Spinnerella 2

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I am drowning in drafts and ideas, and the cherry on top is that I'm so lazy so I don't wanna write and when I do I immediately develop a block in my noggin....I have slept for four hours in the last three days. (Stan the Rose)

Wait what if I just write something like-

And Spinnerella snapped your neck, fucking KO, you're dead as fuck bruh, might as well write Petra on your gravestone the way your neck bent like that.

That'd be funny....anyway

I make myself laugh, I'm literally hilarious sometimes guys...damn the self confidence I get at 7AM, I may not be the hottest mf on the block...but I skate and I think that's enough. Actually considering there's only four other houses on the block, I may very well be the hottest mf on the block.

See guys

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See guys...I'm funny as fuck bruh....to myself at the very least. Lemme be smart and give yall advice. As long as you can entertain yourself, as long as you're funny to yourself, you're swag bro. Like sure you're butt ass ugly, you sound like a rat choking on a stick of butter, and smell like my grandma's spaghetti, but you're funny to yourself....so be funny or die.


Okay okay one last thing
Am I funny to yall? Be honest. (If a mf says I'm not funny they will be muted...that's a joke, be honest)

"I'd kiss the homies." Catra muttered, a concerned Perfuma looking her up and down.

"For real?"

"Not you boo."

"Okay, who said I wanted your nasty, furry, hairball spitting lips on me anyways!?"

"You implied it, pinche tonta! Keep your goddamm vine shooting fingers away from me, if I catch a root shooting up my puss-"

"Shut up! Holy shit, shut the fuck up!"

"Shut up? Motherfucker just because you're eight feet fucking tall right now-"

"No! Seriously. Look, fucking lesbians!" The woman pointed, shutting the two somewhat rivals up.


"Scorpia!" Perfuma called, instantly being pulled down behind the bush by Catra.

"Oh my god. There is a reason I fucking whispered. We're surrounded by Horde Prime clones right now, the enemy territory. Do you need me to spell that out? E-N-M-"

"Fucking idiot! Do you need me to spell it out for you!?"

"Okay fucking flower brains, If you're so smart, tell me. What's the plan?"

"Catra we already came up with a plan...back at the base. You remember? Or did all those hairballs take over that peanut sized brain of yours?"

"Peanut? Says the motherfucker who can't defeat a cactus, an intimate object."

"You know I can't control that!"

"Can you two shut up?" Spinnerella spat, threateningly waving her finger in the air.



"Y'all couldn't shut up when an eight feet tall warrior said that?"

"You're not scary, I think it's that big ass four finger forehead, it's ruining it for you. You just look like a less attractive Megamind."

"Less attractive!?"

"Submit yourself to inspection." Before you could kneel in front of the man, he grabbed your jaw, lifting you back up.

"Not here." The part of you that was still there, nearly shitted itself.


"You know where, little sister."


"Brothers!" Two clones swiftly walked into the room, awaiting his orders. "Prepare Y/N for a reset."

"Adora, welcome." The man grinned, stepping down from his throne.


"That makes me sound like Transformer. Address me by my full name."

"Bisexual Ru Paul." The purple haired woman in hiding nearly snorted, her hand slapped over her mouth.

"Poke fun of me all you want now. When I rule, you'll be the first on my soilders list."

"You mean your stupid little clones? That'll be an easy win."

"Will it? Why don't we find out then? Come, little sister." Adora's cocky smirk fell, and your wife nearly gave away her hiding spot.

"Maybe this won't be as easy-wait!" The woman yelled, dodging the nets  you threw at her. "Y/N! Let's talk this one out?" The man swiftly left the room, a nasty smirk on his pale face. Spinnerella finally moved, summoning a strong gust of wind towards you, but you noticed her immediately, and struck the woman with your net, pinning her down with it.

"Shit!" Adora cried, doing her best to avoid your non-stop tossing. She slid to the purple haired woman's side, cutting the nets with one quick slice.

"Go for the neck!" Adora yelled, Spinnerella jumped, a cloud of wind underneath her as she brought her fist down onto the chip in your neck. The thing crackled, sparks shooting from it, but other than that nothing happened.

"It's not working!" Adora quickly grabbed your head, holding you in place so Spinnerella could try breaking the chip once more. Your wife cried, no matter how hard she hit the chip, it didn't break. The longer it went on, the more Adora realized what had to be done, and the more her grip on you loosened.

"Spinnerella, I'm sorry-"

"No, I'll break it. I swear, just give me more time." Your chipped self took the opportunity, slipping out of the blonde's grip and pinning her down. Adora choked out your name, her hands trying to scratch at your face, but you didn't budge, all your weight firmly pressed against the woman's throat. Spinnerella looped her arm around your throat, pulling you off Adora. You struggled against her, but she only tightened her grip, allowing black spots to dart around your vision.

"Spinnerella." You begged her, weakly trying to yank her arms away. "Wait, Spinny!" You fake cried, hiding your smirk with a more panicked look.

"That's not her Spinnerella, you know that." Your wife looked between you and Adora, but never let you go. Not even when you finally went limp, and your heart had come to complete stop.

.....Damn how'd we get here? Alright, bye.

This isn't proofread btw, none of these are.

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