Chapter 12 - The Second Breach

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"We basically took you in after that" Hange continued on. "Took you to Erwin's office and he decided it would be best if we kept you in our care until we figured out what to do with you, that easily turned into a long ass time" Levi joined in the conversation "Tch It was a massive inconvenience. As if we didn't have enough to worry about without a useless child around who could barely even defend herself. I thought after that show with the Titan you'd be more sturdy, but you couldn't even handle a small one to one spar" He continued as he rolled his eyes and pushed himself back from the wall. 

I looked down at my hands as he bore into me with useless criticism. Nonetheless, I let him do it. I suppose it must have been annoying. I couldn't believe the words I was hearing. What are the chances that three of my superiors happen to be the people who I can rely on to help me remember my past. "(Y/N), I understand if you want to join the military police, and I'm sure you have proven yourself beyond worthy" Erwin started as he sighed he continued "But if you would consider the way we could benefit in the scouts from your remarkable instincts and overall skills, we could also be close enough to you to help you piece together your past" I looked up in shock at this surprising request. 

"Quite frankly in my opinion, if you chose to join those pigs in the interior rather than use the skills you were born with to benefit humanity on the front lines, you would be incredibly selfish." Levi stated bluntly as he glared at you with icy eyes. "Plus, stupid to think you could ever truly be safe in this world. That is the reason you want to join the military police right?" He came closer to me, very much intimidating me more with his stare. I looked back at him and stood my ground. I opened my mouth to answer, when someone burst in through the office door. It was a young scout soldier.

We all jerked our heads around to see what he had to say. He was covered in sweat and saluted quickly before he started talking


My mouth fell open and my eyes widened. I looked over at Erwin who's eyes had also widened slightly "Tch those dirty bastards" Levi mumbled as he took his jacket off in preparation for combat. "Holy shit" Hange whispered, also fumbling to get ready to fight. "Very well soldier, thank you and do your duty" Erwin dismissed the terrified young soldier. I was still In shock and sitting down. "Hange, get to your squad and get going to commence a counterattack on the incoming titans" Hange nodded and ran out of her office swiftly. Erwin turned to me and then to Levi. "Levi, take (Y/N) back to her post at the top of the wall to receive her orders and keep her safe at all costs" Erwin then turned out of the room and ran to the exit of the building. 

"Are you just gonna sit there and wait for me to carry you out of here? Get a move on brat" Levi grabbed my arm tightly and pulled me out of the building with him. I got my shit together and yanked my arm away from him, running myself. I ended up ahead of him and stopped dead in my tracks to see a Titan right outside the doorway. I furrowed my eyebrows and decided to take in myself. 

"First Titan kill, lets go" I thought to myself, but in the split seconds of my thinking to myself, Levi had already soared up to the nape and cut it down himself. I rolled my eyes and followed him with my ODM gear up to the top of the wall. It was completely deserted with no sign of the colossal titan, just like 4 years ago. "Shit, the other cadets must have already gone to fight. You're gonna have to stay with me and my squad for now (Y/N)." I looked at him and nodded quickly, following him down onto the rooftops. There was a female scout and three other men waiting down on the rooftops. "Captain Lev- who is that?" The girl questioned looking me up and down. She was giving me hostile vibes which felt totally unnecessary. "Why have you brought a cadet down here? Are you crazy?" A tall blonde man commented also looked me up and down with slightly less hostility, more just concern. "Don't worry sir I'm quite alright to handle myself" I saluted confidently to the man and he just nodded his head. 

"We don't have time for questions. Petra, Gunther take out those titans to the left, Eld and Oluo the ones on the right. These abnormals are mine." I quickly realised that I was standing face to face with the special operations squad. I had no time to be star struck, but I couldn't help but feel slightly proud to be able to fight alongside them. "(Y/N) stay here and try not to get yourself killed" Levi commented as he ran to the edge of the rooftop" I scowled and replied "What? No I want to help!" I followed him and ran alongside him on the roof.

"Don't be ridiculous rookie, the only reason you're here with me is because we have yet to find the rest of your team now pipe down and stay here" 

"No way. I'm sorry sir but I'm not going to sit here and do nothing while you fight when I could be doing the same"

"It's too dangerous you'll get yourself killed (L/N)"

"I'm not a little kid anymore Captain, I'm 18!"

"Damnit listen and stay put you brat!" 

In the time me and Levi had been arguing back and forth the three abnormals from in front of us had been getting closer and closer. I decided now was my time to prove him wrong. 

I threw myself off of the rooftop and heard Levi shouting after me, but I didn't listen. I knew I could do it. 

These are abnormals (Y/N) remember. You can't predict these guys. 

I went for the obvious just to see how it would react by attaching my wires to the nape. The titans hand came straight away to grab my wire, snapping it.

Shit now I only have one working wire. 

I swung myself back around to land on it's head, and with one swift movement, I blinded it. It brought it's hands up to it's now empty eye sockets and while it was occupied, I swung once more back to the nape and slashed it open. 

As it fell to the ground, I watched and saw Levi taking down the other two. I landed myself back on the rooftop and waited for him with my arms crossed. 

I smiled triumphantly as he made his way towards me. "What the hell is wrong with you" He screamed at you from the other side of the rooftop. I dropped my arms to my sides "What do you mean?? I took him out didn't I? No harm done" I answered back. Irritated that he just wanted to have an argument. "No harm done?" He replied sarcastically and he lifted his hand up to my face and touched my cheek. "You're bleeding you idiot. It's deep too" Shit. I must have been cut by my wire when it snapped and not noticed. He wiped away some blood with his freezing cold hand and then reached down to my gear. 

"Your wire is broken too. I'd say harm was most definitely done" He growled and ran his hands through his hair. "It can be replaced" I snapped back folding my arms and looking down. 

"Not your face though. I'll be pissed if that leave a scar." He mumbled quietly. I looked back at him confusion on my face. "Why do care anyway" I kicked the ground, feeling moody now. 

"Tch, stop acting like a toddler. We still have shit to do. Most importantly you need new gear." He responded bluntly as he took off over the rooftops again. 

I rolled my eyes but followed him nonetheless. 

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