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Niall on the other hand actually had to work. He can't really have a computer take orders and serve the filthy rich people who only come there to show off their money. He hated serving those bastards who probably screwed over some good people and got what they wanted with that filthy money. He has been searching for mischief since day one, he is usually amazing at finding some with ease. 

There is a restricted section in the restaurant which was not like the private sections they had. The restaurant had different staff of servers for the section. It was like different restaurant inside one. Niall asked around about that section to the people who were working here before he came and everyone had the same answer 'It is for the extra special guests who have a special pass directly from the owner.' It sounds more shady than anything else. 

He felt awful every time he saw someone go in there because it means it either about drugs or innocent girls. He really wanted to shoot every man and woman that has ever entered that section. He was serving this couple who seemed to be together because their social status matches and only here show off their wealthy to people who struggle to earn every penny, every day. But the restaurant runs for that sole reason and every person who works here to support themselves earns from that so who is he to complain.

The man at the table waved him over, he sighed, tried to removed every murderous thought from his head as he went over to the table. "Bring us Domaine Leroy Chambertin Grand Cru." the man told with so much attitude, Niall had use every cell in his body to not crack his neck right then. He just replied with, "Amazing choice, sir, I'll get it for you right away." He briskly walked away but he did not miss the flirty eyes from the woman and her filthy effort pushing her chest out. He wanted to gag at the sight of it. 

He entered the kitchen and headed towards their alcohol section find the bottle of the top shelf wine empty. He let out a defeated sigh and headed for the storage room to get the damn wine. It was his first time in the storage room. So he had difficulty trying to find the wine. He looked around the place to find the wine and also looking for anything remotely suspicious. The first thing that seemed suspicious to him was there were no surveillance cameras. Something must be pretty valuable to Micheal in this place so much that he can't let anyone have the chance of seeing what happens here. 

He decided he will be back after works hours to search the place so he just found the wine and was making his way back when he tumbled over some the rug. "Damn this stupid rug!" he cursed and decided not to linger there longer than necessary. He just fixed himself and went back to serve the piece of shit and his filthy woman some Domaine Leroy Chambertin Grand Cru which he so wanted to smash on their heads. 

Finally when his work hours were up, he went back to the storage and walked around to find anything that could help their mission. He put on gloves before he started touching stuff to find any secret doors or stuff. He chuckled at his thought of secret doors like this was a movie. And then his mind went back to the stupid rug he tripped over. 'why on earth is there a rug on the storage room floor?' He thought. He went to the place where the rug was and pulled it away. 

He had to stop himself from laughing hard, he actually found a trap door under the damn rug. This Micheal guy was actually cliche enough to have a trap door under a freaking rug. He opened the wooden door and found another door, this one made of metal and saw a small black screen which lit up and showed a keyboard and a fingerprint sensor. Freaking bastard didn't only protect whatever was down there with a password but also fucking biometrics. 

He just has to get Zayn to find the damn solution to their password and biometrics problem. He clicked a picture of the whole door thing on his phone before he shut the door and put the rug back even though he felt weird about it. Micheal is a stupid bastard, he really can't be more obvious at this point. 

He made his way back to the small house they were renting, yes they had to get a house, how else do you think four rowdy lads could live together, even if they the best friends, they would rather not have to share rooms with each other ever again. They dreaded it, especially Louis and Liam. They are usually attached at the hip, but sharing a room for even a week or two was nightmare to them. Louis was too messy, he had his things lying at every corner of his room, Liam on the other hand was squeaky clean. He had a place for everything he couldn't stand the sight of Louis' room even for a sec. Many a time Liam takes it upon himself to clean the place up a bit for Lou but it goes back to its initial conditions in a matter of days.

Niall did share room with Zayn once but it scared the shit out of him. Zayn can be pretty freaky while he was into his work. You'd mistake him for a very handsomely designed robot who really did not need to blink and only stopped when he drained himself of every last bit of power. Ever since then they decided they need a very big flat or a small house, even back home they bought a house where they live together, they always work together so it made sense they also live together. 

Niall arrived home a sight of Louis and Liam sitting on each side of Zayn, looking at the screen of the laptop on Zayn's lap intently. Louis was the first one to notice Niall's presence and addressed him in his sassy way, "Took you long enough to find the house." Niall just threw him a sarcastic smile and said, "Well, unlike you lot, Tommo, I was actually trying to find something, and guess what I actually did." At that the other two heads shot up to look at Niall with evident hope of the thing being something good.

"What did you find?" Louis asked whiplashing into his leader mode from sassy Tommo mode. "There was this trap door in the storage room, and it had another door under it which is secured by password and biometrics too. Whatever is under there must be fucking important because the storage room had no surveillance at all." Niall told showing the picture of the door on his phone to them. Zayn took a look at the door and seemed to have ideas flashing in front of his eyes.

"Okay, so I can make a device for you to send a bug in the system which will open the door for you. We also need to install a spy cam on you to record everything in the storage room at the restaurant and the 'secret' room at the club. And you two need to find a way to get into Micheal's office for any paperworks or stuff like that." Zayn said not even looking at them and typing away on his laptop. 

"We actually nicked the identification card from one of his secretaries today, that will give us access to the office." Liam said and immediately received a smack on his head from Louis. "I think you meant to say 'Louis got the card off the woman with his inescapable charm, while I sat there and did absolutely nothing to help'." Louis said throwing a pointed look at Liam, who just gave him a toothy grin. 

"Okay, since we know where we find all the stuff we need, we need to come up with a plan to get into all these places at the same time." Niall said looking deep in thoughts. "Why do we have to do it all at the same time anyways?" Liam asked frowning. "Well, because if we only raid one place at a time then Micheal will be alert and hide as much of everything as possible and the chances of finding it all will go down." Niall pointed out in a matter of fact voice.

"Niall is right. We need to pull all of this at the same to be able to get everything we need. I'm gonna work this device for Niall and the spy cams too." Zayn said. Louis nodding along with that before asking, "How long will it take for you to get them ready, Zayn?" " An hour or two at most." Zayn replied.

"Great, Zayn you get to work on those" Louis said looking at Zayn, "Niall go take a shower you reek of various food and alcohol," Louis continued and Niall gave him an offended look, "Liam, get the identification card and all the other leads we have on his office, we'll meet in the study room in two hours to discuss the details of the plan, alright?" Louis looked at the three lads nodding their heads. They might be the bestest of friends but even they would never disagree with Louis in his all leader mode. "Great then. See you lads in two hours." Louis said and all of them went to their rooms to get their part of the work done. 

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