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 Adrien's  POV:

 I just had the worst day ever.

 I found out I did not get accepted into the competition.

 It was a modeling competition.

 The whole thing would not have been so bad if I had not flunked my chemistry test, spilled water all over my math homework, ripped a hole in my pants, and been sent to the principal's office.

 What was the matter with me?

Usually, I was a smart student.

"Great, what will my father say?"

I  paid no attention as Mr. Damocles handed me a pink slip.

Adrien's  POV:

 I just nodded my head and returned to class.

After school, I was on the sidewalk when a kid on an electric scooter nearly ran me down.

 Then, I  passed out on the way home from school.

I was rendered unconscious.

Adrien's POV:

I do not remember much after this.

I  am not sorry either.

I just wished that I could have a fresh start.

Perhaps, this is the one I needed.

Who knows?

I certainly do not.

I have amnesia.

Published February 3, 2021, and Edits Made on February 4, 2021

My Past is a  Blur by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now