❤️‍🩹Chapter 11❤️‍🩹

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Killua's POV

Finally we all went up to the jet and took our seats . Alluka was in the middle, I was on the right to the side, and I guess...Gon was on the left side having the window seat.

While on the ride, Alluka fell asleep on
my shoulder and Gon was looking through the window admiring the view from outside. Hehe...it's kinda cute whenever he makes that face when he's excited....


Then after a while, we arrived at Hogsmade on got off the jet. And thegotn there were a person had something in hand and that was....a red carpet...

The person the red carpet down and rolled it so Alluka, Gon and I could obviously walked onto. 😒

Then some people bowed down to us as we were walking Alluka obviously runs excitingly and Gon was being a little shy at first but then had a cute smile on his face skips (AGAIN DAMN IT) and me just walked it off.

Some other students were whispering, surprised, and also laughing. I don't personally I don't care what other people think.

But if they start talking shit about Alluka, Gon or me but in a different level....Ima go fucking kill their asses...especially if it's Gon...now that Ima go go burn their fucking ashes and rip them from limp to limp...

"Soooo where are we gonna go??" Gon asked while walking around Hogsmade.

"I think there's a butter beer-"

"BUTTERBEER!? WHERE!?" Gon yelled but covered his mouth really quick.

"Uhhh Gon? Are you okay?" Alluka asked nervously laughing. "Umm sorry I love butterbeer ever since and I haven't had on in a while so I'm sorry if I screamed 😅" he apologized that's cute...AGGGGH AGAIN KILLUA!

"Oh! Umm it's okay big brother and I also love ButterBeer as well!" Alluka said "So now..let's go!" Dragging me and Gon to the bar.

While we were inside, people were scared, gasping and...you get it 🙄.
"I-Is that...Killua and Alluka Zoldyck...and GON FREECSS!?" And its always the annoying person who's screams that...

"OMGG THEY ARE!!" A lady screamed fangirling, while running towards us. "What would like you today guys!" She said cheerfully.

"Oh um! Do you guys sell Butterbeer right now..?" Gon asked nicely. "Of course! Just one?"

"Make that 2 please!" Alluka said raising her had. "Alright! 3 Butterbeers coming up!" She while smiling and blushing at....oh hell no....

"Um miss? Are you okay? You seem tired..." Gon said worrying. Ooh I see..he cares for people...

"Oh! I-I'm alright! I'll get y-you're drinks" she ran away blushing. God! She's such bitch for wanting attention..!

"She's werid..." I say while sitting down at a table in the corner. "You can go sit with your brother Alluka! I'll be getting the drinks!" Gon said out loud. God...he is so pure just like what Alluka said...

"No! You go sit down Gon! I'll be taking the drinks while you go talk to big brother!" Alluka randomly said while pushing him towards me...Alluka why!

"Now you guys talk while I go to the bathroom! BRB!" Alluka said as she rushed away. And then it was me and Gon...

Gon sat next to me with a nervous smile I mean..I don't blame him. "Hello..!" He said to me.

We sat there for a few minutes and I decided to break it.
We both said at the same time.. I stopped talking and he did as well covering his mouth.

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