Kokomi Teruhashi 2

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I love this girl but this may or may not be an excuse to write something with Saiki being ur best friend.

"Think about something else." Saiki's voice boomed, you jumped, sitting up in your seat.

"Get out of my head." You could practically see the boys eyes roll behind his weirdly shaped glasses. "You're rolling your eyes, aren't you asshole?"

"Of course not."

"Now you're being a sarcastic shit."

"I am. Now stop thinking and pay attention to the lecture because I'm not helping you later."

"No fair."

"Shut up!" You jumped, his voice deafening in your head.

"Y/LN, settle down." Your teacher glared, stiff as...well something stiff. (wait....NO NOT THAT)


"Can you help me with this one?"


"What!? Come on Kusuo!"

"I told you I wouldn't help you. Not my fault all you do is think about cartoons or what's her face."

"You're lucky I love you." He stayed silent, but did nothing to hide the small smile on his face.

"Hey! You said you weren't hungry!" You scoffed, watching helplessly as Saiki snatched a handful of fries off your plate.

"All this studying, it worked up an appetite." He shrugged, gulping down a swig of his drink.

"You're so annoying."

"Would you rather me go back to being quiet and reserved?"

"Oh god no. I hated that, never knew what the hell you were thinking."

"Behind you." You thankfully weren't startled by his voice ringing in your head, and turned your head to catch a glimpse of blue.

"Is that-"

"She's heading this way."

"Leave your wallet, let's make a run for it-"

"Y/LN, Saiki!" You held back your cry, sinking further into your seat.

"For someone who always wants to be around her, you're doing great at making it seem like you'd rather be anywhere but here."

"Shut up." You spat, glaring at Saiki. He bite down a smirk, tilting his head towards the confused girl.

"I'm sorry?" She frowned, her confidence slightly deteriorating.

"I wasn't talking to you." Saiki couldn't even smile at that one, growing more and more embarrassed for you. "That came out wrong. I wasn't telling you to shut up, I was telling Saiki to shut up." You fumbled, the girl glanced between you and Saiki, who was picking fries off your plate again.

"Eh, right." She muttered, her usual and forced mood wavering. "Anyway, I saw the two of you over here and thought...maybe I could join you?"

"Say no."

"No!? No!?"

"Well not exactly no, but make up an excuse."

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