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Eleanor was packing Lizzie's clothes and other personal belongings when the nurse came in to inform that Louis' room was ready for Lizzie to be shifted and rolled in a wheelchair. "Lizzie, let's move you to the wheely, okay?" Eleanor asked carefully  trying to move her from the bed with the nurse's help. They got Lizzie on the chair and Eleanor took all of Lizzie's things in a bed and followed the nurse as she rolled Lizzie out. 

Zayn and Niall were standing right outside Louis' room with Perrie and Leigh-Anne. Niall was the first to notice their arrival, "Hey there kiddo." He said putting fist ahead for a fist bump, which Lizzie gladly hit. "How you feeling, Love?" Zayn asked bending over to be face-to-face with her, "I feel really amazing." She replied beaming a big smile at them. "That's fantastic." Perrie said ruffling her hair, "Are you excited to meet Louis?" Leigh-Anne asked to which Lizzie enthusiastically nodded her head. 

"Great then, Let's get you in there, yeah?" Eleanor said as they all proceeded to take Lizzie in. Jessie and Jade were standing by the empty bed arranging the pillow and the blanket when they entered. The other bed had Louis, who looked excited like a 5 year old when they see candy and also a bit nervous, looking at Lizzie with adoration. Liam, who was sitting on the stool, was now standing by Louis welcoming Lizzie with a bright smile.

"Hey Liz, How are you doing?" Liam asked crouching down to her eye level. Lizzie gave Liam a big grin before replying, "I feel amazing." Liam laughed at her excitement and high-fived her. "I want you to meet Louis, your remember him right?" Liam asked gesturing towards Louis, who sent a gentle wave her way, which Lizzie happy returned. "Hello, Elizabeth." Louis gently said, getting off the bed and extending his hand to her as Liam wheeled her closer to him. Lizzie took his hand but instead if shaking it she pulled him towards herself and went in for a hug. Louis was surprised but hugged her back immediately.

"Call me Lizzie, Only Nan calls me Elizabeth." She said as she let him go. Louis chuckled at that, "Okay. Lizzie, I'm Louis, pleasure to meet you." Louis said as he playfully pinched her cheeks and made a silly face making everyone giggle. "Mum told me you saved us from the bad people shooting at us. Thank you for saving us." She said, the innocence in her eyes reminded him of his sisters when they around her age, and Louis awed at her and hugged her again. 

The girls cooed at their cuteness and vulnerability. "How about you get on your bed and we can talk about this later, yeah?" Louis said, Lizzie hesitantly let go and Eleanor moved her to the bed which Lizzie demanded should be moved at least a few inches closer to Louis'. A nurse came in a while later to check up on Lizzie. Liam and Eleanor spent of their day in the room with Louis and Lizzie as usual, many people weren't allowed to be in all at once, so they were in and out in turns. 

After a few hours Lizzie fell asleep and Louis was scrolling through his phone having nothing to do when his phone rang and his mum's name popped on the screen. He was confused and looked at Liam accusingly, Liam confused until Louis showed him his phone screen. Liam gave him a toothy grin and backed away raising his hands, "I had to." He said.

Louis let out a groan, "I'm going to murder in cold blood." He said before answering the call. Eleanor, who was sitting on the other side of the room, was thoroughly confused at the whole ordeal. But her confusion was short lived when she saw Louis' reaction to the person on the phone.

The first thing he heard his mum's sobs before she burst into yells, "LOUIS WILLIAM TOMLINSON, WHY AM I HEARING ABOUT YOU BEING SHOT AFTER NEARLY A WEEK, FROM LI?" Louis flinched and moved his phone away from his ear. "Hey mum." He said timidly, "DON'T hey mum ME!" She yelled again. "I'm sorry, but I'm alright now mum." Louis tried to reason, but he knew it wasn't enough for his mum. "BUT YOU WERE SHOT LOU. WITH A GUN NOT WITH A CAMERA. I NEED TO BE THERE." She yelled again.

Liam decided it was time to take matters in his hands, he walked to Louis and took his phone from his hand, "Hey Jay, it's Liam." Liam said, Jay's voice went soft and Louis frowned when he did not hear any yelling now, "I know you are worried and rightly so but we are here with him." Liam said, "I still think I should be there, I know how Lou can be, being all tough and idiocy." Jay replied making Liam let out a small laugh. "Yeah, he sure does it all, but I got it covered. He is making this easy by not being too fussy." Liam said and the line went dead silent for a second.

