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~he'll hold your hand while dancing
never leave you standing~

Olivia's POV

I'm sitting on one of the table in the cafe that I used to work. I am done with my classes, it was stressing me out so I decided to relax a bit. I informed Ethan before coming here. Not to mention how he reminded me over and over again to check out my phone every 15 minutes.

I ordered a hot coffee and was chatting with my friend Alyssa.

"So you are continuing your studies!"

She was happy for me. I could say it by her eyes. I never got someone particular to call my best friend but I've got a few amount of friends whom I can trust. They are loyal to me and Alyssa was one of them.

"It's exciting and stressing at the same time Lys."

"So how's life going, how's Ethan?"

"He's good. He's gentle towards me."

"Is it true what your mom says? You choose him over Logan?" , a question I was scared she might ask.

"It's complicated Lys."

"It's okay if you don't want to talk about it Liv", she said and stayed silent for a moment. "You know what, Logan planned a romantic dinner that evening, but when you said you couldn't meet and had to go home urgently he rushed to your home. He didn't want to delay, because he finally got the job he was looking for."

"I wish you hadn't said any of that", I frowned and left the place. I had no idea about that dinner reservation, job, planning or any of it.

I walked towards the car when my phone buzzed.

Hey Ethan

You sound a little bit down. Where are you? I'm coming to pick you up.

Easy man, I'm going home.

Okay I'm coming too.

How come he knows it by my voice.

I got back home. I washed my face and sat for an afternoon snack. I had brunch today so I skipped lunch.

"What happened Olivia?"

He literally ran to the kitchen straight from his office?

"Nothing. Why does anything have to happen? It's not good to skip your work days", I sighed.

"I took rest of the day off", he pulled of his Armani suit and threw it on one of the tools. He pulled his tie to loose it and sat beside me.

He pulled my chair in between his legs.

"Did you meet your mom?"

"No, just some friends."

"Why are you upset? Is it because of them?", he brushed my cheeks.

"I'm not upset, okay?", I said as a tear rolled down my cheek.

"Tell me whenever you want", he grinned and stood up to kiss my tears and left me.

I told Ethan that I'd give him a chance. He's doing everything he can for our betterment in the future.

But here I am getting sad over Logan. Nothing would have happened if I got to know his plans earlier but I still wished I knew.

Don't regret giving him a chance Olivia.

My head repeated.

But you and Logan are so in love.

My heart protested. Were, I reminded myself.

I finished my meal and went back to room to find Ethan sleeping in his work clothes, his back facing the ceiling.

He'll be the death of me.

I tip toed near him and took off his wrist watch and shoes. I set them aside and kissed his forehead.

His efforts.

My head kept repeating.

I went to the other side of the bed and climbed up. I rolled over and cuddled him until I fell asleep.

Ethan's POV

In one word she's stubborn. Like an angel but a stubborn one.

She's upset about something but she won't tell me. I thought of giving her some time alone.

At the end she's sleeping in my arms. Snoring like a little cub.

I got up from bed carefully not to wake her up. I took shower and got ready.

"Where are you off to?",she asked while blinking so that she can adjust the lights.

"To my mom and dads. You wanna come?"

"hmm", she said but her voice faded.

I crawled and held her up,"then get up you sleepy head it's already evening."

She got dressed and we went to my parents house. It was not a long ride.

We entered the house and found Nick.

"Trust me when I say I did not know your dad is here too", I whispered.

"Dad?", she ignored me and ran to hug her dad. All of us greeted each other and took our seats.

"Is this why you wanted me to come?", I asked my dad once we were out of Olivia's earshot.


No matter what happens today, I will support Olivia. I will take her side whatever happens.

"We have never formally been together. What about a dinner next weekend along with Camellia?", mom spoke first.

"I'm divorcing her before starting the case."

Nobody spoke a word.

"I'm sorry honey that I had to say this to you that way...", Nick murmured turning to Olivia.

"Are you people suing her?"

Of course that's what we all want but we don't know how she actually feels about it even when she said that she doesn't have a problem with it.

"Because that's what I want too", she sighed and looked at me.

"We will do that soon", Nick said with disappointment.

"And about the shares...", she turns back to her dad and raises her voice,"I want dad to sign it to Ethan, all of it."


My dad cut me off, "That would be the best decision. What do you think Nick? It's your daughter's decision too."

"If that's what you want. But how do I know you won't divorce her later on?"

That got me good.

"I won't because I love her."

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