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I would like to dedicate this chapter to @elounorjt9192. Only because of her constant support I could make this chapter happen!
Thanks for loving and supporting this story darling!!💙💙💙


It was only after five hours after the flight took off that Eleanor woke up to Lizzie whining next to her. It took Eleanor a few seconds to be fully aware of her surrounding but soon realized her daughter is asking for her attention. Unstrapping herself and Lizzie, El picked her daughter up and moved away from the rest who were still sound asleep, "What's wrong sweetheart?" She sweetly asked her checking if any of her wounds was open again.

"I'm hungry mum!" Lizzie continued to whine as she pointed at her stomach, Eleanor sighed in relief before moving to the back of the plane to find something to feed her daughter. She looked around in the cabinets and only found water, soft drinks and alcohol. She groaned in frustration looking at the heavily stocked alcohol cabinet.

A sudden voice startled Eleanor, "You need something or are you trying to rob Liam of his alcohol?" the voice which belonged to none other than Louis Tomlinson said with sarcasm. Once having come down from the shock Eleanor replied, "You all are trying to steal my daughter, it's only fair I steal your alcohol." with the same amount of sarcasm as Louis.

"As I pointed out many times miss Calder, it is not stealing if your daughter willingly comes to me." Louis said moving closer to close the cabinets and opened a higher one and grabbing a few packs of crisps and placing them on the counter below the cabinets and Lizzie lit up and grabbed one pack and moved to go sit in the seat she was sleeping in. "So he does have eatables here." Eleanor said looking in the cabinet to find something more filling than crisps.

"Of course but not anything proper, that is only available when this plane is taken on vacations and has air hosts to make something." Louis said seating himself on the counter, munching on Lays, next to Eleanor who was still searching for decent food. "Does he not even have peanut butter or jams here for a sandwich?" She said desperately moving packs of different flavoured crisps.

Louis finally took pity on the desperate woman and got off the counter to reach the highest shelf where the jams are, trying hard to reach the bottle being so high up. 'fuck Li and his stupid height.' thought when he heard Eleanor giggle at his struggle. "Shut up, Its too high." Louis said trying to sound annoyed but his big smile betrayed him. 'why do her giggles sound so good?' he questioned himself.

"Maybe you are just short." Eleanor teased trying to keep her giggles down to not rile the offended man, "I'm not short, if it weren't for my shoulder I would've had the jam down by now." Louis defended pointing at his injured shoulder. "Sure whatever helps you sleep at night." Eleanor said moving up towards where Louis is standing.

Knowing she can't reach it either, Eleanor got on the counter, kneeling she got the bottle throwing a sassy smirk at Louis, who rolled his eyes before letting out a chuckle at the woman's antics. Placing the jam on the counter next to her, Eleanor carefully got off and turned around as she spoke, "Wasn't so hard." which made Louis mock her.

"Now where is the bread?" Eleanor asked clapping her hands together looking at Louis expectantly. Louis decided it was his time to tease now, "Bread? who said there was any bread here?" he said and Eleanor had to remind herself that killing the man who saved her daughter is not polite.

"C'mon Lou just tell me where it is, I'll make one for you too." Eleanor whined not realizing the name she used which left Louis shocked with wide eyes, who just pointed at the corner of the counter where the bread lay this whole time making Eleanor feel dumb as she grabbed it and realization hit her like a truck just as she picked the jam on a spoon.

Deciding to ignore the elephant in the room, El silently made a few sandwiches putting two on each plate as she turning with one towards Louis who was still thinking why the named affected at all. "Enjoy your sandwich Louis. " She said and left with two plates in her hand. Sighing she took a seat next to Lizzie, who was already done with the pack of crisps which now lay on the aircraft's floor, giving her daughter a plate while her mind still lingered at Lou. 

Eleanor had no idea why she called him that and why it mattered so much to her. She gave a lot of people nicknames, called her friends with stupid names on the daily, then why does calling a man she met like a week ago with a nickname cause a whirlwind of thoughts. Louis probably did not even care and he definitely wasn't thinking as much as she was.

But unbeknownst to the 25-years-old woman, Louis was going through the same whirlwind of thoughts. Why did her calling him Lou affect him when all his friends and family call him that everyday then why is Eleanor calling him with the name make butterflies come alive in his stomach? She probably called him that without a thought and moved but he was here hung up over a simple word. 

Louis came out of his head when Liam came to the back still rubbing his eyes to wake himself better, "Hey Lou. Did you eat something? You need to take your medicines soon." he said when he realized the other's presence. What seemed like a normal sentence to Liam caused the whirlwind to start in Louis' head again, his mate called him Lou but that did not affect him at all but why did it do earlier.

Feeling himself being shaken Louis snapped out of his thoughts to a confused looking Liam in his face, "What the fucking hell? Get out of my face Payno." he said physically pushing Liam's face away from him. "Well I wouldn't be in your face if you heard me the first fifty times I called you." Liam said as he moved the older man's hand off his face.

"Fifty?" Louis asked cocking his eyebrow at the younger man, "Maybe not fifty but a lot of times but you were lost in the head of yours. What's going on in it anyway?" Liam asked moving to take one of Louis' sandwiches, "That was mine!" Louis yelled before snatching up the other one and munching it down. "And nothing is going on." Louis continued.

"If you say so." Liam said finishing his sandwich and making a move to leave only to be stopped by Louis, "Hey Li, you never told me what happened that day." he said making Liam frown. "What day?" Liam questioned as he moved to stand by Louis again. "Well that day when you went out for lunch with Zayn and the girls. You and Eleanor had frowns plastered on your faces when you came back." the blue-eyed man explained.

Liam sighed before he spoke, "We were talking about how they met and how El had to bring Lizzie up by herself, her friends and family were all supportive, she had to take a year long break before college because she just had Liz." Louis looked at the younger man with confusion evident on his face, "and that was why you were frowning?" he asked.

"That wasn't all all, when we asked about Lizzie's father Eleanor went silent and the girls immediately changed the topic, and Eleanor did utter anything until the next day." Liam explained, Louis turned to face the floor. "What do you think might have happened?" the taller man questioned after a few minutes of silence.

"I don't know, and as much as I wanna know, it isn't our place. And using our ways would be unethical." Louis said looking at Liam, who nodded in understanding. "Well she will tell us if she wants to, until then let's not do anything to push her yeah?" Louis continued, patting Liam on his shoulder before they went out to find everyone coming back to the land of the living while Lizzie and Eleanor were going back to dreamland. 

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