Chapter 27

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     Marinette's  POV:

      I entered the room.

      I did not know what to expect.

       I heard Adrien's voice cry out in excitement.

      Well, I thought at least he was glad to see me.

        I supposed it was a start.

        "I got your text and figured you remember me. So, of course, I came."  I said

          I put a hand on his shoulder and felt him place a hand over mine.

           I felt relieved.

         "Adrien, you do not know how much I missed you."

          "Mari, I am sorry."

          "You need not be sorry for anything Adrien. I should not have stormed off the way I did and..."   I began to explain.

            Adrien interrupted me. I heard him clear his throat then he spoke up.

             "Mari, I am so sorry when I lost my memories that I had forgotten you."

             "It is alright, Adrien, The important thing is you remember now."

                  I saw Adrien's face fall.  

                 I felt bad.

               What happened to put that frown on his cute face?

                 I blushed at my thoughts.

               Whoa, Marinette calm down girl. It is not like he knows how you feel.

                   "I  know it has been hard on you."

                   "Do not worry, I will not leave. I promise."

                    I  smiled when the gleam returned to Adrien's face.

                    I sure hoped he was not too stressed out about the trial.  Let alone about the other things that perhaps he never forgot but wished to. I blushed when Adrien continued to hold my hand. I felt him tighten the hold he had on it just a little.

                   "Adrien, you know there is something different about you. I can not put my finger on it, but I like it."  

                   I immediately blushed harder as it dawned on me what I said. I  facepalmed myself due to the embarrassment of the situation. Great, now he is probably going to regret being my friend.

                  Little did I know how wrong I was about how he felt about me.

                 To be continued in Chapter 28

                  bye, bye little owlets!

           -Summer out!




My Past is a  Blur by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now