Natasha Romanoff

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I'd put a gif for her, but I'm mad at her for unnecessarily sacrificing herself. It should've been Clint 💔

"That's childish."

"It's genius." You scoffed, filling up the sand buckets with something that wasn't sand.

"Ketchup and soy sauce? You're Bill Gates."

"Exactly. Now, are you gonna stand there, all...uh, Natasha like, or are you gonna lend me a hand?"


"Pass me the buckets." You whispered, holding back a sneeze as the dust wafted around you. Natasha stood, watching with regret as you beamed down at her, hand held out.

"What if there's rats in there?"

"Don't say that!"

"I'm just giving you a warning, those vents aren't the cleanest."

"Just hand me the buckets, Nat."

"Alright, but don't say I didn't warn you."

"So, I somehow gather up the whole team and get them to stand directly under this vent?"

"Yes, though Sam, Tony, and Wanda would be just fine."

"I'll see what I can do."

"Thank you!" You waved, sneezing loudly as the woman walked away from where you hid, two buckets of ketchup and soy sauce next to you.

Wanda had seen right through Natasha's lies, but still followed. She may have done a little snooping into the woman's mind, reading her thoughts and engulfing herself in Natasha's memories.

"These bitches gay, good for them. Good for them." Is what the witch had immediately thought, a sense of pride washing over her considering she was the first one to have found out.

"I don't have all day Romanoff. What's this all about?" You grinned at Tony's impatient tone, swinging open the vent and pouring the disgusting substance onto the three. You watched mercilessly, your three friends slipping and sliding all over the place, their eyes and mouths shut tight. Sam had began choking, accidently inhaling the thick liquid.

"Fuck you! You motherfuckers, shit on a fucking dick!"

"I just wanna know one thing. How'd you get Natasha to help you out?" Tony murmured, a towel wrapped around his head. The team stood around the room, glancing between Tony, who was picking ketchup out of his ear, and you, who had been forced to mop up the mess. Wanda smirked, enjoying the awkward silence.


"We're a team, aren't we? Ride or die." Natasha interrupted, nonchalantly taking a gulp of her drink. The team nodded, believing the semi white lie and dropping it. That was until, you had began talking.

"Yeah! Yeah! No, of course. I'd totally ride you."



"Mmh, this is definitely fruity."

I thought this would be wasn't what I thought I'd be, but what can you do?

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