Shouko Nishimiya

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Best what? character. Not up for debate.

This means they're signing, I'm not about to put "he signed" or "she signed" after someone talks.

"Hello, I'm Ishida Shoya."

"I'm not deaf."

"Oh. Well, hi."


"Have you seen Nishimiya Shouko?" He murmured, peering over your shoulder on his tippy toes.


"Um...I see her sitting over there-"

"No you don't." You finished, slamming the door closed.

"Who was that?" The mentioned girl grinned, pointing at the door behind you.

"Just some loser."

"Oh, it's you again."

"Yeah, hello-"

"Who do you think you are!" A new boy huffed, wagging his finger at you.

"Who are you?" You grimaced, slapping said finger away.

"This man's best friend, that's who! How dare you refuse to let him see his future wife!"

"Future what?" You nearly gagged, successfully hiding your jealousy.

"Don't listen to him. Please excuse us." The taller boy sighed, bowing respectfully before attempting to drag his friend away.

"Don't apologize to this guy!"

"I'm very clearly a woman."

" are?" You scoffed, shutting the door on the two once again. You dragged your feet back to your table, where your best friend waited patiently.

"Loser again?"

"Yup. Say, do I look like a man?" She frowned, shaking her head.

"You look like and are a very beautiful woman."

"Back at you." You beamed, feeling your face flush bright red.

"Again?" You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose in annoyance.

"We won't stop until you let him see his soul mate." You frowned, thinking the short boys words over and over again.

"Fine. Wait out here."


"Listen nutsack, she's busy right now. In case you haven't noticed, this is a sign language class." You spat, successfully shutting the nuisance up. "Alright then, wait out here."

"I'm nervous."

"I'll be with you the whole time." You reassured, she nodded, breathing in and out a couple times to hype herself up. "Ready?" You laughed, she ignored you, dragging you out the door before she could get the chance to change her mind.

"Ah! Hello, Nishimiya. This is my best friend, Nagatsuka Tomohiro." The boy beamed, pointing at the annoying kid afterwards. She dropped your hand, stepping forward a few mere inches.

"Hello, it's good to see you again." She nodded, her hands trembling as she signed. You stood behind her, staring blankly at her old bully and his bodyguard like friend. "This is my best friend, Y/LN Y/N." She beamed, grabbing you by your wrist and tugging you to stand beside her.

"Y/LN, glad to put a name to the face." Ishida smiled, his friend glaring at you.

"Right." You made eye contact, tilting your head slightly at Shouko.

"Oh! Sorry, my mistake." He fumbled, glancing at the girl next to you with an apologetic smile. "It slipped my mind, I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize, it was a simple mistake."

"Right. I mean, it's better than when you relentlessly harassed her for months, going as far as to destroy her hearing aids. So, really. It's nothing." You glared, Ishida gulped, looking down in shame afterwards. Nishimiya  gasped, punching your shoulder. She inched closer to the boy, tilting his head up with her index finger.

"Do excuse her, she's a little protective." You rolled your eyes, slipping away from the group.

"Hey, where's she going!" Nagatsuka called, tapping the taller boys shoulder and pointing at you. The two boys turned their heads, causing Nishimiya to look your way too.

"I have to go. It was nice talking to you." She frowned, quickly making her way for you. The two boys waved, uselessly. Standing in silence for a minute afterwards.

"So...what did you guys talk about?"


"I won't apologize."

"I know."

"How's your sister doing?"

"Still a dropout."

"Well, how about in general?" You laughed, leading the girl down the hall to her apartment. She didn't respond, opting instead to grab your wrist, making sure you wouldn't bump into anyone or anything as you walked backwards. You gently tugged your wrist out of her grip, laughing at her. "I walk backwards so we can talk. I can't talk to you when you hold my hands."

"You can go a few minutes without waving your hands away."

"So mean."

"Me? Are we going to just forget about what you told Ishida?" You nodded, pulling the girl into a hug. She groaned after a few minutes, attempting to shove you away.

"Nagatsuka, Ishida." You nodded, walking up to them with Shouko practically clinging to you.

"Y/LN." The nutsack muttered, giving you an uneasy look.

"Hello. Could I speak to Shouko for a few minutes?"

"Nishimiya." You corrected.

"Sorry! Of course, Nishimiya."

"Alright. Follow me." She smiled, letting go of your arm and grabbing his wrist, beaming now as she lead him further down the sidewalk.

"So. Are you single?"


"Alright. Do you have a boyfriend then?"

"Shut up."

"A girlfriend?"


"A crush?"

"I don't even know you."

" it Shouko?"


"Right. Is it Nishimiya?"

"Wait what!?" You screeched, your body taking a screenshot at his statement.

"So you do like her? That's too bad, Ishida's asking her out right now."

"He is?" You gulped, forcing yourself to tear your eyes away from the two.

"Yeah. Hopefully she says yes, he's really crazy about her."

"I'm going home." You murmured, practically snatching your bike from off the ground.

"Aw, come on! I get you like her, but you've gotta be here to celebrate!"

"Do you ever shut the fuck up?" You spat, not looking at him as you quickly peddled away, leaving your best friend to walk herself back home.

Ushy gush my pussy

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