Chapter 26

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    Adrien's POV:

    I  felt sorrow that I never knew I had until then.

   I had forgotten someone dear to me.

   Goodness, no wonder she was sad.

   I was a horrible friend.

   "Nathalie, what can I do for her?"

     I only half-listened as Nathalie rambled on about the trial.

   I could tell she was trying her best to be patient with me.

   I longed to see Marinette again.

   I sighed.

  I hoped it was not too late.

   I wished she would come back.

  Somehow, I had a feeling she would not.

  Oh, how I longed to tell her.

  I finally remembered her.

   I  pulled out my phone to text her.

   Strange, I could have sworn I had her number.

  Great, did I forget to ask her for it?

   I  shook my head in shame.

   I supposed I would have to find out from someone else.

   I texted Nino.

   I waited for a response.

  I  cringed at what Nino had to say.

  I   heard my phone ding.

  I saw that it was a text from Alya that simply read, "Adrien, do not worry, I have her number.  It is 777-079-8777."

    I  blushed as I added the number to my phone.

  I almost added her under the words cute Blunette but shook my head.

  I decided to save her name under the words Marinette.

   Yes, that was good enough.

  I texted Marinette next.

  "Hi, Marinette, it is me, Adrien."

   "I missed you, how have you been?"

   I  was about to give up since I got no response.

   "Adrien, look who is here to see you!" I heard the lady with the strike in her hair, ah, I remembered it was Nathalie.

     I  looked up and saw her as she entered the room.

   I was never happier to see her than I was at that moment.

    "Mari, you are here!"  I cheered.  I felt silly when I realized my hands were raised in the air like some immature child or something.  Great, I thought now she is going to think I am weird.

         "Yes, I am sure am, Adrien. I got your text and it was then I knew your memory must have come back."

           I  smiled as she placed a hand on my shoulder.  I laid one hand over hers.

          I  could not stop smiling.  All was right now that she was here.

    Find out more in Chapter 27

    bye, bye little owlets!

-Summer out!


My Past is a  Blur by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now