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This was it.

Today was the day you would decide which regiment to join. 

All the training

All the sacrifice

All the bloodshed

The possibility of being able to find yourself..

Today was the day you would decide if you would continue to fight on the front lines of humanity as a scout, or retreat behind the safety of the walls once again as part of the Military Police.

You sighed out loud as you sat with your back against the cold wall of the small yard that lead into the hallways of the cadet dorms, the cold wind of the early hours sharply keeping you awake. 

The specific section that this small yard was in was enclosed between the other buildings of HQ, but you could still clearly see the Great Wall Maria in direct eye level. You had always known you wanted to work your hardest and use your skills to prove you were able to join the Military Police, after all, who would turn down a life of further ease just to fight those ugly bastards some more. At least, that was how you felt until you and your comrades had come up close and personal with said ugly bastards. 

Eventhough you had very much proven your ability to join the Military Police, everyday brought further doubt into your mind. Maybe the Scouts would be your only strange comfort. Being able to be amongst people who fully understood the weight of watching friends die and being unable to help.

As you sat there trying to make a decision, you thought over the events that had lead you to this inner doubt.

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