Chapter 20

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Adrien's POV:

     It has been a week since I woke from my coma.

     My friends came by at least twice a week since I have been here.

     The cute girl came more than the others.         

    I wish I could recall her name without help.

   I knew she was sweet.

    I could tell by the way she insisted I drink the water the nurse brought.

    Plus, she fussed at me today when she found out I had not ordered my lunch yet.

      I  blushed when I realized she worried about my health.

      I started to recall a few things.

      I remembered my birthday, my phone number, my father's birthday and my name.

      I   felt bad that I recognized Nino and knew for sure it was Alya with him.

       I  only knew it cause he reminded me.


       I   knew my locker number.

        What locker number? I was homeschooled.

        No, that was before this year.  

        I  recalled the name of the school, and I knew I saw the Blunette there.

        I was sure of it.

         I saw some lady enter the room.

        The woman had bright, red hair.

          Who on earth was she?

           It was not like she came to see me before today.

           I noticed she was not alone.

          The woman behind her had blue hair too.

           She looked like a relation to the cute girl.

             I  shrugged my shoulders in confusion.

              "Hi, Miss?"  I said.

               "Hi, I am Celine Bustier, your teacher, and this is Mrs. Sabine Dupain-Cheng, Marinette's mother,"  The redhead explained to me.

               "Oh, uh, nice to meet you, Miss Bustier and Mrs. Dupain-Cheng," I replied.

                I  shook their hands.

               I saw  Miss cutie, as I secretly nicknamed her,  jaw drop in surprise.

              "So, what brings you here?"

                "You are one of my best students, Adrien. I mismarked your chemistry test. I corrected it. You made a B- on it."  Miss Bustier explained.

                  The cutie's mother sat in the chair next to the bed.

                   I   was not sure what to say to her, to be honest.

                  "Sorry about your memory loss. I must go help Tom in the bakery."  Sabine says. 

                    "Ok, Mrs. uh, sorry, I forget your name," I admitted with embarrassment.

                      "It is Sabine Dupain-Cheng."

                     "Bye, Mrs. Cheng,"  I   waved bye to the lady.

                        The other woman handed me a paper.  She left too.

                        I  read the paper.                    

                      I saw the B- in the right corner next to the words Chemistry test.

                  Whoa, I did not fail it.

                    I was glad.

                    I frowned in confusion.

                    Where was my father?

            "Why is not my father here to see me?" I asked.

              "Your father?" I saw the girl of my affections gasp.

               I nodded my head.

               "Do not you know?"  

                I shook my head.

               Find out more in Chapter 21

              bye, bye little owlets!

             -Summer out!                                                        


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