Chapter 8

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   Adrien's  POV:

   Inside my head, I heard her.

    I heard this girl speaking to me.

   The voice sounds familiar, but how can I be sure?

   I  struggled to open my eyes.

  Adrien's  POV:

I  felt my left eye open than the other one.

  I looked up to see this cute girl with blue hair staring at me. 

    I noticed she had blue eyes too.

   I felt bad that I could not remember her.

  "Who are you?"  I asked.

     Adrien's  POV:

       At her gasp, I realized that my memory was all a fuzz.

      Why could not I remember anything?

      The last memory I recalled was when I  lost consciousness outside the school.

        "I am sorry, but do I know you?"

        Adrien's POV:
           I felt horrible as the sobs came from her.

           I  frowned.

           Great, I made her cry.

            Whoever she was seemed nice, and without meaning to had made her upset.

             I did not know how to fix it.

         Adrien's POV:
            "Is she going to be alright?"

              I asked the Burnette in glasses.

               "What do you think?"  I noticed the Burnette was the one who spoke up.

               I saw her as she glared at me.

               Whoa, she looked angry.

               Remind me never to get on her bad side, I thought.

             Adrien's  POV:

             "Hey, man, how you doing?" I heard the guy with headphones speak up.

             "Are you Nino?"  I asked.

               I  saw him nod his head.

               I  thought it strange I should remember him, but not the girls.

              "Are they with you?"

              I pointed to the girls as I spoke.

               Adrien's  POV:

               Nino laughed at me.

              I  scowled.

             "It is not funny. I can not remember."

               Nino realized I was serious.

               "Sorry, dude."  I accepted the apology he gave.

                I listened as Nino explained the Burnette with the glasses and plaid shirt with jeans was Alya.  I could tell by the way he spoke about her, Nino liked this one.

                Fine by me, I had my eyes set on the other one anyway.

                 I was not about to admit it.


                Adrien's POV:
                   "Who is the other one?  Is she her sister, or what?"

                     I inquired about this to find out more.        

                    I  took notice as Nino told me the Bluenette was Marinette.

                    I grinned.  Marinette, hmm, sounds lovely.

                    I shook my head in dismay.

                    I  wished I could remember them.


               Adrien's  POV:

                 I heard someone clear their throat.

                It was then I realized some older lady was in the room too.

                 I  happened to notice she wore a business suit, was seated in the chair beside me, and she had short blue hair with this red strip down the side. She wore glasses.

                 I  saw her raise an eyebrow in my direction.

                What was that all about?  I pondered.

                 "Yes, what is it?"

                   I  grabbed the envelope she handed me.

                  Odd, since when did she get here, and what was with the funny item she gave me?

                 What was I to do with it?

                   Find out more in Chapter 9

                 bye, bye little owlets!

                  -Summer out!


My Past is a  Blur by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now