💖Chapter 3💖

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Gon's POV

"IM SO EXCITED!" I whisper yelled. "Me too but keep quiet or else they will here us Gon.." Kurapika said to me "I think we need to be at the tables Kurapika.." said Leorio as he bumped Kurapika's elbow.

I think you're right.. we will meet you at the tables Gon." He said to me "And we will be able to see what house you get!" Leorio said as he patted my head.

"Alright!" I said and then they left. I looked around while waiting for Professor Bisky so we can go to the dining hall.

Then I see a small boy who looked like he's 14 I believe. Then he came up to me and then said "Hey! Are you in your 1st year?".

"Yeah I am" I reply back. "Awesome! It's my 1st year as well actually 😅". "Oh and by the way! My name is Zushi! Nice to meet you."

"Oh nice to meet you too! My name is Gon Freecss!" I said back. "THE FAMOUS ONE!?" "Yes yes I'm the "famous" one..." "Omg! I'm so sorry if I made uncomfortable!"

I laughed and said "No it's alright I'm not uncomfortable!" He sighed in relief "Oh alright I thought that... you know"
"Yep it's okay you're fine!" I laughed.

"ALRIGHT CHILDREN" said Professor Bisky. "Follow me to the dining hall" Then we all followed her and the dining hall is huge! Then I saw Leorio and Kurapika waving at me.

I waved back I was excited! Then we stopped walking and then we saw it.......


It was finally the time of the sorting hat.. I believe it choses which house will you be in I guess.

Then Professor Bisky said "The sorting hat will decide which house you will all be in.." "I will call each one of your names and the hat will get decide which house will you be in"

Professor Bisky picked up the paper and started to call out names.

"Zushi Zooci" (idk if this is his last name so I research it so bear with me 🖐🏼💀)

He went to go and sat down on the stool and the hat was put on him.

"Hmm better be..... HUFFLEPUFF "

Said the sorting hat as Zushi went to the Hufflepuff table happily.

Professor Bisky kept calling names until she reached mine...

"Gon Freecss....?"

Everyone started to stare at me in shock or in anger. Don't know why but I went to sit in the stool and the hat was put on me.

"Hmm let's see here...okay......" the sorting hat spoke.

I am so excited as long I be in quidditch I be good at it too!

"Bravery I see..."


"I can Mr Freecss and you seem courageous..."

Oh I see then ....

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