Chapter 4

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  Nathalie's POV:

  I  always knew that a diet plan was a bust.

  I mean it.

  How did Mr. Agreste expect Adrien to survive off smoothies, greens, and yogurt?

    Nathalie's  POV:

      I believed his schedule needs adjustments as well.

      I  wished that Mr. Agreste would give him time off for fun.

      I also felt he needed time to make friends.

   Nathalie's POV:

    I hoped Adrien could get a fresh start.

   Goodness, he sure could use one.

     I  shook my head.

   Honestly, I felt sorry for the lad.

     Nathalie's POV:

      I tried to tell my boss nothing good would come of all this.

      I recalled he had not listened. As if the man ignored my good advice despite knowing I was right.

     I sat in the hospital waiting room until the doctor came and told me Adrien was in a room now.

     I walked into his room and sat beside the bed.

    I  heard that he was dehydrated and suffered from malnourishment.

   There was no doubt in my mind it was his father's doing.

   Nathalie's POV:

   I heard my phone ring.

    It was Mr. Agreste.

    "I quit right now. Oh, and consider yourself sued.  Yes, you heard me, I hired a lawyer."

     I wanted him to know how much his neglect ruined his chances with his son.

    Well, now all that was over.

     I made sure my lawyer received all the details.

     I had to make sure that the abuse stopped now.

    Nathalie's POV:

    I could no longer stand by and do nothing.

   I knew Adrien was better off without his father.

   I was sure of it.

   What if the judge refused to agree to take the case?  

    Find out more in Chapter 5

    bye, bye little owlets!

    -Summer out!

My Past is a  Blur by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now