Robin Buckley 1

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"You know what I love most about this country? Capitalism. Do you know what capitalism is?"

"Ya." Dustin muttered. Your girlfriend, Robin, slouched next to you.

"Ya." She held back a sigh.

"Definitely not."

"Okay you're a dumbass then. Lucky for you, I'm gonna explain what it is."

"Heads up, I will not attain any of the information that's gonna come out of your mouth." Robin gave you a concerned look but you shrugged.

"It means this is a free market system. Which means people get paid for their services depending how valuable their contributions are."

"You're just squeezing into a vent."

"Well can you do it Scooper."

"" You muttered, practically merging with the booth.

"Alright then. You want my help? Then we're talking free ice cream for life!"

"You suck, you know that?" Robin glared, Erica raised her cherry to her mouth, a smug look on her face.

"It's just capitalism losers."

"I still don't know what that is."

"I work for you, but in reality. You work for me."

"Didn't help at all. But thank you."

"You're gonna be slinging ice cream for the rest of your life."


"Nah, Y/N's gonna become a famous politician. Isn't that right ba-bro?"

"Nope, this stupid hat will merge with my head. When I come home one day you're gonna try to take it off of me but I will be scalped in the process."

"Well stop wearing it."

"I could, but it'll probably end up growing legs and climbing my head when I'm asleep."

"I'll wake up every hour and take it off you then."

"You'd get in your car and drive to her house every hour?"

"Nah we'd live together. Best platonic friends for life." You and Dustin shared a weird look but he shrugged it off.

"It'll only need a minute to merge with me."

"Good thing it can't merge with your head in the first place."

"You don't know that." You muttered, grabbing Erica's cup and refilling it for her. Robin got up and walked behind you, feeling a shift in your mood.

"You okay?"


".....Did-...Did that fourth grader genuinely put you down?"

"She's in fifth grade, first of all. Second of all, yes. I don't even know what capitalism is! I won't make it in this world. She's right, I'm gonna be a stupid fucking sailor for life, getting hit on by teenage boys for the rest of my life."

"That's not true...when you're fifty it'll probably be sixty year old diaper wearing grandpa's."

"Thank you, very much appreciated."

"I'm joking! If Steve Harrington can make it, so can you!"

"Well yeah because he has charisma."

"Why'd you say it like that?"

"What do you mean?"

"Charisma." She mocked, you rolled your eyes and sat in one of the chairs in the backroom. "You don't like him. Huh?" She muttered, poking your nose. You slapped her hand away and looked anywhere else but at her.

"He's fine. I just don't like that you liked him and now he likes you."

"Okay that was in high school, and he does not like me. Not even in a platonic way."

"Oh bullshit. I've caught him staring at your ass! It takes a while to find it too, but boy was he searching!" Robin rolled her eyes, and assaulted you. (Slapped your shoulder)

"Wait really? Ew. But who cares!? I'm with you, you're with me. We're with eachother!"

"I care! Y/N cares! He's so touchy too!"

"He's touched me once, to move me out of his way."

"He moved you out of the way by your waist! Also, no one touches their co-workers unless they wanna bone! If he didn't like you he'd wouldn't come a foot near you! I would know, it's happened to me countless of times."

"Sure, it was sudden and surprising but he didn't mean anything by it."

"Mean anything by what?" Steve spoke, Robin jumped away from you. You sighed, hating the feeling growing in your chest. You were not a violent person but you daydreamed about rearranging his face.

"I was just telling Y/N about how you definitely, in zero way, like me in a non-platonic way."

"Why would that be her business."

"Why would that be her business." You muttered, Steve scoffed, setting his hand towel down.

"Did you just mock me?"

"Yes because you're stupid."

"I am, yeah. But then again who's the one who's gonna be scoping ice cream for the rest of their pathetic dyke life."

"I may be serving an insane amount of calories in a cone to diabetic Americans for the rest of my life, but at least I won't be sucking them off in the back of their family SUV."

"Y/N, why don't you and I go manage the front-"

"No! Why don't you go with shit for brains here. I'll stay back here and dump out the expired milk."


"Come on Robin. We can hang out, just us two."

"No! God no." You almost laughed, but stopped yourself by smiling instead, very widely may I add.

"What?" He muttered, hurt and surprised. No girl had ever rejected him.

"I'll stay here with Y/N and dump out the expired milk. It's a lot anyway. You go ahead and manage the front."

"So you're gonna pass me up to hang out with the fag?"

"Woah there. No need to get your panties in a twist Harrington. You're not the hotshot you think you are either."

"Oh so you're a fag too?"

"What." She laughed nervously, glancing between you and Steve.

"Are you a dyke too?"

"No." Your smirk vanished, and you cleared you're throat, embarrassed.


"I am a pretty gay though."

"Fuck yes!"

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