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Hello beautiful people.... 

I've been gone for a long time... but now I'm back!
I wanted to come back sooner but I knew I couldn't be regular during Ramadan and I did not want to disappoint anyone.
But I guess I'm bound to be an disappointment... 

I am working as an intern-HR generalist and will be busy for a while and cannot be as regular.... but I'll try my best to give updates whenever I can... the internship is only for 2 months so I hope I will be back to weekly updates after that!!!

This chapter might feel a bit weird but I promise future chapters will be better as get into my groove again.
I hope you all are healthy happy and staying safe.☺☺

The house was full of various sounds that evening, the girls moving in and out of each other's rooms getting all sorts things to pack, Niall and Harry keeping Lizzie entertained in turns amidst their packing, Zayn arranging their plane and getting their London house stacked with all necessities and making arrangements for Lizzie and Eleanor, Liam telling Louis off for trying to do some packing himself more times than he can count.

Whole evening went by in a blur in the house, with everyone running around getting their things in order dinner was forgotten until Lizzie complained about the mice in her tummy. Eleanor offered to cook, with help of course, but the lads were not having it, 'these lads eat like cavemen, you'll have to cook at least ten feasts to suffice these beasts' Liam said as Zayn ordered all sorts of food from Chinese to Italian to Indian even when El protested about wasting food.

Everyone settled in the living room, some on the sofas and others on the floor, Louis and Lizzie had a sofa to themselves because 'YOU LOT ARE GOING TO HURT THEM IF YOU SIT SO CLOSE' was yelled by Zayn from across the room as Niall and Perrie tried to take a seat next to them.

After a heated debate about what movie they should watch they settled on Frozen because Lizzie was the star of the day and what she says goes. Liam settled near Louis' feet with Jade on his right, Leigh-Anne, Eleanor and Perrie occupied the other sofa while the lads took the floor by their. 

Zayn and Liam got up to get the food when it arrived, only to find Harry sitting by Eleanor's feet when they came back into the room. Zayn purposefully walked in, put the food on the table and dramatically dragged Harry away by his feet and threw him away unceremoniously and took his seat back by Eleanor with a satisfied 'hmph' making the others in the room laugh at Harry's shocked look.

Everyone got up to get food placed on the table, which would be enough to feed an army. Zayn whined when Eleanor got up grabbing a container of the Chinese takeout and to Zayn's dismay went to sit next to Lizzie to help her eat. Eleanor was now sitting on the with Louis placing Lizzie on her lap, who instantly started whining. 

"Sweetheart, what's wrong? You don't like the food? Should I give you something else?" Liam asked already getting off the floor putting his container of pasta aside. "Nooooo~" Lizzie whined trying to get off of Eleanor, who was struggling to hold both Lizzie and the food. Everyone had their attention towards the child in the room.

"She does not want to sit on you El, am I right Liz?" Perrie asked from the other sofa she was seated on, to which Lizzie nodded her head. "See I know my goddaughter better than you ever will." She said sassily before turning to Lizzie as she continued, "Wanna sit with me babe?" she asked getting up but stopped when Lizzie shook her head no.

She whined again finally getting off Eleanor's lap and crawling into Louis' leaving her mother and Perrie feeling betrayed. Louis chuckled at the girl as he placed her on his lap more comfortably, "If you wanted to sit with me you could've just said so love," he said offering the pasta he was eating to her but Lizzie turned her head away from the food.

"I want mum to feed me what she is eating." Lizzie said looking expectantly at Eleanor, who felt slightly better knowing her daughter still wanted to eat with her. She shifted a little closer to the pair and fed her the noodles as everyone turned their attention back to the movie. 

They finished eating halfway through the movie, the floor now littered with many empty take-out containers. Eleanor turned away from the screen to look at Lizzie was snuggling into Louis and rested the back of her head against his chest. She wouldn't admit it but she was jealous. She wanted Lizzie to cuddle with her but now settled with holding a pillow, at least the it was loyal unlike a certain 6-year-old.

She looked up to Louis' face as she spoke in a low voice, "You really are stealing my daughter." she said with a huff and Louis couldn't help but chuckle as turned his attention to the sulking woman next to him. "Once again, Eleanor, it is not 'stealing your daughter' if she willingly comes to me." he replied in an equally low voice filled with sass.

"I just want to hold and cuddle with my child, is it too much to ask?" Eleanor replied sulkily as a whine slipped off the lips, Louis laughed at her covering his mouth with one hand before speaking again, "Are you sure you are not child here, because if you ask me you are more whiny than Liz was a while ago." Eleanor looked at him with utmost betrayed expression before slightly hitting him on his good shoulder, which only fueled his laughter.

Lizzie hissed at the two adults, "Shhh! Stop talking, you are disturbing." she said crossly before turning her attention back to the screen again leaving the bickering adults dumbfounded. Eleanor huffed one last time before turning back to the screen while Louis couldn't help the smile on his as he saw her mutter incoherent words under her breath.

Lizzie had fallen asleep in Louis' arm by the time Kristoff brought Anna to the palace along with most adults in the room. Eleanor decided it would be better to get Lizzie in bed and got up. Louis looked up at now standing Eleanor with confusion as she extended her arms towards him. For a second he thought she wanted a hug before realizing that she was asking for Lizzie. 

He got up too with Lizzie still in his arms as he looked around to see everyone in the room asleep expect Eleanor and Liam. "I would like my daughter back, thief." she said gaining Liam's attention who got off the floor and realized everyone had fallen asleep.

"They must have been really tired." he said as he raised his arms above his head to stretch. "Yeah they must be, now I would like tired daughter back so I can tuck her in and go to sleep myself." she said moving in to take her from Louis, who refused to give her up.

"I'll carry her to your room and then you can have her all to yourself." he said moving to walk towards the room only to be stopped by Eleanor, "As much as I appreciate you wanting to carry her, you can't." she said making him frown at her words, "I don't see why I can not." Louis asked and Eleanor pointed at his shoulder which still hadn't healed.

"You've been holding her for long enough, you need to rest that shoulder if you ever wanna use that arm like you used to." she replied and Liam nodded his head in agreement, "Yeah mate, you need to take it easy with the shoulder, any strain could prolong your recovery." Louis sighed knowing he cannot win against the two before offering Lizzie to her mother.

"Thank you." Eleanor said with a big smile adorning her face as she went to take Lizzie from him, "I'll get them all in their bed then." Liam said pointing at their sleeping friends in the room and excused himself. Eleanor nodded at him finally taking her daughter from the blue-eyed man. Both the adults felt butterflies come alive in their stomach as their hands brushed but choose to ignore it.

Eleanor could feel her cheeks heating up and she did not know why, she adjusted Lizzie in a comfortable position in her arms before looking up at Louis, who was scratching the back of his head, "I'll see you tomorrow then," he said to her feeling shy for reasons he did not know. "Yeah, good night," Eleanor said and left as Louis stood there not understanding what had just happened. 

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