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~i'd rather take my chance with you instead
do you second that emotion? do you?~

Olivia's POV

I slept peacefully for the first time in weeks. I opened my eyes to meet Ethan's face an inch away.

I looked down to see our limbs collided together.

"Stay, please?", he mumbled as I tried to loose myself.

I listened to him and laid there for some time more.

He smells so nice.

As he went to sleep again I ran to the bathroom to fresh up. I went out and went to kitchen to pour myself milk and cereal.

"Do you want to come with me?", he paused,"to meet my parents?", Ethan walked into the kitchen, shirtless and sat beside me at the counter. He put his arms around my shoulder.

"You sure wanna do that?", He nodded and went to the freezer, after placing a kiss on my head.





"She's fine Mrs Dawson", I said as she asked how my mom was.

We were at Ethan's parents. Ethan and his dad went to a different room and it's been already more than 15 minutes.

Well, 15 minutes of my awkward moment with his mom too.

"Mom, dad", I sneaked behind to see them walking out of the room.

Ethan sat beside me,"Olivia and I are together and we know everything you lied to us about", he said holding my hand.

I looked at his eyes surprisingly, he didn't look back.

"And I hope you won't disturb us again and can you please just forget about the money..."

"I'll talk to my dad, if he ever wakes up",I hope he does,soon.

We bid our goodbyes and sat on the car.

"This is not how people declare that they're together", I said under my breathe.

"I know, I should arrange a grand party or so. Sorry for the awful wedding."

"I did not mean it. You needed to ask me first...", He didn't let me continue and stopped me by crashing his lips on mine.

His hand started trailing my face. My fingers went through his hairs when he wasn't stopping. I didn't want him to stop. The kiss was going deeper...

But he pulled up.

"I hope that convinced them", I just realized that he kissed me to convince his parents that we're really together.

Olivia, you're such a fool.




Ethan's POV

Her face was really funny when I told her that I kissed her to show my mom and dad.

I grew to like her even more. I never slept with another girl after that night. It doesn't just feel right.

"Hey, do you wanna meet your mom?",I asked casually.

"No, plus I don't want you to transfer money every month into my account."

"Sure", I said not looking away from the street."Wait, does that mean you like me?", Oh my Lord, can't believe this stupid question actually came out of my mouth!

"Do you want me to?", She's smart.

I chuckled and pulled over.

We got inside the private lift.

"Where are you taking me", she asked, seeing me pressing an unusual floor button.

"God! Why can't you trust me for once?", I sighed.

"You're really asking me the question?"


Her jaw dropped when we walked out and entered the roof top restaurant. I know the view is ravishing, just like its owner.

"Why did you bring me here?"

"Us", Arya stood up from her chair.

I want them to talk, that's why.




"...that's why I tracked the contact details and found this 2 men frequently contacting with Camellia on 2018 November."

If uncle and Camellia was planning to kill Nick, and Camellia was one step ahead, that means Camellia contacted those who set the car to break down and blast behind uncle's back.

So I tracked Camellia's contact lists.

"You're saying that this 2 man made that accident happen?"

"I'm saying that there's a chance."

One of my men came inside and gave me a file. I opened it to see that one of numbers was registered to my uncle.

Another one was registered to someone named Dominic.

"Come, I'll drop you home and then go meet this Dominic in person", I took Olivia's hand.

"I want to go with you", she protested, with teary eyes,"Please?"

I looked at her and thought how much I wished we could meet under different situation.




Olivia's POV

We kept knocking at the door but no one's in there.

When we decided to go back...

"What do you want bastards?", the door opened, revealing a drunk man in his mid 40s.

"Are you Dominic?", Ethan asked.

"Yes why?", Asked taking a sip from his bottle.

"Do you know Camellia Jones and Mase Dawson?"

"Cops!", he babbled. His bottle fell down and broke. He rushed through the house to ran out from the back door.

"Aren't we going to stop him?", I asked Ethan standing there.

"Seriously Olivia? With all my men around? You are funny", he smirked.


At least we're sure that he worked for Mom and Mase, why else would he try to escape, hearing their names.

We went back to Ethan's place.

I've never been to his office before. It was big and looked so professional.

We both were standing and roaming around while Dominic was hand tied sitting in the middle of the room.

"Why did you try to run away?", I spoke up.

"I thought you were cop."

"So what if we are. Tell us everything that you did for Mase and Camellia", Ethan asked calmly.

"Whose people are you? Camellia's or Mase's?"

"It doesn't matter", Ethan screamed at his face snapping his hands on the table. I've never seen him this angry.

Dominic almost fell down. He managed to say that,"Mase hired me to rip off the car's breaking system and I did."

"Who are you kidding, why would he want that when he was in the car too."

"No, the plan was different...", Dominic was loosing his consciousness. I poured water on him so that he doesn't fall asleep.

"Camellia called me, said the plan had changed, told me to break it before the event and not...", He fainted.

"Guess I need to see my mom", I said and Ethan nodded.

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