Chapter 7

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  Marinette's   POV:

    I watched the movie with my Aunt Tikki.

    I never cared much for Disney flicks until today.

    It was the movie Tangled.

     Somehow it seemed familiar.

        It reminded me of Adrien.

     Marinette's POV:

     The scene where the girl could not leave the tower troubled me.

       I  exited the room and ran downstairs.

       I sat at the bottom with fresh tears in my eyes.

       I  worried about him.

       I knew it was silly, but I could not help it.

          Marinette's POV:

           I heard the movie turn off and heard someone join me.

           I glanced up in confusion as Aunt Tikki handed me a box of kleenex and a blanket.

           I spilled out all my worries and frustrations to her.

           I listened as she told me not to worry about tomorrow. I knew she was right.

           Marinette's  POV:
                I woke up the next day with very little sleep.

                 I would have skipped school, but I had an English test that day.

                 English was not my best subject because I had a C in it. Well, at least I was passing it.

                  I supposed it was not all that bad.

                 I arrived on time for once. I took the test and finished with time to spare.

                 I  received it back at the end of the day with the letter grade 88.9 in red ink and this note that said, "Way to show improvement, Marinette.  Love, Miss Bustier."

                   I made a B on my test.  

                  Marinette's  POV:
                    After school, I went to see Adrien.

                     I was grateful that Nino and Alya tagged along.

                   This way, maybe it would be less awkward for me.

                  Who was I kidding? This was Adrien we were talking about here.

                     I entered his room.

                     I saw Natalie and could tell she must have been there all night. Goodness, she looked exhausted.

                     "Is Adrien awake?"

                       I got no answers.


              Marinette's POV:
                I took that to mean he had not responded yet.

                I  stood over his bed and stared at him.

                 What would it take for him to hear me and wake up?

                "Adrien, if you alright then, please open your eyes. Please wake up and speak to me. It is me, Marinette."

                    I pleaded with him.


               Find out more in Chapter 8

              bye, bye little owlets!

                -Summer out!



My Past is a  Blur by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now