Chapter 3

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    Alya's  POV:

   I cringed inside.

   It was all I could do not to burst into the Agreste mansion and give Mr. Agreste a piece of my mind.

    I knew it would not do any good.

    It never did anyone good.

    Goodness, it seemed he was too stubborn to see his son was hurting.


   Alya's POV:

    I felt bad for NIno.

   I hugged him as he cried.

    I had done the same for Marinette minutes earlier.

     I can not say I blamed them.

    Here, Adrien was barely clinging to life.

     The main thing I wondered was what caused him to collapse in the first place?


     Alya's  POV:

      I was not sure what to do to help Nino.

      I barely felt I did much for Marinette.

       I supposed letting him cry on my new shirt was a good start.

       "Nino, I asked mom, and she said you came come over."

          I saw him about to protest, so I stopped him.

         I placed a finger to his lips.

         I  watched as he nodded his head in agreement.

         Alya's  POV:
             I was glad my dad and little sisters were out of town this week.

            Also, my older sister was busy too.

            Thank goodness, things were less awkward for Nino and me this way.

            Mom never did tease us as much as the rest of the family did.

             "Mom, we are here!" I called out just in case she had not heard us enter the house.


          Find out more in Chapter 4

             bye, bye little owlets!

             -Summer out!

My Past is a  Blur by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now