Chapter 29

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      Marinette's POV:

       I was shocked. Adrien told his father he wanted to be with me.

       What could he have meant?

         "Adrien, I am just a friend to you, but I -I..." I said.

     "W-what?  Who said so?  Tell me who the sleaze ball was that dared to say as much about you," Adrien said. He looked angry.

      "Adrien, you are the one who called me, just a friend," I responded.

      "There must be some mistake, Mari, because you are m-more," Adrien muttered.

          I  blushed. I  realized then he had not let go of my hand. Is that why his father was upset?

            "B-but, you always said I was just a friend to you, Nino and Alya even heard you say it," I said.

               I could tell he appeared to be struggling with something.

                "Then, I was a fool, Marinette," Adrien said.

                I gasped. What did he mean?

             "A-Adrien?" I stuttered. I felt his gaze on me. 

                Adrien slowly lifted the hand that held mine. He brought it to his face without letting go and kissed it.

                 I blushed. The entire time  I could not understand, why he should hold my hand let alone kiss it.  Did this mean things were going to change between us?  


                "M-Marinette, I meant what I told father, I want to be with you," Adrien said.

                 I nodded my head. I did not have any clue what he meant. I was still a bit puzzled about the entire thing.

               "What I mean is, I want to take you out for a hamburger as soon as I can,"  Adrien responded.

              "You mean as a friend?" I asked.

                "N-No, I mean as a d-date like a boy does with the girl he wishes to spend more time with because he does not wish to lose her to someone else. You know like when a boy takes out a girl he l-loves," Adrien stuttered as he responded.

                   "D-Date, with y-you?" I asked.  I was shocked. Had Adrien Agreste the boy I had been crushing on forever asked me out?

                  "Yes, that is if you want to," Adrien stated.

            I smiled at him. "Y-yes, I will go on a hamburger date with you, a-anytime, A-Adrien," I stuttered out my response.

              "Great, then I hope to let out of here soon," Adrien stated.

              "I hope so too," I said.


    I texted my Aunt Tikki. 

   This was her response... Whoa, Marinette, Adrien sounds like he has forgotten all about letting you remain a friend. Congrats!  You and Adrien on a date, are so cute.

      Text to Aunt Tikki...Thanks, Aunt Tikki.

   Aunt Tikki's text... 🤪


  I laughed.

Adrien laughed when saw the silly emoji she had sent me.

     "Your Aunt Tikki sounds like a fun person," Adrien remarked.

     "Oh, she is, but so is her husband, Uncle Plagg," I said.


    I kissed Adrien's cheek. I saw him blush. I wondered if he remembered the one I gave him at a class picnic years ago.

   "M-Marinette, you are the one who kissed me on the cheek to thank me for sitting beside you at the class picnic.  You did not realize it then, but you stepped inside a pie plate, and I thought you were adorable, sticky shoes and all," Adrien confessed.

   "Adrien, you got another memory back!" I squealed.

   "Yes, it seems that I did,"  Adrien responded.  

The story continues in Chapter 30

Until then,


little owlets!

Summer out!




My Past is a  Blur by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now