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After a whole hour of scolding and crying Jay agreed to stay put and wait for them to come back home, Eleanor passed out next to Lizzie by then exhausted by the day. Liam slowly crept next to Louis, and sat at the edge on his bed, careful for his life which is going to very short now that Louis knows he called Jay. Louis whacked Liam's head as soon as he was in his arm's reach, Liam yelped rubbing his head only to be shushed by Louis with another hit and pointing towards the other side of the room, where Eleanor and Lizzie were soundly sleeping. 

Liam silenced himself to low whispers, "Don't kill me." Liam started only to receive evil eyes and a blood thirsty spark shone in them, "Bold of you to ask me that after what you just pulled." Louis said. "What did you expect me to do? Jay would rid me of my skin if she found out that you were here and I did not let her know. I don't know about you mate but I happen to be really fond of my skin. One could even say I'm pretty bound to it." Liam said trying to light up the conversation a bit, as he rubbed the back of his neck. 

Louis gave him a menacing smile speaking, "Too bad that Jay's son is going to do that in her stead." Louis lunged forward attacking Liam's neck, who struggled to get him off of him. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Liam choked out, as Zayn burst into the room making Liam and Louis whip their heads towards him, so fast that if you listened close enough you could hear their necks crack, and shushed him pointing towards the two females in deep slumber. 

"Keep it down, will ya?"  Louis whisper yelled at him, "Some of us actually need sleep." Liam finished, still struggling to get out of Louis' death grip. "Well it's definitely not you, and please whatever kinks you have, explore them somewhere else, there is child present here." Zayn said in a low voice with a judge-y look directed towards them.

"Well, this is called murder actually, did not know people considered it a kink now." Louis sassed, Zayn rolled his eyes, "You probably shouldn't do that in the presence of a child either." Liam pointed out. Louis dropped his hands and let the younger lad go, "Don't think you are safe now Payne. I'm going to get you, all alone, miserable, no one to save you." Louis said with evil glint in his eyes.

"Stop with your dramatics lads." Zayn said done with their childish shit. "I came to let you know that we will leave soon, do you need anything before we do?" Zayn said. "Why are you here to tell that? Doesn't Niall usually come to say bye while you are doing God knows what?" Louis asked and Zayn fake gasped. "Ouch! I am usually the who stays with you not him!" Zayn placed a hand on his hips as if daring them to say otherwise, and they  knew better than to deny. 

"Anyways to answer your question, Niall is having a very deep and motivated conversation about Nando's spicy chicken wings with Harry and it doesn't seem like it's going to end anytime soon." He continued dropping the hand from his hips and taking a seat on the vacant chair next to Louis' bed. "There isn't anything that we need, but if there is then I'll make Lime here my eternal slave, he probably owes it to me now." Louis said throwing a smirk at Liam. "Its Liam not lime, I'm a person not a citrus fruit." Liam said with a roll of his eyes.

Zayn looked between the two of them contemplating whether he wants any part of this or just protect his own sanity, but then he said fuck it, who needs to be sane anyway. "What is this about?" Zayn asked carefully moving his chair away a little bit, seeing Liam roll his, knowing full well he would not want to be in their arms reach when it starts. "What is this about? Oh funny you ask that! Our dear Lime here took it upon himself to call my mommy dearest!" Louis exclaimed his voice raised an octave, Liam shushed him pointing at Eleanor and Lizzie, who shifted a little but was still asleep.

"First of all, stop calling me Lime, secondly I would not let Jay come here and you know it. Third I do not want my parents to lose their son because your mum killed him. Lastly keep it down will ya?" Liam said. Zayn rolled his eyes, "The two of you are kids, I tell you. Liam would never let any of our families come anywhere close to our work, Louis you know that the best." He said looking pointedly at Louis. 

Liam face turned smug at that, "And as for you Lime  why would you call Jay when you know he would be such a baby at it all?" Zayn asked while both of their faces filled with raged. "I'm not a Lime!!" "I'm not a baby!" Both of them exclaimed at the same time waking Eleanor up. "What happened?" She asked rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, three of their heads snapped in her direction at record speed.

"Amazing! You lot woke her up!" Zayn exclaimed throwing his hands dramatically in the air. Louis and Liam turned to look at each, their eyes blaming the other. "Nothing, El. These two are being idiots per usual. You go back to sleep." Zayn urged, Eleanor looked around her eyes landing on the wall clock, "It's almost 11, what are you still doing here?" She asked confused about his presence so late.

"Yeah, we were just going to leave, I came to say bye and I'll tell the girls you are asleep." Zayn said to Eleanor, she nodded her head at him. Zayn then turned to the lads, "I'm leaving, and you two are going to shut your gobs and let them sleep. And get your asses to sleep or I will kill you." Zayn warned them. Louis and Liam huffed at him and chose to remain silent. Zayn can be just as dangerous as any of them. 

"Don't pay them any mind, sweetheart. And have a good night's sleep." Zayn said and blew her a kiss. Eleanor smiled at him and let her head hit the pillow again, cuddling closer to her daughter. "Li, you are going to the house tomorrow. Good night everyone!!" Zayn chirped leaving the door, letting the door close itself after him. "No, I am not!" "No, he is not!" Both Liam and Louis called after him, before realizing that they had already woken Eleanor once and whispered a sorry to her.

Just as asked Eleanor ignored the two of them and went back to sleep, Liam and Louis looked at each other guiltily and silently decided they should get their arses to sleep before they disturb her and Lizzie again. 

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