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It's been four hours since Louis and Lizzie went into surgery and they still haven't heard anything from the doctors yet. They saw nurses come and go, carrying gauges and papers. Every time they saw someone walk out of the doors, they have this ray of hope build in them which disappears as quickly as it appeared when they see them rushing past them. Not even a single one of them wanted to move till they heard anything about either of them.

It took nearly two hours for Eleanor to go dry of tears but that didn't stop her sobs. Lizzie was her ray of sunshine, her reason to wake up each morning, the reason for her kind smile. She couldn't imagine a world and her life without Lizzie. The seven year old angel filled every part of her life with happiness and joy, losing her would leave her devastated.

After another agonizingly slow hour the doctor finally came out, "Family of Mr. Tomlinson and Ms. Calder?" The doctor asked looking around the waiting room. Liam and Eleanor shot out of their chairs, followed closely by the rest, "Yes, we are his family, is he alright? what about the little girl is she okay?" Liam asked the doctor, who looked mostly at ease. "They are both out of danger, I'll have to keep them here for at least a week or two, to see if they have any other damage. You can see them when they wake up." The doctor said, every single one of them released a sigh of relief at that.

Perrie embraced a very relieved Eleanor, the rest of them shadowed the action. It was only now that Eleanor could muster up actually legible words, "What was all that about? Why were people shoot at us? Who even are you people?" She asked looking at them. Perrie was the one to answer first, "The man Harry and I work for has a line of black business cloaked under the clubs and restaurants. We couldn't just move on with our lives after we found out about it." She explained, "So we contacted this agency of secret agents who could help us do something about the whole situation." Harry filled in.

"We are part of the agency, we got here last week, we've worked at different parts of his business to get proof about his other business." Zayn spoke to them giving them brief information about their work. "What about all the bullets raining today?" Eleanor asked a bit confused, Niall answered her "Today was basically the last day of our mission. We got all the proof we needed to take him down today from his club, restaurant and his office. Everything was going according to plan until-" Niall was cut off by Eleanor, "Until I showed up with Lizzie." She said and her face said she blamed herself.

"It's my fault that Lizzie is in there right now." Eleanor said holding her head, "If I would've just walked away when you told me to then lizzie wouldn't be in there." She continued and started to pace the room. "This is all my fault. All my fault. This is my fault" She chanted over and over again while she paced the room. "Listen blaming yourself will do nothing good to them. They are there and even we, who have been doing this for years now couldn't have guessed something like this would happen." Liam said bringing Eleanor to a stop. "Only thing you can actually do is wait for them to wake up and take care of them till they are back to their healthy selves." He continued.

This seemed to have calmed Eleanor, "He is right El, we need to take extra care of her once she wakes up." Leigh-Anne said coming up to Eleanor. "I think you should come and live with us." Zayn suggested making a few heads turn towards him. Zayn looked at them before continuing, "I mean we need to be careful about what might happen next and we have to take care of Louis anyways, and it will be easier and convenient for you to be taking care of your daughter." Zayn said to which Niall agreed, "Zayn's right. It's better if you stay with us. It would be safer that way."

Eleanor did not seem too keen on the idea, she was going to reject their offer when Liam spoke up, "I know that you don't know us or have no reason to trust us nor is this the time to propose something like this  but it is for the best. You, Perrie and Harry are our assets now and we need to keep you save till Micheal is taken down." He looked at Eleanor to see if she agrees but she still looked unsure.

"You don't have to give us an answer now. They are going to be here for a week anyway, you can take a decision in your own time." Niall said helpfully, Eleanor nodded and whispered a small 'Thank you'. Then a nurse walked in looking for them, "Are you Mr. Tomlinson's family?" She asked looking at them, they just nodded at her. "He is awake now. You can see him now , But only one at a time please. Too many people can suffocate him." Liam was the first to rush off in the direction of Louis' room. 

"What about my daughter? When will she wake up?" Eleanor asked, "She is young, so the anesthesia will take longer to wear off." The nurse replied to which Eleanor's shoulders slumped. "Trust me it's for the best. It is saving her a big deal of pain." She said again in a way to make it feel better.

"She is right y'know. The innocent girl had to go through something she never should've. The little pain we can take off her shoulder is the best thing we can do." Niall said which made Eleanor feel slightly better knowing her baby isn't feeling the pain yet.


Liam entered Louis' room and saw him sitting on the bed with his back rested over the elevated part, connect to an IV and multiple monitors. This broke him in ways he never thought were possible. It took everything in him to keep the tears at bay and not let them slip beyond the rims of his eyes. "You won't go all weeping on me, now, will you Payno?" Louis joked looking at the threatening tears in his best friend's eyes.

Liam chuckled at his antics, "Still haven't lost the tommo charm, have ya?" He said making Louis chuckled and wince at the movement, "Will I ever?" Louis said sassily making Liam roll his eyes at him. "Won't lose the sass even in a hospital bed all wound up mate?" Liam said letting just a single tear slip out. Louis tried his best to ignore and not look at the lone tear that fell out of the eyes, that he has always seen bright and filled with warmth, "Not even in my death bed." Louis tried joking but was scolded by Liam, "Shut up you little shit. Heal quickly so I can give you the scolding of your life."

Louis raised an arm up before speaking, "Come here, you big baby." Liam rushed to his side hugging him close making Louis laugh and hiss at the same time. "Sorry!" Liam said before he let go of Louis and sat next to him looking at his reckless, stupid, dumb, impulsive but above all fearless best friend with a look that said 'I'm grateful you are okay.'

"What happened to the girl? Is she okay?" Louis asked realizing about the young girl who got caught up in all this. "She is okay now. She was shot with you but she is out of danger now." Liam said admiring how even now this man was worried about someone else. "Is she awake now? Can I see her?" Louis trying to get up only to be, gently, pushed back by Liam, "She is not awake yet. I'll arrange for you to see her when she does."

"What about the woman? And the sources? Did you send everything to be taken care of?" Louis asked again trying to get up but was pushed back again, " The woman is fine. So are the sources. They are here at the hospital. " Liam said trying to get his friend to relax. "Are they? I need to see them, make sure they safe." Louis said making a third effort at getting up but Liam did not let him yet again. "That you can handle later. As of now, You need to stay here and heal." Liam said with authority in his voice.

Louis' eyes drooped a bit, "I'm gonna let you rest a bit before you are bombarded by the rest." Liam said getting off the bed and fixing the blanket on Louis, who just hummed and closed his eyes. Liam walked towards the door to let him sleep only to be stopped by Louis' voice again, "Hey Li." He called out for Liam, who replied with, "Yeah, mate?" "Please, Just don't write a whole speech to lecture me after all this." Louis finished making Liam smile, "You know you deserve the one you are going get right?" Liam asked making Louis let out a small groan, "This is going to worse than anything I can imagine, isn't it?" Louis said throwing his head back, Liam looked at his friend and said, "Get some rest, Lou. You deserve it." before slipping out the door.

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