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After a big, fueled 'discussion' it was decided that Liam would stay at the hospital with Eleanor, while everyone went hope and came back next morning with their stuff. Harry offered to help them with the info about Micheal and to get it to their agency. Zayn and Harry would spend the next morning completing the mission while Niall would bring Liam fresh clothes and other necessities.

Perrie insisted that they would stay the night with Eleanor but she sent them home, assuring them she would not hesitate to call if she needed anything. They promised to be back as quickly as possible the next morning, with food and clothes. Eleanor and Liam sat in the waiting room after their friends left, exhaustion, their eventful day catching up to them.

"You know, I really meant what said earlier." Liam said grabbing Eleanor's attention. "About what?" Eleanor asked having no clue what the man was talking about.

"About living with us." Liam said making Eleanor sigh. "Look I know this is weird." Liam said turning his body to completely face her. "Your daughter just got shot and had a surgery done. It must be really hard on you but it is hard for us too." Liam continued.

"Yes, some of us got shot before but never like this. We had minor injuries but none of us ever had to go through a surgery to be saved." Liam told honestly trying to ignore the sympathy in Eleanor's eyes. "Everything happened too quick and Lou did what he always does. He put others before himself. And I know for a fact he would be beating himself up for what happened."

"It would really help if he knew he has at least a bit control over the girl's well being till she is all well again." Liam said his eyes pleading for her to say yes. Eleanor looked at her hands on her lap, took a deep breathe before looking at Liam again.

"I get you are concerned about everything that has happened today. But moving with you guys is a lot." Eleanor said sincerely. "Give me some time. I'll think about your offer Liam. I need to think properly before making the huge decision, you know I can't do so lightly." she told with sincerity in her voice.

"Yeah. Sure. Take all the time you need. I totally get why this decision is so hard on you, we'll be happy to help you in anyway you would want us to." Liam said in a understanding tone which only he could muster, giving Eleanor a bright smile.

"Thank you, Liam. Honestly I don't even know how to thanks your friend for what he did for Lizzie." Eleanor said getting emotional. Liam placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, "Hey hey hey. Don't get all emotional on me." He said looking in her eyes. "And speaking of gratitude, you don't have to. This is why we came here anyways. To save innocent people." Liam said reassuringly and Eleanor gave him a smile.

Staying there with Liam, she felt secure, it was weird but she was thankful that she has someone, who understood what she felt, with her. It was comforting. Liam spoke up after a few second of silence, "I think you should get some sleep. It has been a long day, Get some sleep." He moved a seat away so she could place her legs on the one he was previously occupying.

Eleanor drifted off to sleep with a small smile playing on her lips, thinking about the beautiful moments she had with her daughter. Liam looked at her with sympathy in his eyes. This never should've happened to Lizzie, the girl was too young to know the cruelty of the world. He knew that they had to find a way to make this all better for them. Eventually he fell asleep too his thoughts about the well being of his friend, who was more like a brother to him.


Next morning, Eleanor woke up to hushed voices coming from the other side of the waiting room. She looked in the direction of the voices to see all her friends were there and they had a bag with them. She sat up realizing where she was, this caught Jessie's attention towards a still sleepy Eleanor. "Hey sunshine. Got you some of your things." Jade said smiling brightly. It took her a few seconds to come to terms with her surroundings, she looked around trying find Liam but couldn't find any trace of the muscular man, or any man for that matter,

"Whaa.. What's going on?" she asked looking around a bit confused at the sight of all her friends here so early. "Nothing much really. We were just waiting for you to rise and to see Lizzie." Perrie said cheerily. "Huh.. What time is it? And where is Liam?" Eleanor asked remembering having the man's company last night.

"Well it's 9 in the morning, And Zayn, Niall and Harry finally managed to drag Liam out for breakfast after a whole 20 mins of struggle." Leigh-Anne said making Eleanor alert. "I've been asleep for so long? When did you guys arrive here?" She asked now fully awake. "We came in 45 mins ago. Liam and they guys just left 25mins ago, they should be here soon." Jessie said handing Eleanor the bag, they brought with them, "Go change in the bathroom in Lizzie's room and the guys will be back with your breakfast by then." Jessie continued already pushing Eleanor towards the Lizzie's room.

Eleanor just nodded and followed Jessie's instructions. She freshened up and changed out of her clothes into clean ones and walked out towards her daughter. She stopped a few steps away from the bed, where Lizzie was sleeping. Eleanor placed a gentle hand on her head and left a small peck on her forehead and walked away letting the light of her life sleep away this horrible part.

As promised, Liam, Niall, Zayn and Harry were back till Eleanor came out. Niall was the first to notice her and walked to her with a brown paper bag in his hand, "Here, we did not know what you would like but who doesn't like pancakes right?" He said smiling brightly. Eleanor looked in the bag to find a box containing a small stack pancakes and a few packets of maple syrup. She reflected Niall's bright smile back at him.

"Thanks, it's perfect." Eleanor said, everyone looked at her with shine in their eyes and big smiles on their faces . She looked at them, confusion evident on her face, "Am I missing out on something?" She asked and Leigh-Anne giggled. "Relax, darling. We're just happy yesterday is gone and now we don't have to worry about all things going wrong." She said.

"And we also get to see my goddaughter today!" Perrie exclaimed looking forward to seeing Lizzie, but was met with a scoff from Jade, "MY goddaughter you mean." She said proud of herself while everyone laughed at their antics.

"Oh my God! You guys are never going to drop that, are you? We all know I am her godmother anyways." Leigh-Anne said dismissing the other two ladies and walking up to Eleanor, and throwing an arm around her shoulders.

"Will you guys stop it. Let El eat her breakfast before you start your endless banter about being Lizzie's Godmother." Jessie said pulling Eleanor away from Leigh-Anne and leading her towards one of the seats for her to have her breakfast. "Thanks everyone, this all means a lot to me." She said looking at everyone in the room. "If breakfast makes you grateful, then it should be really easy to impress you." Zayn said making a small laugh erupt in the room and a blush rise on Eleanor's cheeks.

"Oh, quit embarrassing her and let her have at least one meal before she devotes herself at her daughter." Liam exclaimed as he entered the room making everyone shut their gobs. The room was filled with small conversations but mostly warmth. Eleanor ate her pancakes waiting for Lizzie to wake up. A nurse walked in as Eleanor threw away the rubbish, "Family of Mr. Tomlinson and Ms. Calder?" She asked looking around the pretty filled room.

Everyone stood up at that, Eleanor walked up to the nurse, "We are their family." She said. The nurse nodded before speaking again, "We just need to run a few more tests and then all of you can see them." And with that she walked out. Everyone turned to Liam to know about Louis. "He is up, back to his tommo self, as the nurse said you can see him in an hour or so." Liam said with a shrug.

Everyone nodded and went back to their seats excited to see the people that are a bright light in their lives. They all fell into a easy conversation with each other waiting for the nurse to come back. Liam softly spoke looking at Eleanor, "You know I'm counting on your motherly scolding for that idiot to have even a tiny little bit sense of self care." He said making her chuckle. "I am going to give my best, no promises though. Lizzie was never difficult, never had to scold her into anything." She said with a reminiscing smile making Liam smile too before speaking, "We'll see about it."

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