"Li, I appreciate you caring for me and trying to protect Lou, but you don't have to lie to me, sweetheart." Jay said in all seriousness, Liam broke down into a fit of laughter, it attracted Eleanor's attention, she looked at Liam wide eyes, gesturing towards Lizzie, Louis was the one to notice this and hit Liam to shut him up. Liam stopped laughing and threw a apologetic look to Eleanor and continued to talk to jay on the phone, who was now concerned about Liam.

"Sorry Jay, and no I'm not lying. Remember Eleanor I told you about, she helped with Louis." Liam explained, Eleanor's head shot up towards Liam with a shocked expression, she looked at Louis to understand something out of nothing but Louis just shrugged, "Eleanor, the little girl's mother?" Jay asked, "Yes, that's her." Liam said making everyone hearing that sentence confused. "How could she possibly help with my idiotic son?" Jay asked, Liam chuckled before replying, "Ask her yourself." Liam said, crossing the room and handing Eleanor the phone.

Eleanor was beyond shocked, even Louis seemed shocked by Liam's bold move. Eleanor slowly raised the phone to her ear still shocked to what Liam was trying to pull, "Hello?" She said into the line, trying to silently communicate with Louis and Liam in the room, Liam just shrugged and moved away while Louis was sporting a similar expression as Eleanor. "Hello, darling." She heard a soft voice say from the other side. 

"I'm Johannah, Louis' mum." she said softly, "Hello Mrs. Tomlinson, I'm Eleanor Calder." She said softly, Louis gave a shocked and amused look, and then she heard Mrs. Tomlinson chuckle over the phone. "It's actually Deakin, but please call me Jay, Darling." Jay said and Eleanor face-palmed herself making Louis laugh. "I'm so sorry, I did not know." She apologized quickly feeling guilty.

Jay let out a soft laugh, "It's alright, sweetheart. I know you didn't." She said trying to make it better for Eleanor, "I'm so sorry about your daughter, darling." Jay said sounding like she was about to break down into tears. "As a mother of seven, I can understand how you must have felt." She continued, "It is very difficult but she is fine now thanks to Louis." Eleanor said sending a grateful look in Louis' direction which he accepted with a modest nod. 

"I know it may not help you all that much, due to courtesy of my reckless son I know this is going to be one of the most difficult things ever but it gets better. They recover and they continue being our baby." Eleanor could hear the fear and then the content in her voice as Jay spoke to her, it oddly made her feel better knowing that even after all this Lizzie will still be her little ball of sunshine.

"Maybe a surprise but it actually did help me." Eleanor said with a small laugh making Jay chuckle "Now about my son, he is an angel but he can be a pain in the bottom in hospitals." Jay said making Eleanor let out a small laugh. "A little bit, but he is cooperating fine. It took a bit convincing but he isn't that much of a pain now though." Eleanor said throwing Louis a small smile, it was apparently to stroke Louis' ego, which was skyrocketing by the way.

"I find that hard to believe. He is the fussiest person in the hospital every time." Jay said unconvinced that her son is capable of keeping calm in a hospital. "Well, he was. Wouldn't stay still for a second but now I guess he knows he is worse than a baby if he continues his tantrums." Eleanor said making Jay let out a full laugh, Liam burst out laughing and Louis scowled at him. 

"I still want to be there. He is still my baby boobear after all." Eleanor look at Louis wide-eyed, trying to hide her amusement before replying, "You don't have to, they'll be discharged in a few days and we will be back in England in a week maybe." Eleanor said looking at Liam for confirmation, who nodded his head.

 "And we are all here to take care of your baby boobear  too." Eleanor said emphasizing baby boobear, Liam laughed again and Louis had a distraught expression on his face, Jay laughed over the line before speaking again, "Louis must be fuming, I'm taking your word for it, but I'm making you and your daughter a full meal when see you." Jay said, and Eleanor thanked her for it. "I would like to talk to my son now, he still needs a earful." Jay said, Eleanor chuckled,l "Sure!" She said as she walked over to Louis and handed him the phone with the thumbs up sign and retreated back to where Liam was.

They watched as Jay gave Louis an earful and he sat there and took it all in like a sulky little child.

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