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It had been a few days since the incident at Micheal's office. Louis surprisingly wasn't as fussy as the first day. Anytime he tried to convince anybody that he is okay and can be discharged, they'd go straight to Eleanor who would then bring him a candy with a toothachingly sweet smile, which Louis has come to fear now, and remind him of the deal by poking his injured shoulder. Louis now knew not to try asking anyone get him out of there, not even the new lad, Harry. 

All of them now felt like family almost, the lads and the girls went home every night and came back quickly every morning. Zayn and Niall had miraculously convinced Liam to go stay at their house for a day but none of them had such luck with Eleanor though. She refused to leave the hospital even for a minute. 

She absolutely refused to leave Lizzie, if it were up to her she would not move a inch away from next to her. Eleanor had just returned from the canteen in the hospital after lunch when she saw many doctors and nurses rushing towards emergency section. Jessie then informed her about a big road accident that occurred  between a car and a bus full of tourist. 

Eleanor immediately felt sorry for all of them and their families, having been in their position she prayed for strength for them. She was making her way towards Lizzie's room when a nurse approached her, "Are you miss Calder?" She asked, Eleanor nodded at her. The woman looked down at the clipboard in her hand before speaking, "Family of Mr. Tomlinson?" She asked again. Zayn quickly joined their side, "Yes? Is everything alright?" He asked concerned. 

"There has been an accident as you might know, the hospital is short on rooms for the injured people, I need to know if you will any problem if we shift Elizabeth Calder into Mr. Tomlinson's room with him to accommodate some other people?" She asked looking at them impatiently. "I don't think Louis will have any problem with that." Zayn said looking at Eleanor to see if she agrees. 

"No it's no problem with us either. Please do shift Lizzie with Louis." Eleanor said, The nurse nodded, "I'll have someone come to get stuff into the room and then have Elizabeth wheelchaired to the other room." She said before walking away. "Are you sure Louis wouldn't have a problem with Lizzie in the same room?" Eleanor asked fully turning towards Zayn. "Positive. Why would he even have a problem with Lizzie there anyways?" Zayn asked with a confused frown

"Lizzie is young, she gets fuzzy during the nights sometimes, won't he be disturbed by it?" Eleanor asked, concerned about Louis. Zayn chuckled before replying, "Louis might not be a father yet, but he is better at parenting than you in a way." He said making Eleanor and Jessie frown. "What?" Jessie asked, "Louis is the oldest of seven siblings, he took care of them growing up. So kids are kind of his thing." Zayn explained making things make sense.

"Oh, are you certain it wouldn't be too much of intrusion?" Eleanor asked again, not entirely sure it would be okay with Louis. "Yes, I'm certain he will be delighted to have her there. He has been wanting to see her since the day they woke up." Zayn said placing a gentle reassuring hand on her shoulder. "If you say so. But do tell if it causes any discomfort." Eleanor said with pleading eyes.

"I'll keep it in mind but it won't be necessary, but if it helps you, then yes I'll let you know of any discomfort." Zayn said trying to rid her of her doubts, Eleanor nodded before speaking again, "I'll go tell Lizzie that she is being shifted. You better go give Louis a heads up now." she said shooing Zayn towards Louis' room and walking herself and Jessie to Lizzie's.  

Eleanor entered Lizzie's room to see her violently giggle with Perrie, who was showing her something on her phone. They stopped, when they saw Eleanor and Jessie at the door, and started whispering in each other's ears. "What's happening here?" Jessie asked as they walked towards them, "Nothing." Perrie said trying to be nonchalant only to be busted by Lizzie's laughter. "Are you sure about that?" Eleanor asked taking a seat next to Lizzie. "Auntie P was showing me a video of Auntie Jess snoring." Lizzie said giggling making Jessie gasp in horror.

Perrie immediately got off the bed and ran out with Jessie on her heels, Lizzie burst out laughing at them with Eleanor. "Okay, so Lizzie, some people had an accident today..." Eleanor started once Lizzie stopped laughing, "The hospital needs more rooms to take care of those people, so you have to share a room with Uncle Liam's friend." Eleanor finished. "Did those people get hurt like me?" Lizzie asked, "Kind of, some people might be more hurt than you." Eleanor said hoping Lizzie won't be fuzzy about it.

