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It was the day, the day Louis had been desperately waiting for. Liam and Eleanor were signing all the paperwork, while Harry and Leigh-Anne helped Louis pack everything that belonged to them in hospital room. Since they were leaving the place today everyone decided it was better if only two of them went to get them and their stuff while the others made necessary arrangements for a man-child and an actual child. 

Louis was fresh and showered and ready to get out of this place, he was over-flowing with excitement and so was Lizzie. Louis was cuddling Lizzie on her bed as they waited for Liam and Eleanor to come back. Harry and Leigh-Anne took their bags down to car, they also forgot to install Lizzie's car seat, not that they would ever let Eleanor find out that they forgot about her daughter's safety.

Louis and Lizzie were talking about all the movies they were going to watch and games Lizzie was going to beat Louis at, they were so into making their 'things to do after we go home' list that they never heard Eleanor and Liam enter the room. The two of them stood there in awe and adored how they are the same people who were battling for their lives just a week ago.

Liam couldn't help taking a picture, "They look so cute." he said showing Eleanor the picture which made her smile go wider and eyes crinkle further. "She definitely seems to like Louis the best." Eleanor said, her smile never leaving her beautiful features. "She definitely does, I'm just happy that she is a lot like a normal joyful kid now, I feared we might have scarred her or something, and if she wouldn't be this happy child now I don't think you would've forgiven us, we wouldn't forgive ourselves either for that matter, and I am very sorry for everything we- ow!" Liam was ranting on until Eleanor cut him off by pinching his arm.

This attracted Louis and Lizzie's attention, "When did you come in? And why did you find the need to scream Payno?" Louis asked not really mad, "We came in when Lizzie said something about having a Disney marathon." Liam said making a fake gasp escape Louis, "You've been standing there gawking at us for that long? Not very gentlemanly now is it Lime." Louis teased.

"What has gotten into you? Do we actually need to get your brain checked?" Liam asked laughing at Louis' child-like behavior, "Well, I am getting out of here today, aren't I? I think you deserve to not have this easy for you qffer all you did keep me here for a week, against my will at that." Louis replied only half joking, "Now if you are done being dramatic can't we take my daughter out of here?" Eleanor interjected between the lads' never-ending banter.

Louis jumped to his feet, "With pleasure, milady." he said with a over-dramatic bow,  Eleanor laughed at his antic and went to pick Lizzie in her arms only to be rejected by the child, "Louis will take me." she said making grabby hands at Louis, "Sure, darling." Louis proceeded to pick her ignoring Eleanor's horrid expression, but was pulled back by Liam.

"Louis still has stitches in his shoulders, Liz, let me carry you now. Louis will do it after his shoulder heals completely." Liam said giving Lizzie his angelic smile, "Promise?" Lizzie asked raising her pinky finger in the air towards Liam, "Pinky promise." Liam said interlocking his finger with the child's. Lizzie then smiled as Liam picked her up in his arms despite Eleanor's protests.

"You lads are going to steal my daughter from me." she huffed as they entered the lift, "It's not stealing if Lizzie is willing, now is it?" Louis asked cockily, receiving a hard hit on his arm from Eleanor, "You won't take my daughter, I will not allow it." she huffed like a baby making the lads hide their laughs being coughs. 

The lift came to a stop and they made their way to the car that Harry and Leigh-Anne brought, only to find them struggling with the car-seat, which was more or less upside-down. "We got it, not a thing to worry about." Harry said still struggling to buckle the seat in. "Great, get out of the way both of you." Eleanor said in a stern tone making Harry and Leigh-Anne back away in fear.

"Half of you are trying to steal my daughter while the other half is trying to kill her, I really am trusting my daughter with the worst bunch aren't I? I must have lost a lot of braincells staying around you lot. I should probably take Lizzie to my mum," Eleanor ranted as she put the car seat in place and took Lizzie away from Liam and placed her in her car seat. 

"Oh c'mon it was just a joke." Liam said light-heartedly making Eleanor quirk an eyebrow at him in a threatening way, "You couldn't take her from me even with all your spy skills." Eleanor replied, her tone much softer now. "Why because Lizzie wouldn't come with us?" Louis asked in confidence that he could, "Well yes that and I will hunt to down from the depths of hell if you try it." Eleanor said with a menacing smile. which made Louis and Liam throw their hands up in surrender. 

"Is it alright?" Eleanor asked as she strapped Lizzie in and stepped aside to let Louis in when she got a nod of approval from her daughter. Liam helped Louis get in the back of SUV and climbed in with him. Eleanor got in taking a seat next to Lizzie in the middle, "Are you both not coming?" she asked Harry and Leigh-Anne.

Still confused about the whole exchange and the tiny burst from usually calm Eleanor, they got in the front with Leigh-Anne in the passengers seat and Harry driving the car back to the house. Peaceful silence filled the car during the short ride to house, which was destroyed by the people waiting at the house as soon as Harry parked the car in the driveway. 

"LIZZIE!" they heard Perrie before they saw her dash out the front door, Jade fast behind her heels, towards Lizzie and the rest were falling out of the house in a more civilised way. "Where is my favourite woman?" Zayn yelled over the group making his way straight to Eleanor, who was unbuckling Lizzie, and wrapped his arms around her in a big bear hug, Eleanor laughed at him and moved aside to let Jade and Perrie take Lizzie.

Liam helped Louis out and the in the house to his room, while Niall brought in his things to his room, the rest helping Eleanor and Lizzie settle in the room next to Louis', they could hear all the commotion from the other room. Liam was going to stay in Louis' room, and everyone was sharing to accommodate everyone in the house for now. They were leaving for London in the after next day, the girls and Harry would be going back to their houses and Eleanor and Lizzie would be taking the guest room.

An hour after the whole commotion went down and everyone was in the living room leaving Louis, Lizzie, Eleanor and Liam to rest in a proper bed. Louis got out of his room and sneaked into the kitchen, because everyone would scream bloody murder if they saw him out of bed, to grab a snack. He was looking through the cabinets to find coco pops when he heard the sound of someone clearing their throat from the door. He froze like a deer caught in a headlight before slowly turning to find Eleanor standing there, arms crossed.

"I can explain." he said when Eleanor looked accusing at all the open cabinets and drawers, "How are you planning on explaining all these open cabinets and you sneaking around like a thief?" she asked smirking at the man. "What? I've been on a bed for a week now, I need to move around before I forget how to walk." Louis argued, Eleanor gave him a small smile, almost sympathetic, before speaking, "That still does not explain the cabinets." Louis sighed, looking at the ground like a kid who got caught stealing candy, "I wanted some coco pops." He said.

Eleanor all but burst out laughing at his cute baby voice asking for coco pops, "You are just like Lizzie," she started and moved into the kitchen towards him and ruffled his hair, Louis swatted her hands away before fixing his fringe, "Here let me help, two of us will find them faster together but you need to share. Deal?" Eleanor asked extending a hand forward for him.

Louis took the extended hand into his slightly bigger hands, "You've got yourself a deal. Now let's get on with mission, eh?" Louis said making Eleanor giggle and give him and stiff nod before they explored every cabinet and drawer for the cereal making a mess of the whole kitchen.

I'm listening to Always You as I'm writing this and I must say this song was worth the wait!! 💙💙💙

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