Chapter 24 - The Truth

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Levi's POV:

"You're telling me you're going to inject her with enemo serum and just throw her back to the city?" I stood up utterly shocked. I couldn't believe he was just going to let this girl go back to everyday life, let alone wipe her memory first.

"The serum should only wipe the past week or so Levi" Erwin replied 

"But sir why??" Hange was now questioning him too.

Erwin looked up at us both. A dark look in his eyes.

"She's a powerful soldier, and potentially the most impressive soldier we could get in this next upcoming cadet core. We can't alter her instincts by keeping her with us. She needs to forget we even had the conversation about her joining the cadets in the first place, she needs to believe she can do it herself and she needs to maximize her strengths on her own."  Erwin spoke with confidence. 

"That doesn't make any sense! She's not an experiment Erwin she's a human" I was almost screaming at this point and Hange was close to tears. 

"How can you possibly know this will work?" Hange said quietly. 

"I don't. It's a gamble" Erwin said back.

Oh great

"This is a joke" I came close to Erwins face and glared at him.

"You have become very attached to her for someone who wanted nothing to do with her until this year" Erwin glared back at me, and I spat on the floor next to me and stormed out of the office. 

I walked to the end of the hallway and was about to leave the building when I heard her. 

"Levi?" Her voice called after me. 

I turned around to face her and could see she had just woken up. She rubbed her eyes and I smiled slightly at her. 

"Are you okay? I heard shouting." 

"I'm fine (Y/N), lets go for a walk"

- end of flashback -

"I guess that walk that walk we went on is where your flashback started because that's when we came and sat on this tree" I said to (Y/N). We were both now sitting on the tree and I was explaining everything to her about her memory loss. 

I watched her reactions as I spoke, trying to work out what she was thinking, but she was holding a complete poker face. It was horrible. It was like all of her confidence and personality was slowly being knocked out of her, all because of us and that stupid mistake.

I wanted so badly to tell her how much I cared, how sorry I was and how much I just wanted to be there for her and take care of her. But I couldn't. 

"Then what" She finally spoke up quietly. 

"Hange she trusts you the most, I want you to do it okay?"

Erwin handed the enemo serum to her and she walked backwards away from it. 

She shook her head agressively and held her hands up in protest. 

"No. I can't do that. I couldn't live with myse-"

"Hange that's an order" Erwin shouted abruptly. I could tell it was hurting him to do this to (Y/N) too. He couldn't look any of us in the eye or even do it himself. He was weak. 

Hange hesitantly look the syringe of serum and we walked out of the office together. 

(Y/N) was waiting for us as the end of the hallway with everything packed and ready to go. She smiled as we walked out towards her. 

We arrived shortly at the centre of the city in the walls and we all got out to say goodbye to her. 

Erwin said goodbye to her fits, ruffling her hair and giving her a quick hug. I walked up to her and smiled. She smiled back at me and opened her arms wide for a hug. I laughed and walked towards her hugging her close to me. 

"(Y/N)" I pulled her to arms length and looked her in the eyes. "I'll see you again okay?" She laughed slightly at my comment and it broke my heart that she didn't understand.

"I'll see you in like 2 years silly! I might even see you before then I'll visit!" She said chirpily giving me a quick kiss on the cheek. I held my hand up to my cheek afterwards and my hear shattered. 

I quickly turned and walked back towards Erwin. 

We watched as Hange spoke to her, knowing this would be her last moments of remembering us. 

I caught the end of Hanges words:

"Remember my voice (Y/N)" as she spoke these words I watched her slip a journal into her pocket, and with that she injected her. 

Y/N's smile slowly faded and the light left her eyes slowly. She fainted in Hange's arms and Hange carried her over to an alleyway. Erwin followed closely behind with her bags. She placed her down gently and we stood nearby, waiting for her to wake up to ensure she was okay. 

Your POV:

I woke up to the loud sound of the city, disorientated and my head hurt. The last thing I could remember was....

The wall.. Being breached... 

Where was I??? Was I safe?? I jumped up and ran out of the alleyway I was in, breathing heavily, expecting there to be titans everywhere, but I was just in a city somwhere. Everything was fine. 

I turned back around slowly and noticed my bag was on the floor behind me. I slowly picked it up and walked to the market to try and work out what was going on. 






I tried to piece everything together and remember what had happened when-

"OH MY GOD (Y/N)" 

I whipped my head around and saw Armin running towards me. 

He was significantly taller than I remembered and looked a lot older.

What the hell.

"Armin!" I ran over to him and we hugged tightly. 

"What happened to you?? Oh my god is it really you?" He whispered into my ear as we hugged. 

"What's going on where are we??" I replied still confused. 

"What do you mean? We're in the city" Armin looked concerned

"But what about the titans??" I questioned looking around. 

Armin stared blankly and began touching my forehead

"Did you hit your head?" 

"Armin the wall was literally just breached!" 

"(Y/N)... That was 2 years ago"

My heart and stomach dropped. 

"What" I said quietly, dropping my bag. 

"You've been gone for 2 years... Where did you go?" Armin asked putting his arm around my shoulders and picking my bag us for me. 

"I- I don't know" I began to walk with Armin and something caught my sight. 

I turned my head and could see three figures walking away in the distance, I could have sworn they were watching me that whole time. 

Remember My Voice (Reader X Levi)Where stories live. Discover now