Xu Xialing 2

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I'm finally back, these past few momths have been absolute hell but it's all good now! Here's the part 2 to Xialing that I am so fucking late with, I am so so sorry!

"You're awake!" Shaun grinned, standing from the dining table to hug you. A firm voice broke the two of you apart, startling you.

"Y/N, nice to meet you." The man grinned, though it didn't reassure you one bit. You hesitantly took his hand, your eyes lingering on the bracelets traveling down his arms.

"Nice to meet you too, sir." You nodded, sitting besides Xialing. When you thought the man was gonna remain silent for the rest of the dinner, he spoke.

"Y/N, what's your Chinese name?"

"Uh...I don't have one?" He stared at his daughter, his eyebrow raised in a manner you couldn't quite figure out.

"Intresting." He hummed, his eyes returning back to his food. "Do you have someone back home?"

"No sir."

"What about a job?"

"Yes sir."

"That's good, what do you do?" You grimaced, glancing at Shaun and Katie.

"I'm a valet driver." You murmured, picking at your food and avoiding his stare. He once again stared at his daughter, seemingly trying his best to bite back a rude remark.

"How...humble." He nodded, finally stopping his dinner interrogation.

"She's actually been promoted to manager." Shaun smiled, trying to save your dignity and image.

"Yup! She's our boss, right Y/N?"

"Uh, I guess so yeah." It failed miserably to say the least.

"Climbing up the valet ladder? Lovely."

"Father." Xialing spoke, glaring at the leader of the Ten Rings.

"I'm just asking questions, that's all."

"They're not necessary."

"Don't you dare speak to me like that."

"I don't think she meant it in a rude-"

"Y/N." Shaun kicked your foot, giving you a look, one you recognized as the Shut the fuck up look. One you were commonly receiving.

"-They couldn't get enough of it." The strange man laughed, straightening his posture.

"...Right." You tuned out the rest of their conversation, watching Xialing pace around the room.

"What are you doing?" She gave you a glance, running her fingertips along the wall.

"Give me a moment." You moved closer, practically hovering over her. You couldn't ask another question before she had kicked at the wall, causing the brick to come tumbling down. You inhaled a thick fog of dust and dirt, coughing heavily and swatting your hand to clear the air.

"Holy shit!"

"Dad built an underground compound, it runs through the whole building. That's how I escaped last time."

"...Holy shit!"

"Your aunt seems nice." You nodded, approaching Xialing. You sat next to her, glancing at the complicated looking weapon in her hands.

"She gave this to me."

"Can't say I've ever gotten a gift quite like that." She laughed, letting a comfortable silence fall between you both.

"I'm sorry about my father."

"Don't be, I've dealt with worse."

"Are you saying you've seen plenty of women before?"

"Countless." Xialing rolled her eyes, moving to stand up. You remained seated, watching her.

"I'm gonna go train, would you like to come with?"

"Watch you train? Of course." You grinned, jumping to your feet. "This can be like a mini date."

"Mini date? I'm not sure that exist."

"Have you not seen any romantic movies before?"


"Well after this whole thing with your father is over, that'll absolutely have to change." You smiled, interlocking her fingers with yours and pulling her towards an empty patch of grass to train at.

"Y/N! Have you seen Shaun?!" Xialing panicked, running towards you and Katy. You shook your head, growing increasingly nervous.

"Go find him, we'll deal with these fucking deformed bats!" Katy reassured, returning to the group of people wielding bows and arrows. Xialing hesitated, as if debating something in her head. Without anymore hesitation, Xialing pulled you into her by your shirt. The woman had left you breathless and you couldn't help but smile against her lips.

"Be safe." She simply stated, letting you go and running off to find her brother.

"Y/N, take cover!" You snapped out of your lovesick trance, scrambling to take shelter.

Timeskip (Back in the U.S.)

"You again?" Shaun groaned, stepping out of your way and letting you into his apartment.

"Where's Xialing?"

"She just left to the market across the street, should be back soon." He called, rushing around his apartment in search for something.

"What are you looking for?"

"My jacket."

"Do you mean the one on the hook?" You grinned, pointing at said jacket hanging by the front door.

"Yes! Thank you."

"You going somewhere?"

"Double date. Katy insisted I go with her and her girlfriend to this bar. Supposedly they have a cute friend they wanna introduce me to." He shrugged, throwing on his jacket.

"Is he white?"

"Hopefully not." He sighed, catching the keys you had tossed him.

"Got your wallet?"

"Yes-...no." You tsked, watching him search his pockets.

"On the counter."

"Thanks." He huffed, his nerves getting the best of him. You looked up from the TV, turning to face the man.

"You okay?"

"A little nervous, that's all."

"Why? It's just a guy."

"I've never been on a date!" You groaned, grabbing the mans hand and pulling him to sit on the couch next to you.

"Listen, after you go on this date everything will get easier! No matter how this date goes, which I'm positive will go great, at least you'll have experienced first date nerves! That way, you'll be prepared for next time."

"Okay, okay. You're right! You're absolutely right."

"Take my advice Shaun, I'm dating your extremely hot sister. I know what I'm doing." You smirked, the man grimaced, shivering in disgust as he got up and made his way to the door. Before he could open it, the door swung open, nearly hitting him.

"Speaking of extremely hot!" Your girlfriend rolled her eyes at you, biting back a smile.

"Going somewhere, Shaun?" Xialing placed the bags down, staring to sanitize and put the items away.

"A double date." You joined the two siblings in the kitchen, staring at Xialing shamelessly. "I'm leaving before I see something I don't wanna." He scoffed, rolling his eyes at your blatant gaze.

"Be home before ten!"

"As long as you're gone before ten!"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2022 ⏰

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