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Just as asked all of them gathered in the study exactly after two hours with everything they needed and all their leads about Micheal and his black business. They needed to find every single proof they can to stop this man and his horrible work. Louis was standing in from a board which had most of their findings, while the table had the blueprints of the restaurant Niall was working at, the club where Zayn was DJing and the top floor of Micheal's head office laid on it.

"Here is the device that will help you get through the door in the storage room at the restaurant, Niall. And place this cam on your shirt pocket, it will record everything and upload it to my laptop." Zayn said passing a tablet looking device and a small camera which will go completely unnoticed on him. "I'll have this cam on me and enter the back room of the club." He continued holding up a cam identical to Niall's.

"Splendid, you two can get everything at the club and the restaurant while me and Lou get the paperwork from Micheal's office." Liam said pointing at the office on the blueprint. "The only problem being there are two guards at the door at all times. We have to find a way to get rid of them." He continued trying to come up with a way to get in.

"You could use tranquilizing darts on them. They'll be out for an hour. It'll give you enough time to search his whole office." Niall suggested. Louis who was quiet the time spoke up, "That could work, we'll use the vent to crawl near the office, tranquilize them and use the blonde hot shot's ID to get in and out in an hour." Louis tossed Perrie's ID on the table in front of them and Zayn frowned looking at the picture on the ID.

Liam seemed to be the only person who noticed the frown, "Something wrong mate?" He questioned Zayn, which seemed to attract Niall and Louis' attention and all of them looked at Zayn expectantly. "Oh uh nothing, I met her today at the club is all." Zayn replied nonchalantly. Louis frowned at that, "Did she seem suspicious in any way? Could she be a part in all this shady business of Micheal?" Louis questioned. "What? no! She was just there with a bunch of friends to celebrate one of theirs birthday. She didn't seem suspicious in any way. Eleanor and her friend were there first and Perrie joined them an hour or so later and they left pretty hammered." Zayn replied earning a knowing look from Niall.

Louis shrugged it off and went back to the matter at hand. "Micheal leaves the office for an hour and half everyday at lunch time. That would be the right time to get on with the plan." Louis said looking at the paper in front of him which had Micheal's schedule. "Niall, you go into the storage and record everything and grab anything we can us as proof." Louis said looking at Niall, who gave him a nod of acknowledgement, "Zayn, you do the same at the club, wait, aren't you the DJ for the evenings? How does no one question you being there whole day?" Louis asked Zayn, looking confused. Zayn shrugged his shoulders and replied with a simple, "They think I'm a lonely nerd who has nothing else to do."

"Weird." Louis commented before going back to the plan. "So you do whatever you do there and get out quick." Louis said. Zayn nodded and kept listening to the rest of the plan. "Liam and I tranquilize the guards get in and get all the paper work of his black business and copy every file on his computer on this pendrive and leave the office before the guards wake up." Louis continued.

"Here take this," Zayn said handing a mobile with a cord attached to it to Liam before continuing, "It will take a long time for you to access the computer and get all the files. And you lot forgot about the password of the computer and also the fact that I don't have the headquarter security system hacked, which means you'll have to use signal blockers on the cameras."

"Where did you get this from?" Louis asked looking at the mobile in Liam's hand, "Well, I got done with other device and the cams in an hour and an half and had half an hour to spare, so I made that since I know you would forget about the rest of the complications." Zayn replied like it was no big deal. Niall placed his hand on Zayn's shoulder and said, "Mate I don't know if you know this but when people have time to spare they usually use it to relax." clearly trying to hold back a laugh. "Well, I don't know Niall, who would've been responsible for tomorrow when these two messed up." That shut Niall up completely and all of them went back to complete seriousness.

"Okay, thanks for this Zayn. but do you have any signal blockers for the cameras with us?" Liam asked looking at Zayn, "'Course I do." Zayn replied in a duh tone, "What kind of a idiot do you guys take me for?" He continued. "A genius one mate." Niall replied to his question. Louis just rolled his eyes, "So, now we need to set up the blockers near the security cams and then tranquilize them" Louis said looking at Liam.

"Once we get everything we leave immediately. Niall, You are our escape, so you go in and out first and then inform Zayn and be on your way to him." Louis said, "Zayn you get on with your work as soon as you get the go from Niall, and leave when he reaches you." Liam continues, "You give us the go when you leave from the club. Liam and I will be in the vents by then ready to block the cameras and tranquilize the guards." Louis said. "We go in copy the all the files grab everything useful and meet you in the parking lot of the building." Liam filled in. "Then we come back here and send it all to the CareTakers and Micheal's business will be gone in a day." Louis completed.

"I'll set up high range coms for us to communicate easily." Zayn told, "Also I think we should all carry our guns with us just in case something gets out of hand." Niall suggested and everyone agreed. And looked at all the blueprints and details and revised the plan a few times again.

"Alright lads, I think its enough for now. Get your rest for the big day tomorrow." Louis said to them all. They all agreed and bid their good nights and well to their rooms to sleep and prepare themselves for the run tomorrow. Louis couldn't sleep for a long time that night. He kept thinking about all the lives this man must have destroyed so far. He had five sisters and a little brother back home, and just imagining something happening to them gave him chills.

This man was like the devil on earth who must have destroyed so many people and their families too. Louis wanted to personally drag him out of his office and beat him to death for every illegal thing he ever did. After he managed to shut off his thoughts, he drifted off into deep sleep thinking about having a family of his own someday. It was a random thought but he grew up with so many siblings that he always wanted to have a family of his own.

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