Chapter 5

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    Tikki's  POV:

     "I am here, my dear niece. I came as soon as I heard the news."

       I wrapped my arms around her.

       I knew she needed me.

       It was not every day she had to deal with such craziness like today.


     Tikki's  POV:

      I smiled.

      I was glad to be here.

     I just wished it were under better circumstances.

    I offered to stay with her while her folks were away on business. My niece must not be alone at a time like this.

     I fixed us both some dinner.

     I was not much of a cook, so it was BLT's, chips, and milk.

    Tikki's  POV:

    As Marinette ate in silence, I told her about silly her uncle Plagg was lately.

    "I mean it,  he says, the silliest stuff sometimes. "

      I  saw Marinette wipe tears away.

     I never saw her this worked up over a boy before now.

    What was special about him?

    Tikki's  POV:

     I saw a few posters in her room of this blonde boy.

    Aha, that is it.  I thought,  he is the guy my niece has a crush on.

    No, wonder his name sounded familiar.

    It sure explained her tears and the barely touched food.

     I  decided to wait until tomorrow to see if she wanted to visit him.

    Right now, I put in a movie and watched it.


    Find out more in Chapter 6

    bye, bye little owlets!

-Summer out!



My Past is a  Blur by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now