Chapter 30

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   Adrien's POV:

  I got to leave the hospital. I was glad. I changed into a nice green sweater and jeans. Then, put on my socks and tennis shoes. Time to take  Marinette on that date I promised her.

    I went home, showered, and put on some clean clothes. I went to go see Marinette.

   "Marinette you here?" I called out.

  "Adrien?" She looked at me surprised. "Yes, ready for the date I owe you?" I asked.

  "Sure, let me get my bag," She said. Marinette grabs her purse.

I took her out for a hamburger. The two of us waited for the burgers and drinks to come.

  I held her hand. Marinette smiled.

    "You know something?" I asked.

  "No what?" Marinette wanted to know.

   "That time everyone thought you were girlfriend when attempted to help hide me in the fountain it was whether cozy. You were cute, and I wished I had done something about it then," Adrien stated. 

       "What do you mean?" I asked.

   "Marinette, will you go out with me again sometime?  Say as my girlfriend?" I asked.

      "Y-yes, I will be glad to go out with you again as your girlfriend," I said.

      I kissed her hand again and she blushed. I smirked. I was glad that she still liked me even during the time my memory was lost. 

      After our burger date, the two of us held hands as we walked with each other in the park. I did not have to say anything, but I had a feeling she rather liked me.

      I  frowned when Nathalie came toward us. I thought I had already overlooked the paperwork she had for me, and signed it. 

       "Sorry, Adrien, but there is one more to sign," Nathalie said.


   I looked at the small paper and gasped. It was a document showing my father had signed his parental rights over to Nathalie Sanceour. We did not have to go to court to settle the custody battle. It looked like it could settle out of court. I  signed on the dotted line and handed it back to her.

      Marinette held my arm. She seemed to know when I needed her to touch me. I was grateful to her for it. I wondered once I was officially guarded legally by Nathalie what else might change.  Could I still keep my full name given to me by my birth mother?   

        I looked into Marinette's eyes. I could see the love that she had there for me. I was thrilled. Honored even. It seems that my memory loss had given me a nice second chance after all.


    The two of us kissed. I  could feel Marinette deepen the kiss. I was not sure when I began to love her, but I knew that I would not stop. I took her to the place where she lives and handed her a flower.

    "See you soon, Marinette, darling," I said.

    Marinette nodded. She entered the house and waved before she closed the door.

Since the change in my diet on put on some weight. I also noticed that I felt stronger and healthier than I had in years. 

 The story continues in Chapter 31

Until then,


little owlets!

Summer out!


little owlets!

Summer out!



My Past is a  Blur by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now