Chapter 27 - The Mission

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Erwins voice rang out across the field, we split up into our formations.

As me and the rest of Levi squad, including Eren, split off from the rest of the regiment, Mikasa and I exchanged a nod before we were out of everyone's sight. 

We rode in silence for about 20 minutes until Eren rod up beside me. 

"Isn't this incredible?" He spoke to me as he gazed into the distance. 

I nodded my head looking around us as the green grass and tall trees were bathed in sunlight. 

It seemed like paradise, until we were reminded of why we were here. 

Levi turned his head to our right and spoke out for the first time since the mission started. 

"Red smoke to our right, Petra"

"Yes sir" Petra reached down to her saddle pocket and fired off a red signal 

"We'll veer off to the left to avoid the titan, but if we come across any don't hesitate to intervene but don't you dare get yourself killed" Levi turned around to address all of us, making direct eye contact with me when he said that last part. 

"Yes sir" We spoke in unison as we veered off to the left. 

We began to be enclosed in a forest of massive trees and started spotting other squads, we all had no choice but to head into the forest. 

My mind kept flashing back to something that had happened a few weeks earlier. 

Hange had kept two titans held hostage to conduct experiments, but one day we were all awoken by the sound of her screaming. 

We all ran downstairs and out into the yard to see what the noise was about, just in time to see the two titans both beginning to evaporate into thin air. Hange was beside herself with anger and sadness, Moblit stood by her side trying to calm her down when Erwin came up behind both me and Eren and placed a hand on our shoulder. 

"Look at what's in front of me and tell me who you think the real enemy is"

Me and Eren glanced at eachother in confusion and discussed what we think that might mean over the course of the next few weeks but could never come to a conclusion about it.

- End of Flashback -

We rode for about 10 more minutes until I got a chill up my spine, the hairs on the back of my neck stood up on end and my right ear grew hot. 

I widened my eyes and spoke up immediately. 

"Sir there's something coming up on the right, I think it's a titan but it's at least 14m" My eyes glazed over as I figured out out loud what was coming towards us.

Petra and Eld were staring at me with blank expressions and Levi watched and listened intensely. 

"Continue through the forest"

"But sir shouldn't we intervene?" Eren spoke up

"I said continue" Levi said through gritted teeth.

We did as he commanded and headed straight for the path through the forest. We were completely surrounded by gigantic trees and noticed there were now other scouts dotted around us amongst them. 

I decided to ride up beside Levi and attempt to talk. 

"Sir" He turned his head to look at me, his expression surprised for a moment but quickly went back to a blank expression as he faced forwards again. 

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