Chapter 17 - Waking Up

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My head was feeling dizzy.

I think it must have been the mixture of Eren emerging from a titan, this whole day being crazy, and the extreme pain that was still radiating from my cheek. 

We were now all sat up on the roof top, confused and in silence. 

God my head hurt. 

Mikasa and Armin were still sat with Eren, who was now lying on the floor. Just breathing.

I sat against the top of the chimney with my head in my hand and heard footsteps approaching. I looked up to see Jean standing above me. 

He sat himself next to me and I leaned my head against his shoulder. 

"So what now" Jean said quietly to me. I looked up at him, confused. 

"We have Eren back but he's a titan??" He continued staring over at Eren. "We're still surrounded by the fuckers so what do we do? Carry on fighting or what? Who do we even tell about this?" 

I understood his confusion. A part of me felt like we should keep it to ourselves, but realistically none of us knew what was going on. If we kept it to ourselves and people found out that would seem suspicious.

"I think we should tell Erwin" I said quietly. I knew I trusted him.

"What? Why him?" Jean questioned 

"I trust him to do the right thing. People are obviously going to fear what they don't understand but he won't do anything out of fear or shock" I responded confidently. Jean shrugged but agreed with me, and Armin did the same. 

"(Y/N)'s right. But for now we should go to the wall. (Y/N) is injured and I'm guessing Erens not in great shape either." Armin was one of the only things making sense right now, so we all agreed. 

I took my head away from Jeans shoulder and began to stand up, but my head was scrambled. I stood up too quickly and immediately lost my balance and felt myself falling. The last thing I heard was Mikasa calling my name before my head hit the ground. 


I sat in a bright white room, full of strange people I didn't recognize. I think I was in a hospital. The man and woman who saved me were stood in front of me, joined by a tall man with blonde hair.

"She doesn't have any injuries at all. She got past a titan you said?" A nurse turned to the woman who I remembered told me her name was Hange. "Yes she did. She has incredible instincts too. I watched her avoid the titans blows with her eyes closed" 

I stared at the ground, unsure of what to do. My mum was dead and my house was ruined. I had nowhere to go and no one to turn to. 

"Why did you call me in here Hange?" The blonde man asked her. 

"She's remarkable Erwin and she's only 14. You said you thought it could be a good idea to recruit younger people. Here's your shot" Hange gestured towards me and the man sighed. 

I looked up slightly and could now clearly see Hange, Levi and the blonde man looking down at me, sat on the hospital bed. 

The blonde man bent down next to me and smiled slightly. 

"Hello, I'm Erwin, you're (Y/N) aren't you?" He asked me gently. I nodded back. 

"I'm sorry about what happened to you, but we'll take care of you now okay?"

2 hours later 

I woke up in a cold sweat and sat bolt upright, breathing heavily. 

"Oh good you're alive" A man's voice spoke from my left. I looked to see who it was, and was met by the eyes of Levi. 

I hadn't seen him since my daydream about him, and now he just looked even more beautiful. He held a cup of tea in his hand and his hair was slightly messy, he looked back at me confusion written on his face.

"What are you staring at brat?" He asked, his voice low and commanding. 

Fuck it, I thought. I always believed if you think someone is attractive you should tell them. You never know who needs a confidence boost, it's not like it's a bad thing anyway. Besides, I was still full of adrenaline and had to get it out somehow.

"I was looking at you sir, you're beautiful" I replied confidently, giving him a sweet smile. 

His eyes widened and he turned slightly red. He looked down at his empty teacup before responding. "Cadet" He cleared his throat before continuing "You shouldn't think things like that" 

"What I shouldn't acknowledge people's beauty sir? I think humans deserve to know they're beautiful and should be reminded, even moody ones like you sir" I smiled as I spoke and worked off all of that adrenaline.


He looked up at me, shocked and slightly speechless. "I'm not sure how you expect me to respond to that Cadet" He mumbled back, putting his cup down. 

I laughed slightly and stretched my arms up, but as I did so I felt a sharp pain in my neck and flinched. 

"Careful you fell from a rooftop" Levi pointed out to you. 

I sighed and fell back into the bed and closed my eyes.

"Why are you here Captain?" I asked, my eyes still closed. I lifted my hand to my cheek and felt there were now stitches and the pain wasn't so bad. 

"I'm afraid that's gonna leave a scar" Levi replied, ignoring my question completely and pointing towards my cheek. 

"Oh I don't care about that" I replied brushing it off. I really didn't care, I was lucky I still had two working eyes to be honest. 

I then realised and my eyes snapped open and I sat bolt upright. 

"What's wrong?" Levi asked, confused. 

"Where are my friends??" I half shouted, a bit louder than expected. "Wheres Eren??" Even louder.

"Hey calm yourself" Levi said bluntly and held up his hand. "To be honest if I told you you'd be straight out of here, and we can't have that you're still healing" 

I sat up and leaned forward out of the bed until I was just inches away from his face. He stared back at me coldly, unphased. 

"Where. Is. Eren" 

"Get back in bed" Levi growled back at me


He sighed and stood up and walked towards the door.

"You're leaving?" I questioned him. 

"Why would I want to stay. You're okay to be around asleep but now you're awake you're starting to piss me off" He slammed the door shut behind him. 

For fuck sake

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