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~you will find me, in places that we've never been~

Olivia's POV

I can't get what Ethan said earlier out of my head. What did he meant by death threats. Does it mean there are chances he might die sooner, an abnormal death, like his uncle.

"What are you thinking about babe?", he asked and kept scrolling down on his phone.


"What about me?", he raised his eyebrows locking and keeping his phone aside. He put his one arm around me and the other one under his head.

"The idea of living everyday with the fear that you might die anytime", I mumbled in his chest.

"I'm really sorry I had to tell it to you that way. You learn to know your enemies when you work in such places. You are going to be a lawyer soon. You will have people around you who will try to harm you and your surroundings."

"So is this what comes with winning and loosing cases?"

"kind of."

"None of them deserved it", I looked up at him,"your uncle and my dad."

"Don't you hate my uncle for having an affair with you mom?"

"I did not know him. But I knew my mom, I loved her, I trusted her..."

"It's okay, people have their individual choices."

"I guess they do. Ethan I really want to thank you for being there with me everytime I needed you. But I can take it from here. You don't have to worry about me."

"Are you breaking up with me Olivia?", he said dramatically.

"No duh, when I said I wanted to give this marriage a try I meant it. What I'm saying right now is that if you want to sue my mother after this, you can. You don't need to worry about me."

"I know you don't have the same respect for her as before. But..."

"Not even a little bit", I half pouted and he started brushing his fingers through my hair.

"Okay, but I'll talk to Nick and of course take your feelings into count before taking any action."

"That's so thoughtful of you Ethan."

"Just don't think too much, not about me, not about them."

I like how he's circling his fingers on my scalp. I swear I'll fall asleep.

"You asleep?"





Ethan's POV

We're going to Olivia's parents to have the talk since Nick's finally home.

"Ready?", I asked her for the third time since morning.

"Yeah babe", she nodded smiling. She seems to be anxious. Maybe she's not that subconscious. I was a little nervous too.

We got in and found Nick and Camellia in the living room.

"I told him everything."

She said and my breathe got hitched. Nick was looking at the floor. Olivia ran to sit beside her dad.

Be strong Olive. We never talked through telepathy but she looked at me and nodded.

"What everything", her voice shook.

"From her putting me and Mase in the same car to your marriage contract."

All of us stayed quiet for a long time. Olivia kept sobbing but I had no courage to run and hug her.

Camellia had guilt all over her face. It was not her deed. Something else was going on.

"Say something dad?"

"I have something to tell too", he looked up at us and he has no emotion in his eyes. He continued,"Mase told me. When we were settled in the car. Before the accident. He said he liked my Leya and she had mutual feelings. He kept telling there was no way going back and that he was sorry. Before I could figure out the car breakage system, it crashed."

None of us dared to say a word.

"Now I know. But I don't know if he confessed because he knew you're betraying him or he was feeling guilty for betraying me. That secret died with him. Neither of us deserved it Leya."

I guess he called her Leya out of love once. But today it was out of pain and grudges.

Nick patted Olivia on her head and told her to hold herself. He stood up and walked past me saying,"Come with me."

I followed him. I must admit he's one strong man.

"How's your revenge game going now?", I walked inside a room. He locked the door behind him and asked me right away.

We both sat and I started talking."My parents made me hate you, Sir. But as soon as I found out the truth I backed off."

"Why would you? Aren't you going to go after my wife?"

"Because I started to grow feelings for your daughter. But don't tell her yet, I want to confess myself", I am being damn straight forward right now.

"All I want in my life now is her happiness. Tell your parents I'll give up the shares but under one condition..."

Olivia's POV

Be strong I kept telling myself. That's what Ethan would have tell me too. He went inside along with my dad almost half an hour ago.

I didn't want to talk to Mom but I forced myself to ask her if she talked to Dad about Arya. She said dad would tell me if he thinks it's right.

She's kinda right too. It's an old story and completely their matter.

Ethan must be talking to Dad about whether to put mom in jail or not. What else they might talk about. It's too soon to talk about the law firm, isn't it?

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