Chapter 19 - Friends

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Levi walked past the Hospital and I was still in his arms.

"I thought you were taking me to the hospital" I mumbled into his shoulder. He now had me slung over it like a fireman.

"You and I both know if I take you there your childish ass is not gonna stay put" He replied as we got further away from the city centre. 

"Where are we going then? I'm sure I can walk"

He put me down but continued to hold my arm as we walked.

"My office. We still need to clean you up"

We continued walking until we were just outside the city and reached the dorms of all the cadets which also held the offices of the higher-ups.

We reached Levis office and he finally let go of my arm. I stood there awkwardly, still feeling pissed off and confused. I was not in the mood for this today. It was dark by now and raining harder than earlier. 

"Sit down here" Levi pointed to a chair at his desk as he disappeared into his bathroom. I looked around at the office around me and took it all in. It was extremely clean and everything was neatly placed. 

I didn't dare touch anything I was worried he would freak out if anything was out of place. I couldn't help but feel slightly happy inside that he had cared enough to take me himself to his office and help me. 

He appeared a few moments later with a first aid kit and some cleaning alchol. 

He sat on his desk and got everything he needed out of the kit. 

"Come here" He beckoned me over and I got chills. In a pretty good way.

I wheeled the chair over to him until I was right in front of him. He tutted and grabbed the sides of the chair, bringing me even closer until I was between his legs. I blushed slightly and hoped there was enough blood on my face to cover it up. 

"This is gonna hurt a bit" He explained as he got some of the liquid on a cotton bud and held my face gently. He pressed it against my cheek and I winced in pain, feeling my eyes water. 

He didn't say anything, but began to clean me up more gently. 

"Those pigs opened your stitches back up" He mumbles examining my face more. "Are you hurt anywhere else?" 

I shook my head and tried to avoid eye contact with him as he finished cleaning me. 

"Are you gonna tell me what's going on?" I questioned crossing my arms.

Levi sighed and sat back, running his fingers through his hair before explaining.

"The garrison freaked out when they realised Eren was a titan and almost killed him. Luckily commander Pyxis stepped in just in time to save him and your other friends from cannon fire. Pyxis formed a plan with Eren to plug the hole in the wall using his Titan ability so I guess at least we know the freaky bastard can control it." He continued on as he began to re do the stitches in my cheek. 

"Of course as usual, the Military Police isn't convinced and doesn't trust us. Tomorrow there will be a court case to figure out what we'll do with Eren. As the scouts, we'll do our best to gain custody of him and take him on an expedition outside the walls and use his ability to our advantage" He finished explaining and put the supplies away. 

I sat there for a moment in deep thought. I still had so many unanswered questions, as I'm sure everyone else did including Armin and Mikasa. 

Armin and Mikasa

"Where are Armin and Mikasa??? And why were we split up from Eren?" I asked quickly. 

Levi was silent for a moment and looked down at the floor "They were likely taken back to the rest of the cadets at the top of the wall" 

I watched as Levi kept his eyes fixated on the floor, his eyebrows furrowed. He really was beautiful. 

"Where's Eren?" I asked quietly. 

"I'm not telling you that" 

"Why?" I stood up quickly and balled my fists, looking down at Levi who was still sat on the desk. 

"Because you're a reckless child and you'll do something stupid" He suddenly shouted, now also standing and looking down at me. 

I was taken aback by the choice of words he used. 

"You don't need to stick your nose in places that are not your business. You've been told everything you need to know now stop asking questions." He pushed past me hitting his shoulder into mine and walked over to the window to look out.

I could tell he wasn't really angry with me for asking. Or at least me asking questions wasn't the only reason he was getting worked up. 

I took a deep breath and approached him standing a bit behind him. 

"Captain," I said gently looking down at the floor. He turned to look at me.

"When we first met I was young and weak, and I understand that it's hard for you to not see me as anything but that child you saved in Shiganshina" I looked up and met his eyes taking a step closer. "And it's slowly all coming back to me in bits and pieces, but I need you to understand that I don't even know who that person is anymore. I'm strong and I'm not an idiot." 

He was watching me intensely as I spoke, it was off-putting, but I continued.

"I don't know why you feel the need to be so protective of me but I can see that you just have my back and always have." I sighed and sat down heavily on the desk and put my head in my hands and I heard him step closer to me as I finished. 

"So if you can stop treating me like a reckless child" I looked back up at him "Then I can stop acting like one and feeling like I have to prove I'm not"

I smiled up at him, and his eyes softened. He didn't say anything but he definitely took it in and listened to my every word.

"We could start by being friends?" I held my hand out playfully for him to shake. He scoffed slightly but took my hand and gave it a firm shake. 

"You'll see Eren tomorrow in court. You have to come along. You should head down for dinner, I'm sure Mikasa and Armin will be there" He replied bluntly 

"Thank you sir" I said genuinely 

"It's Levi" He said as he went to the door and held it open for me 

"Thank you Levi" I smiled and left his office

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