Chapter 14 - Assault on the City pt 2

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I gently shook Armin in an attempt to shake him "Armin? Hey, wake up. It's (Y/N) and Mikasa" He snapped back into action and began screaming, calling himself useless and pathetic. Me and Mikasa both took a step back in surprise. 

"Armin.." Mikasa moved back towards him and placed a hand on his knee. Armin stopped screaming and looked at her, tears in his eyes. He then looked at me and sat up. He squeezed his eyes shut and began speaking. 

"The middle guard squad of the 104th cadet corps Thomas Wagner, Mina Carolina, Nac Tias, Mylius Zeramuski, and Eren Yaeger, fought valiantly until the end." I stepped back, completely shocked and unable to speak. Mikasa face went pale and I collapsed to the ground "They were killed, and devoured by the titans" Armin finished his speech and burst into tears. I stared blankly ahead and felt my eyes well up with tears. 

"His whole squad was wiped out?" Connie said in disbelief his eyes growing wider. 

Mikasa took us both by the hand, "We don't have time to lose our heads right now. We need to fight" She spoke to both of us in a low, gentle tone and then stood up, bringing me with her. I put on a brave face and returned to a poker face. I knew she was right.

We could grieve Eren later. 

Mikasa stood up in from of everyone on the rooftop and started speaking in a stern voice. 

"I am well aware, and so are you, that me and (Y/N) can easily take down every single one of these titans in our path." She shouted at the top of her lungs 

"We are strong. Really strong. More than you could imagine. As far as I am concerned I am surrounded by cowards. Every single one of you!" 

She pointed her sword towards everyone on the rooftop, missing out Armin of course. I watched her as she spoke, she was letting her anger and grief speak for her, but she was powerful and impactful when she wanted to be and everyone knew it. 

"I will go to HQ and if you follow me we WILL make it. I will be sure of that. Anyone who isn't coming, give (Y/N) your gear." She added that on the end bluntly and ran towards the edge of the rooftop. 

I looked on at her, shocked and turned my head back to everyone to see if anyone was actually willing to give up their gear for me. Reiner began to take his gear off and I rushed over to stop him. 

"Reiner no, please"

"(Y/N) you need to go. Armin too. The three of you need to be together right now. Don't worry about me I'm always fine aren't I?" He grinned at me and I smiled back. I took his gear and gave him a hug before running after Mikasa. 

Just as I was about to jump off to join her. I felt someones hand pull me back. I turned around to be faced with Armin. "(Y/N) I... I'm sorry" He whispered not looking me in the eye. 

I stopped and took his hand 

"Armin" I said gently grabbing his face in my hands forcing him to look at me "You can't possibly blame yourself for this okay? We can grieve after this is done, Eren would want this" He stared back blankly and then he nodded determination masking his face. We ran and jumped off off of the rooftop together and went after Mikasa.

I was feeling empty right now. Completely empty. I wasn't sad about Eren and I wasn't scared to die anymore. It was just numb.

I took out a titan coming up in front of us and then another to the right. "(Y/N) be careful! You're being reckless!" Armin screamed at me, but I didn't listen. 

I hear a loud battlecry from our comrades behind us as they followed closely behind. 

I continued to mow down titan after titan, I lost track of how many there were and my adrenaline was pumping around my body too quickly for me to think. Before I knew it we were in front of HQ about to crash through the windows. 

"EVERYONE COVER YOURSELVES AND SMASH THROUGH" I screamed. In a split second, I was smashing through one window with Mikasa and Armin either side of me. We were shortly followed by Jean and Marco, who were also followed by Sasha and Connie along with around 10 other cadets who were on the roof with us. 

Reiner, Annie and Bertolt followed after, much to my surprise. Reiner had taken on Annies gear and Bertolt was carrying Annie on his back. 

"Holy crap" Marco stated looking around at the state of HQ. It was completely wrecked and everyone inside was dead. "What the hell happened" He continued on looking around for supplies. 

"Here, water" He chucked out a flask of water to each of us and we drank up quickly. 

My cheek was throbbing and burning hot at this point, I hoped an infection hadn't started forming, but I knew that was quite likely. 

"Uh guys we have company!" Connie whisper shouted back to us, just as two titans stared. in at us through the broken wall. 


"Right" Me and Mikasa communicated to eachother that we would each take one on, or at least we thought. 

Everything seemed to move in silence and slow motion.

When a massive fist came crashing into the cheek of one of the titans, knocking both of them to the ground. 

We stared at this unusual activity and all of our mouths hung open. 

"WHAT?" Jean broke the silence by vocalising what I'm sure we were all thinking. 

I ran up to the edge of the hole to see what exactly had just happened. I looked straight ahead to see a titan, beating up the other titans???

"What the hell?" I whispered to myself as I stared in awe. 

"Come on, just chart it up as another abnormal and lets go downstairs!" Connie urged me to come away from the edge but I dismissed him, feeling something so strangely familiar about this titan. It was at the front of my mind what was so familiar. 

"No Connie this ones different, it's fighting it's own kind!" I didn't take my eyes off of it once as it continued to rip the napes out of other titans. "It knows where the weak spot is too, look" I pointed towards the scene head of us urging everyone else to look. 

"She's right, look at that thing. It's fighting like a human too, it seems to know hand to hand combat" Armin came to stand next to me and Mikasa stood on the other side of me as we watched in awe. 

"Look I'm sure it will still be there in 10 minutes for you guys to hypothesise over, we need to fill up our gas and get out of here" Jean pulled us away and down the stairs.

"That guys makes the other look like weaklings huh?" Connie laughed nervously.

"Save the confident comments for after we make it out alive kiddo" Reiner slapped Connie on the back which made him stumble forward sheepishly. 

"Y-yeah right" Connie replied scratching the back of his head. 

Me and Sasha decided to run on ahead to check out the area and listen out for any movement.

We tip toed forwards in complete silence and slowly made our way to the opening to the basement. She took the right and I took the left.

We stuck our head around the edge, I was practically holding my breath at this point. I listened hard and squinted In the darkness of the basement. I couldn't see a thing past the large lift in the middle of the room, but I could easily hear at least three footsteps of probably 15 metre titans. 

Sasha put up four fingers in silence. I nodded and put up three fingers also in silence. We tiptoed back to everyone else who were waiting by the bottom of the stairs.

"We need a plan. There's at least seven titans of the 15 metre variety down there. We have no gas left between us so ODM is useless. Theres a lift in there and that's it"

I looked to Armin, him being the assumed brains of the operation. He thought for a moment before suggesting a plan to us. We all agreed to his plan, and decided to get on with it as soon as possible.

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