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It wasn't long for the plane to land, everyone was up except for the mother and her daughter, who were cuddling together in Eleanor's seat. Everyone chattered quietly amongst themselves as Louis sat a few feet away watching the sleeping females. He silently cooed at how cute they looked together and immediately missed his sisters and mum. Luckily for him he'll probably seen them soon. The blue-eyed man wouldn't be shocked if she was already in London ready to whack his arse.

As he was reminiscing his memories with his sisters, Louis felt a presence next to him, turning his head he found pair of almond-like eyes looking at him already. "What are you thinking about mate?" He asked the older who just shrugged in response and gestured towards the sleeping pair. "El and Liz?" Zayn asked, "Missing the girls and home is all." Louis answered sighing at the lack of his family.

"Ah! You've always been the family man among us. Well don't worry, Jay will be here in a few days and maybe you can visit the girls soon too." Zayn replied trying to make his friend feel better. "I hope so, what about you? You don't miss your fam?" Louis asked back making Zayn sigh before speaking, "I do, Wish me mum could stay with me but you know why she can't." 

Silence fell over them both as they just sat there and wished they could stay with their families like everyone else could, but they also knew it's for the better. Time passed by quicker through chatter and the plane had just landed in London. Everyone got their stuff and shuffled out of the plane. "Nothing like home huh?" the curly haired man exclaimed deeply inhaling the fresh air making everyone either laugh at him or hum in agreement. 

As they made their way off the run way, Louis sneakily glanced at Eleanor sleepily walking with Lizzie in her arms. And as much as he wanted to take Lizzie, so Eleanor could walk more properly, he knew everyone is too stubborn to let Louis carry the child, so he nudged Liam and pointed at Lizzie. The younger understood and immediately went to take Lizzie from the woman, who was grateful at the gesture.

As they reached the cars Niall turned towards the group as he spoke, "Harry, Leigh-Anne, Jade, Jessie and Perrie your luggage is in that car," He said pointing at a dark blue SUV, "The driver will take you to your homes." he continued "And what about me and Lizzie then?" Eleanor asked confused. "You'll be staying with us of course." Zayn said flinging an arm around her shoulder. 

"But my stuff?" Eleanor asked craning her head to the side look at him with confusion. "You can get it tomorrow or the girls can fetch it for you." Niall said, "We think you should get adjusted in our shack today." Liam continued, Eleanor wanted to protest against it but knew it would be in vain and she did not posses the energy to do so at the moment so she nodded her head in agreement. 

"Well let's be on our way then and Eleanor call or text to let us know all the things you want us to get and Zayn send me the address." Perrie stated as she walked towards the car and Jade running right past her yelling 'SHOTGUN' making Perrie yell after her. Harry, Leigh-Anne and Jessie followed after bidding their goodbyes to Eleanor and the boys as they went to theirs.

The ride to the city was long and calming with Liam and Eleanor sitting in the back, Zayn driving with Niall sleeping in the passenger seat next to him, Lizzie sleeping in a car seat in the middle with Louis looking out of the window. The long ride slowly making the exhaustion catch up to them making them crave their beds a lot more than they already did, although Eleanor did feel a little bummed about not going back to her house but she trusts the boys to make the most comfortable.

Eleanor sat straight up when she felt a hand on her shoulder lightly shake her, looking around she realized they came to a halt and everyone was out of the car, getting their bags out, except her and Liam who was the one trying to wake her, "Wakey wakey sleepy head. We're here!" Liam exclaimed ushering her to move out. 

Eleanor got out of the car eyes still glistening with sleep, which vanished as soon as she looked the big mansion-like house, she did expect their house to be big but this big? This place is huge and to think she will be living here for a while? "This is where you live?" Eleanor questioned perplexed "No, this is where we bring our prey and torture them to death." Louis said looking Eleanor dead in the eye and steadily moving his hands towards her neck making Eleanor move backwards.

Louis burst out laughing, dropping his hands to his sides, moving back out of Eleanor's space, "Of course this is where we live. Why else would we come here?" He said pointing in the general direction of the house as he started walking towards the house, "Well it is completely logical to assume you would stop by your office or headquarters or base or whatever the place you work at is called." Eleanor retaliates following his lead towards the house. 

"Well I can assure you our "base" doesn't look anything like this is and it is quite amazing and very office-like." Louis said as Eleanor came to a halt suddenly just a few feet away from the front door, "Where is my Lizzie?" She asked realizing her absence. "Seriously Eleanor? You remember your daughter after so long? Someone might actually steal your daughter and I think I should take her from you immediately." Louis said tsking at her.

"C'mon Louis, it was only because I am comfortable with you. Now tell me where my Lizzie is, please?" Eleanor pled interlocking her finger and making as convincible puppy eyes as she could at the moment, not realizing the effect it had on the man, who could not understand why his insides were melting, maybe he should get a full body diagnosis done for any undetected damage. 

"Zayn took her to your room, the flight must be the most exhausting for her." Louis said moving to open the door, "Welcome to our bat cave." Louis said spreading his hands to gesture at their house. The foyer was very modern looking and pretty Eleanor was left wondering how beautiful the rest of the house must be. 

"Wow, this place is amazing. You sure it is okay for us to live here for now?" Eleanor asked astonished, " 'Course it is! We have a empty room on the ground floor and the top, I'll show you to your room. Freshen up and I'll give you a house tour, yeah?" Louis said walking in, "No, Liam or Niall or Zayn will give me a tour, you are going to go rest up." Eleanor said following him.

"Liam must be going to the office to report our mission because it's obvious I won't be allowed out of here," Louis said as Eleanor hummed in agreement, "Niall must have his hand deep in a bag of crisps and will pass out soon," Louis continued making the woman roll her eyes at his words, "Well then Zayn will show me around." Eleanor said smugly.

"I was summoned." Zayn said coming behind them out of nowhere making them jump and stop midway, "Don't scare us like that!" Eleanor exclaimed hitting his arm lightly. "Eleanor 'ere wants you to give her a house tour." Louis said making Eleanor question him for a second, "Oh. There is the kitchen. Living room. Stairs. Mine and Niall's room on first floor. Pool in the back." Zayn said pointing in different directions way faster than Eleanor can keep up and walked away.

"What just happened?" Eleanor asked as Louis looked unfazed, "Well that was your house tour by Zayn." Louis said sounding way too smug than he should. "So, I'll show you around after an hour, now this is your room, rest well." Louis said taking a few steps backwards before turning around and walking to his room. 

Eleanor sighed and walked into the room Louis left her at. She was awestruck at how pretty the room was, large window looking out to empty lawn with a few palm tree spread around, she made a mental note to ask them if she could plant flowers there. Turning around she saw two doors on the wall opposite to the bed, Eleanor opened the first door to big bathroom with a massive shower and a beautiful bath tub, marble counter for the sink and a big mirror adorning the wall.

Amazed by the washroom she proceeded to the next door which got her to a, mostly white and beige, large walk-in closet with just way too many shelves and an island with cabinets in the center, deciding to unpack and then take a shower she went back into the room to find her bags by a very large bed, where Lizzie was fast asleep, "This is gonna be a long day." 

Hey beautiful people!!
I'm back after disappearing for a long time!! 
And guess what?? 
I'm an aunt now 💙💙

A part of this chap was written when I was having a passive aggressive episode, so I don't know if it turned out good enough.
But I hope you enjoy this one.🤗💙

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