Lela TBM

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"Brady, is it just me or did those surfer dudes just come out of the water completely dry?" You muttered, staring in astonishment as they dance and sang in sync.

"Holy shit, I think...we're in, Wet Side Story!"

"What the fuck did you just say? What the fucking shit on a dick is Wet Side Story?!"

"The movie! From the 60's-" You snapped your head towards the ecstatic blonde.

"Are you talking about that movie you were watching-"

"Yes! Holy shit, holy shit!" He attempted to run towards the crowd, but you grabbed his arm and yanked him to hide behind the turned over boat.

"Are you fucking crazy?! We've been washed up on the set of some fucking teen flick from a bazillion years ago and the first thing you wanna do is join the circus?!"

"A circus of beautiful people on a perfect beach?! Of course I do!"

"Listen here, we need to stay low and find out a way to get home-...do you hear that?" Brady stared at you, shrugging.

"I don't hear anything."

"Exactly. You've watched this stupid movie a lot, where'd those freaks go?"

"No! I missed the part where Tanner came in!" Brady whined, jumping up from your hiding spot. He grabbed your arm and dragged you to a shack a few yards away. "Quick! This is the part where Butchy and his gang join!"


"Bikers...and surfers, of course." You murmured, hiding behind a palm tree with Brady.

"That guys insanely buff, who's that again?"

"Butchy." Brady sighed, staring at the man in awe. You nodded, watching the two groups bicker. You frowned in confusion, as they suddenly stopped arguing.

"What are they doing?" You whispered, Brady simply pointed. You followed his finger, your eyes nearly popping out of their sockets upon seeing the girl.

"Jesus christ, who's that!?"

"Lela, Butchy's younger sister." Brady glanced at you, smirking. "You got a little bit of drool-"

"Shut your dumbass up."

"Sorry." The two of you watched in silent awe, the biker group dance and sang, you weren't ever going to admit it but it was a pretty catchy tone.

"They're pretty good-...Brady?" You whispered, searching the room for your friend. A voice singing had caused you to do a complete 180, Brady. The blonde had completed ignored your comment on staying low. He dance and sang, not a care in the world.

You walked around the shack, avoiding the men and women dancing. Occasionally slapping someone's hand away from yours. Brady followed you around, begging you to join in on the fun.

"Come on Y/N! We're stuck here, we might as well enjoy ourselves." He shrugged, playfully dancing around you. You jokingly pushed the boy, causing him to stumble into someone's arms. The two men stared at eachother, you looked around the room, standing to the side of them awkwardly.

"I'm...just...okay." You excused yourself, coincidentally at the same time you caught a glimpse of someone about to fall off the stage, you ran forward, catching the girl. You blushed profusely, it was the girl from earlier. Lela, you had faintly remembered. She locked her arms around your neck, continuing her song.

"Oh fuck." You muttered, the girl basically serenading you.

"Oh fuck." Brady mumbled, as Tanner still held onto him, staring at Brady like he was the love of his life. You and Brady locked eyes, both panicked. You put the girl down, and managed to pull yourself away from her tight grasp. Brady had done the same, thanking the tan man before running off towards you.

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