Chapter 32

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     Adrien's POV:

     The movie date was great, and I could not wait to take Marinette out again. I was relieved she agreed to go out with me again next weekend.

         I  know she liked me. She said so and when we kissed it was amazing. Amazing like her.

          I smiled.

          I was glad the court system had allowed Nathalie to take over. I recalled all those years of mostly eating salads, crackers, and other boring foods. It was no wonder I was underweight, and I passed out the way I did.

       Anyway, I was glad the teacher had corrected my test grade once she realized the mistake.

         I smiled as I thought about Marinette. What was it about her that made me feel this way?

       Every time I saw her, I could not wait until the next time. I sighed.

     Was it possible that I had fallen in love with her? Was that what this was this odd feeling like I could not get enough of her?

       I smiled when Marinette texted me.

   Marinette's text read, "Yes, I would be glad to go out with you next weekend."

    I texted her, "Marinette, you are one noticeable, beautiful, girl."

        The next day, I texted her once more.

     "Marinette, I can't wait to see you," I texted.

   "Same here," She texted me.

     I grinned as I got ready for school.

   I arrived early, I was glad to see Nino and Alya. I sighed when I didn't see the Bluenette. Where was she? My Marinette was not here. 

   "Man, what is the matter?" Nino asked. "Yes, Adrien, is everything alright with you and Marinette?" Alya asked. "Yes, everything is more than alright between us," I said. I did not tell anyone I loved her.   I could not because I had not even told her yet.

    "Adrien, I am sure she is running late, that is all," Alya says. I was shocked. Since when had she been late for school?  I head to class and take my seat behind Alya and Nino.

    I did not recall those two sitting together, but since, they dated, I supposed that made sense.


   "Hi, Adrikins," A girl with blonde hair, and light blue eyes said.

  "Hi, you must be Chole," I said. "Ha, you are such a kidder, of course, I am Chole, " She said.

     "Chole, are we friends?" I asked. "Yes, we are friends.  Best friends even," Chole replied. "Ok, then, will you be nice to Marinette?" I asked. "Nice to Marinette, whatever for?" Chole asked. She looked at me like I had gotten a zit or grown something strange on my face overnight. "Marinette is my girlfriend, and I want to be sure you will not start giving her any trouble," I explained. "Marinette is your girlfriend, since when?" Chole pouted.

    "Well, we have been together for a month now and been on two dates, soon to be three," I remarked.

   The others smiled and congratulated me on asking Marinette out.  "Thanks, guys and gals, " I said. I was confused about all the attention I had gotten about all this. Why should it matter to them?  I asked Marinette out because I wanted to be with her.

        "Fine, I will be nice to Marinette, but I will not like it," Chole stated. I laughed. Chole could be a real sass sometimes. That was probably one of the reasons my father did not mind her being my friend. 

         Marinette entered the classroom and she looked at me. "What was that all about?" She asked.

    "Oh, nevermind him, Marinette. You have got to let me do your nails and find you a new pair of shoes because Well, those are nice, but I think you could use some different ones. Ones that would let everyone know you are dating, Adrikins." Chole said.   Marinette looked at Chole surprised, "Sure Chole that would be fun.  I hope I can pick the nail polish color though." "Sure whatever you say, Marinette," Chole said. I smiled glad to see Chole was putting forth an effort to be nicer to Marinette.


     The school was great.  I get to sit with  Marinette. I got a 92 on the math quiz and Marinette received a 94 on hers.  I was proud of my girl. Lunch was nice. Marinette and I got to see with Nino and Alya. Chloe joined us and so did Nathaniel, Max, and Alix.

        After lunch, I teamed up with Marinette in the science class. We finished the assignment lickedly split.

         Later, after school, I walked Marinette home. I saw Chole show up with a bag. "It is full of nail stuff so I can give Marinette a manicure," Chole said. "Wow, Chole that is great," I said. I gave her a quick hug and then went home.

     I texted Marinette when I got home.

My text to Marinette...  "How is the manicure coming alone?"

  Marinette's text back..."Okay, but Chole says, 'It will take a while for my nails to dry.' "She even added these cute little hearts to the ends of the nails." 

  My text to Marinette..."Wow, that sure was thoughtful. Have fun, love you."

   I blushed when  I realized what I had done. That was not quite the way I intended to tell her about my love for her. I hoped she would not freak out about it. 

   Little did I know I had nothing to worry about at all.

   Marinette's text..."Awe, Adrien." 😍

    I blushed when I saw the cute emoji with the hearts at the end of her text. What did that mean?

     Goodness, what do I do?  I was supposed to tell her during our next day or so many dates down the road how I felt not like this.  I felt freaked out myself.

   I smiled when sent me a picture of her completed nails. They looked rather adorable to me.

 They looked rather adorable to me

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The above photo is one I found online and felt like it best shows how Marinette's manicured nails look.

I texted her "Adorable nails on my lovely girlfriend."

   Marinette's text "You make me blush, stop it."

    I texted her..."I bet you are cute when you blush for me."

  I  smirked. I am glad she was having fun. I must admit that it surprised me that Chole had painted Marinette's nails for her. Wow, that sure was nice. 

Find out more in Chapter 33

Until then,


little owlets!

Summer out!

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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My Past is a  Blur by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now