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The next morning they grabbed  everything they would need, loaded their guns and took extra ammo with them. Niall went to the restaurant and did his usual routine until  half past twelve. Micheal will be leaving his office in an hour, he had to get started with his part of the plan to give Louis and Liam enough time in his office.

He slowly slipped away from everyone's sight and headed for the storage room. He slipped in without being detected and went straight for the trap door. He removed the wooden door and placed the Zayn's gadget on the screen and like magic the door unlocked. He might never say this to Zayn but he is really thankful for having such a genius as his friend and partner.

He opened the door and got in and wanted to gag at the sight. There were big stacks of what he assumed to be illegal and explicit drugs. He looked around the whole place to find more. This room was not as big as he expected it to be but it was not small by any means. He saw any racks filled with uncountable number of bags containing different types of powders, tablets and syringes. 

He felt bile rising up his throat at the sight of it. He quickly opened few of the bags to get bits of everything to take as proof with him. By the time he was done and left the storage room it was one in the afternoon. He had to hurry up so Zayn could get what he needed. Niall left the restaurant and entered the parking lot and put all the stuff in their get away car and left and quickly informed Zayn through the radio coms.

Zayn got to work the very second he heard Niall. The door was not guarded today either so going in was easier. He entered and looked around for a while and nothing seemed suspicious until he saw one of the pictures in the room a bit askew. He walked towards the picture and touched around it and the picture moved a bit and opened a door he never saw before.

He walked in and saw a little panel with numbers on the wall inside. This was going to much easier to hack into that he thought, when Niall found the door with biometric security he assumed this place might have something similar to it, so he made an extra of the same gadget he gave Niall, but this looked much easier to unlock. 

He grabbed the screwdriver from his back pocket, yes he carried a screwdriver with him and not your judgment, thank you very much, and opened the panel up and messed up the wires behind it and voila a small but not too small door opened on the seemingly empty wall. It was a like big safe in the wall he looked at the multiple stacks of money in the safe and some files at the very bottom of the safe. 

He opened them up to see contracts of the slave business. There were multiple signed and unsigned papers. He assumed the signed papers to be the ones that have already got their slaves and gave the required payment and the unsigned to be the ones that have been planned and waiting for the payment to close the deal. He grabbed the files and left the place. Quickly he made his way down the road, it was quarter to two till his part of the mission was done, Micheal would have left the office by then so he hurried and found Niall waiting in the car around the corner, he got in quickly and alerted Louis and Liam about their success so far. Louis and Liam now had an hour and fifteen minutes till Micheal came back.


Louis and Liam were in the vents again waiting for Zayn to give them a go. As soon as they heard Zayn through their radio coms they shot the guards with the tranquilizers, they already set up the signal blockers near the cameras before they got in the vent so they didn't have to be worried about that. As soon as the guards fell to the ground Louis and Liam jumped out of the vents and went straight for Micheal's office. 

They used Perrie's card to unlock the door and got in. Liam went straight for the computer and connect the mobile to it and saw everything copying on the mobile. Louis went for the files, everything he saw was sales and profit files of the restaurants and clubs. He had to admit the restaurants and clubs alone were enough to make him a millionaire but this bastard was greedy enough to have black business for more. 

Louis was beyond disgusted with this man, he was greedy, ruthless, merciless, heartless, he really seemed like the devil himself. Louis and Liam started searching every file they could around the office and took everything that seemed remotely useful. Suddenly their eyes fell on a safe in the farthest corner of the room. They made their way to the safe and saw it was a dial lock. Louis cursed under his breathe, there could be millions of different codes and they had to find one. 

Liam got on with the dial while Louis looked through rest of the files. He found many lists of secret locations of Micheal's special lockers. He expected these to be the locations where he kept the girls. Louis felt his blood boiling at the thought. He had to get this done quickly to save all the girls that this devil kept captive. 

After around ten minutes to trying the safe finally opened. The safe had many stacks of files and papers. Louis and Liam checked every single one of them. They were filled with every illegal deal he ever made. Every drug he imports with the goods for the restaurants and clubs and it had the details of every penny he ever made from the drugs. Those also had the names and details of every client he had for the slaves. He felt disgusted looking the names of all the people who ever encouraged this menace. 

The mobile dinged when all the contents of the computer was copied. Liam grabbed the mobile and put it safely in their bag, and started bagging all the checked files. Louis was looking through the last few files, they had twenty five minutes to leave the building and ten minutes before the guards woke up. 

They found every file they could use against Micheal and were bagging them when they heard the door open and heard a unfamiliar deep voice and froze in there place, "I'm certain you are not supposed to be in here, let alone go through all this stuff."

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