in mind.

Olivia's POV

I breathe in and out few times.

I went inside the closet and dried myself. I couldn't stop shivering.

His cold side is scary and I hate myself for causing it.

I pulled my pants and undergarments off and wrapped a big towel around my shoulder that covered almost all of me.

I walked to the other side to keep my clothes with the dirty ones.

Ethan walked in when I was half way to pull my trousers on. He came in silently with a towel wrapped around his torso. He stopped near me and grabbed another towel to dry my hair.

He was gentle. I couldn't look up to see his face. My only view was his v line. His towel was hanging callously.

He put the towel aside after drying my hair. He stroked my hair and kissed my temple.

He sat beside me and grabbed his trouser.

"I'm not mad at you Olive. And I'm sorry too."

"It's okay."

He stood up and turned around to pull his pant up.

I turned around too.

He bend down in front of me and took his slippers.

I exhaled after he was gone.

I walked out of the closet and saw Ethan sitting with his laptop on his lap.

I went straight to kitchen for food. I found leftover chicken rice and went back with it.

I set everything down and called dad.

Hey dad

Are you fine honey? 

I'm fine dad and I'm really
sorry for walking out
that way. I know it was
disrespecting for both you
and Mr Dawson

"I talked it out with dad. I feel really guilty about what I did", I told Ethan even when he heard the whole conversation.

"I talked to mine too."

"Thanks", I smiled. It was foolish of me for thinking his dad is pressuring him. I want Ethan to have the company, all of it, I really do. Because he deserves it. He is the one who took care of it the whole time.

"Anytime. I also apologize for being rude to you and for asking you to get out."

I finished my rice and heard him apologizing while I drank water.

"It's okay. Nothing would have ever happened anyways", I said and then covered myself with quilt. I know and was surprised by the way he stopped himself from not doing anything further to me.

"Did you want me to..."

I cut him off, "Do you regret not doing..."

"Yes I do."

I buried my face and pretended to sleep the whole time he was hugging me.

~you didn't even see the signs~

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