Chapter 13 - Assault on the city

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I sped behind Levi who wasn't saying another word to me 

Why was he so pissed off. 

I saw another titan coming up to the left of me so I veered off path and took it out, Levi was watching closely and I did so. 

People were fleeing down below us as we raced through the air. A few citizens stopped and pointed towards us as we went. 


Levi rolled his eyes and the people below marvelled at him, he was basically a celebrity at this point. He swiftly took out three titans that were in his path and I couldn't help but also watch in awe as he did it. He still wasn't saying a word. I jerked slightly in the air and realised that my gas was quickly running out. One thing I did need to learn how to do was manoeuvre around kills without using an excessive amount of gas. "Shit" I muttered under my breath as I struggled to stay airborne. Levi turned back around to me "What is it?" He shouted back in my direction. "I think I'm running out of gas si-" and with that I was suddenly falling.

I had run out there and then mid sentence. I screamed as I fell face first onto a rooftop, sliding down and blasting my last wire out to connect with the rooftop just before I hit the ground. I looked around but Levi was nowhere to be seen. My blood was pumping and this point and I was suddenly made aware of how terrified I was. The lack of adrenaline that had left my system now meant that my cheek was also beginning to really fucking hurt. 

I reached up to the roof and tried to pull myself up, when my hand was grabbed by someone on top. The hand pulled me up and I let myself fall on my back, breathing heavily. "(Y/N)! Oh thank god" I glanced up to see it was Reiner who had pulled me up. He used his arms to bring me into a hug and I clung onto his tall, strong frame and closed my eyes. "Jesus Christ I thought I was gone" I whispered into his shoulder "It's okay you're safe now" He stroked my hair gently and slowly brought me to arms length. "What the hell happened to your face?" He asked suddenly shocked at the blood pouring from my cheek. "My wire broke and it hit me in the face, don't worry I'm fine I'll get in patched up later" I stood up and immediately collapsed. "Hey, take it easy" I heard Annie say as she brought her hand to my back sitting me back up. Bertolt was watching silently as usually, but he had a look of concern on his face. 

There were a few other cadets up on the rooftop with us, I assumed the rest of their squad and maybe another too 

"I'm fine guys seriously don't worry, just a bit shaken up" I took a deep breath and went to stand up again, when I heard someone land on the roof next to me, followed by quick footsteps and more people landing.

"(Y/N)?? What the hell!" I looked up to see Jean, Connie and Marco running towards me. "Jean!" Suddenly the sight of him made me feel a burst of energy inside of me.

I think almost dying made me feel a certain type of way.

I jumped up and jumped into Jeans arms. He picked me up and held me tightly around my waist and I wrapped my legs around him. Connie and Marco ran towards the other three and I could hear them all talking about what was happening. 

"Are you okay? You're bleeding!" Jean let go of me and cupped my face in his hands moving my face to the side that was cut. "For god sake I'm fine" I grabbed his hands and pushed them down and away from my face. "But I do need new gear and more gas. My wire is snapped and I'm completely out" I said knocking on my gas tank. I turned to look at HQ which would be where my gas would be coming from and noticed it wasn't too far away. I squinted my eyes and shielded them from the sun. 

"Where's Mikasa??" I started to panic as I scanned the rooftops for her. 

"Uh- as far as I know she's fighting alongside other elites-" 

"I need to find her. Armin and Eren too" I interrupted Jean mid sentence and made my way to the end of the rooftop. I looked up again to scan the city one more time. I caught sight of Mikasa, mid kill a few houses along. Not too far for me to run.

"It's a far drop the ground from here, but if I land right I should be fine." I spoke out loud to myself ruling out the possibilities. "If I run fast enough through that little ally I can make it over to her without being seen by any nearby titans-" 

"There's no way you're doing that. Get on my back" Reiner interrupted my train of thought and picked me up, throwing me on his back before I could protest. He sped his way between the houses, quicker than I could think and landed on the rooftop above Mikasa. 

"R-right, thank you" I stuttered out jumping off of his back and brushing myself off. We were shortly followed by Jean and the others. I ran to the edge of the roof and poked my head over to see Mikasa down below. 

"Mikasa!" I shouted down to her and she turned to look at me. She looked shocked at first before relief flooded her face. 

"Thank god you're okay! I was getting worried about you. What happened to your-"

"No time to explain. Where's Armin and Eren?" I shouted down to her.

 "I couldn't tell you! I've been trying to find them and killing as many titans as I can but I can't see them anywhere. There's just- there's just so many of them" She responded as she looked around desperately. 

"Come up here" I held out my hand for her as she used her ODM to get halfway up. I grabbed her hand and pulled her up onto the rooftop. I stood up and looked around. It was starting to get cloudy and I assumed it was going to rain. 

My blood was still pumping and my heart was beating fast. The blood from my cheek had stopped flowing out, for now, but it was still agonisingly painful. I still needed gas. I turned back to look at HQ only to see it was now overrun with Titans. 

"Shit. There goes my gas." I said to myself looking down at my snapped wire. I turned around to see Sasha, Ymir and Krista were now with us and frantically talking to Mikasa. "Hey guys! Armin's over here" Annie shouted from behind the chimney of the roof. Mikasa and I ran over to a practically comatose Armin who was staring dead ahead not saying a word.  

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