Winifred Burkle

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"Take the girl, I'll take care of them!" You grabbed the dirty women's hand, hopping onto a Pylean citizens horse and pulling her with you.

"Good luck." Lorne sang, his people falling to their knees in pure agony at his singing.

"I don't think we've been followed." You groaned, holding your side as you helped the woman down from the horse. "We should stay on foot, in case they try tracking us down." She stared at you, blank faced. "What? Are you hurt?"

"Beautiful woman...saved me from those monsters." She murmured, her hand pressed to the side of her head.

"Beautiful huh?" You grinned, your ego inflating at the comment.

"Bye!" She dashed past you, stunning you for a moment.

"Hey! Wait a minute!" You groaned, running to keep up with her. When she dissappeard in a cave, you slowed down, hesitantly following her in. You crouched, your hands moving dangling red vines out of your way. "Hello?" You called, finally taking a moment to look around the cave. Writing was etched on the walls, and the woman was crouched in the middle of the cave; muttering as she wrote down even more words on the caves walls. "Lovely place you've got. Listen, I'm sorry if I startled you or something but I'm here to help you. So you don't have to be scared of me or anything. I would never..." You trailed off, meeting her eyes as she finally glanced back at you. "Hurt you." She remained silent, turning back to her writing wall. " don't wanna talk to me?"

"Uh, yeah." She scoffed, not bothering to look at you.

"Well why not?"

"'re not real, or I'm not real. Somebody here isn't real, and I suspect it's you." The more she went on, the angrier she grew. "So if you're not real then that means my head came off back there and then I'm dead now! Dead. And with me being dead and you not being real, I can hardly be expected to have some big conversation with you because it's just too much pressure, alright!" She turned, frustrated.

"Understood." You nodded, wandering around the cave. "Um, what's that you're doing?"

"I think...I saw it in a dream."

"Been here a long time." You murmured, picking up some sort of ID. She laughed, still scribbling away.

"Always. Well, not always. I had a dream, I had a name." She moved closer to you, reaching out to take back her ID.

"Winifred?" You had managed to read before she snatched it from you. "You're her, the girl from Cordelia's vision." She backed away from you, growing confused and fearful.


"They called you Fred, you were studying to be a physicist."

"That's my dream." She gasped, her eyes watering now.

"You dissappeard from the library in Los Angeles five years ago."

"Stop it."

"It's not a dream, Fred."

"It's not?"


"And my heads still on?" You nodded, tapping her glasses as a gesture to prove so. "You're real?" As quick as her smile appeared, it dropped. "Oh no. I don't want you to be real." She panicked, pacing back and forth.


"Because! You're beautiful and nice and you saved me. Bad things will happen to you here. Bad things always happen here."

"No, no. Nothing bads gonna happen. It'll be okay, we'll get you out of here."


"Yeah, me and my friends. We're working on a way to get out of here."

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