Chapter 28

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     Adrien's POV:

      I wished I could remember more about Marinette.  I only recently remembered her nickname and meeting her on the first day at the school.  I recall she has always been nice to me.

     Why does her hand feel like it belongs with mine? I shook my head.

      I saw her puzzled look as she pulled her hand away. Oh, no, she thinks I do not want her to touch me.

      "Marinette, I know we are friends, and you sit behind me in school," I said.

       "Yes, you're right," Marinette said.

         " Nathalie said something about a trial, but I am not sure what the trial is all about," I explained.

      "Oh, that, Nathalie, is suing your father for custody of you, Adrien," Marinette blurted out.

         I was shocked. Why would Nathalie try to take me from my father or him from me?


         "She worries because your father has not been making sure you had enough varieties of food. The doctors say you came in with little liquids and were malnourished.  I mean you have eaten crackers and salads a lot lately," Marinette answered.

           "Now that you mention it, today was the first time I have tried fries, and I must say they taste good," I admitted.

            "You think those are good, wait until you try a hamburger," Marinette responded.

               "I would not mind a hamburger if you were there with me," I said. 

              I saw Marinette's shocked look.  It was then I wondered, "Did I say something wrong?"  I hoped not because she was important to me. I was sure of it. I knew we were friends. I wished she were more. I had no idea why because it wasn't like she liked me, right?

            "A-Adrien, you should not say such a thing to me," Marinette said. She had tears as she spoke.

            Great, Agreste you made her cry, I thought.  I did not mean to. I thought she would be happy to eat a burger with me. I mean she had suggested I try one.   Who better to try it with than her?

            "Why not?" I asked.

                "B-because you d-don't s-see me as anything to you, other than..." I heard her say. Then, she took a deep breath. "Just a friend, that is what I am," Marinette explained.

                 I thought for sure I must have heard wrong.  How else could she explain why she thought, I considered her only a friend?  That could not be right, she was far too pretty to be just a friend or to remain one.  I was certain she had to be a girlfriend or at least one I wanted to be mine.

              "Mari, where did you get that idea?" I asked. I saw her look at her feet like she was suddenly interested in her footwear. What was the matter with me?  I had told her how crazy I was about her.  At least, I thought I had.

               "I got it from ..." She began.  Before she could finish, Nathalie came back into the room.

           "Sorry to interrupt. Adrien, you need to know, that I distrust your father.  Because of him you lost your memories and ended up here, " Nathalie said.

          "That can't be right, my father loves me, I am his son. Besides, there was a scooter," I said.

          "A scooter, what scooter?" Nathalie asked.

My Past is a  Blur by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now