"Is Uncle Liam's friend the one that the one who caught me and got hurt." Lizzie asked, Eleanor nodded before speaking again, "Will you be okay with staying there?" She asked, Lizzie smiled brightly and nodded. "I can stay with him. He is not mean, is he?" Lizzie asked making Eleanor chuckle. "No, sweetheart. Louis is not mean." She said and Lizzie hummed. "Can we go now?" She asked hoping Eleanor will take her out quick.

"Soon darling. Someone will come to take you on a wheely." Eleanor replied making Lizzie light up with excitement. "I get a wheely! i get a wheely!" Lizzie chanted getting really excited making Eleanor giggle and be really happy seeing Lizzie returning to herself now.


"I have bad news and good news." Zayn said as he walked into Louis' hospital room, Louis who was scrolling through his phone looked at him and then threw a questioning look at Liam, who was formerly flipping through a health magazine. Liam shrugged at him and they both turned to Zayn, "What is this about now?" Louis asked in a bored tone, "This is about how you are going to have a person sharing this room with you." Zayn said making Liam jump up to his feet in fraction of a second, "WHAT?" Louis yelled outraged.

"This is supposed to be a single room, they can't just get anyone here." Liam said getting worked up too. "Relax lads. I'm gonna give you the bad news first." Zayn said trying to relax, which did not seem to work. "There is more bad news?!" Louis asked completely disregarding his phone now.

"You need calm the hell down, Lou. There was a accident, a bus and a car collided, the hospitals is running short on room to tend to them." Zayn said calming them both down a notch. "That's unfortunate but they still can't get one of them here." Liam said crossing his arms. "Do you both ever just chill?!" Zayn asked, his voice a higher tone completely outraged by their stubbornness, this seemed to have calmed them down.

Zayn took a deep, calming breathe before continuing, "That was the bad news. As for the good news, they are not going to dump a stranger here with you, Lou. None of would agree for a innocent to be murdered for the crime of looking at you." Zayn shadily said, Louis made a sound and Zayn did not know if it was a scoff or a sigh.

"Well if it's not a stranger, then who is it?"  Liam asked frowning, "Well, It's Elizabeth Calder." Zayn said grinning ear-to-ear. "Oh...." Liam trailed off and sat down on his former seat and went back to the health magazine. "Um, lads, am I supposed to know whoever this Elizabeth is?" Louis asked confused at Liam's reaction. "You don't know who that is?" Zayn asked shocked.

"No. As a matter of fact I don't. I don't want a really noisy woman Zayn. I swear I  cannot be held responsible for her murder if she irks me." Louis warned pointing a finger at Zayn. "Oh my God, Lou, she is not noisy and she sure as hell is not a woman." Liam said making Louis go silent in confusion.

"Wait, what was her last name?" He questioned. Zayn smirked as he replied, "Calder." Realization hit Louis like a car speeding towards a brick wall. "Calder as in Eleanor Calder?" He asked, "No, Calder as in Elizabeth Calder, Eleanor Calder's daughter." Zayn snarkily replied. Louis let it slide as the excitement of seeing Lizzie filled him. "Great, then. Get them to do it quickly." Louis said filled with excitement and nervousness that he could not explain. 

"Oh, how the mood swings when you were shot by a bullet in a foreign country. Don't think I'll ever know what that feels like." Zayn sassed throwing Louis a dirty smirk. Louis scowled at him making Liam shake his head in mock disappointment at their antics. As if on que, two men entered the room rolling in a bed, followed by others bringing in other equipments and setting them up.

"I'm gonna go give El a heads up." Zayn said and walked out. Louis fixed himself up a bit and sat up straight on the bed, he had no clue why he was doing that but he knew he wanted to make a good impression on her. He sat there waiting to see her, they have been in the hospital for nearly a week and he still did not see her and today was his lucky day. He better have a good impression if they were going to be living together, even if it was only fir a little while.  

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