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A/N Trigger warning: Contains slight gun violence and mention of blood.

"I'm certain you are not supposed to be in here, let alone go through all the stuff." The voice said. Louis and Liam whipped their heads in the direction of the voice, a man they were certain was not Micheal stood there looking at them with curious and accusing look. "We were.. uh.. we were just looking-" Liam spoke but was cut off by another voice, female and familiar this time. "Haz, why are these guards lying here unconscious and where are the agents you told me about? It's been two weeks since we sent them information about Micheal, Please tell me this is their doing." They heard her before they saw Perrie walk in behind the 'Haz'.

Perrie came to a sudden halt when she looked at the mess in the office and Louis and Liam standing in the middle of it all with bags in hand. "It was you, wasn't it? You nicked my card to get in here, am I right?" She asked looking accusingly at Louis, who looked wildly confused at the whole ordeal. "Wait a darn second, You are our mystery source?" Liam asked perplexed to which he received a nod from Haz and a sigh from Perrie.

"We can catch up with all those glory details later but right now we need to leave. The guards will wake anytime now." Louis said grabbing the bags and moving towards the door, "You two need to come with us. You were the source that makes you our asset. Leaving you here could prove dangerous for you, so come with us, we need to leave quickly." Louis continued and grabbed Perrie's arm and lead her out which Liam followed with Haz on his heels.

They left the building and were walking across the street when a whole ordeal started with the security near the gates. The guards must have woken up and saw the the mess in the office and alerted everyone. They need to get out of here as soon as possible. Louis was leading them to where Niall and Zayn were waiting in the car, when he suddenly crashed into a women and a little girl and the bag fell out his hand, "I'm sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going. Are you okay?" The woman asked bending down to pick the bad up.

"El, what are you doing this with Lizzie?" Perrie asked out of nowhere which caused Louis and Liam to look at her. The woman looked up at Perrie with shock, "Pez, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be out half an hour later? And seems like you forgot but you have a lunch date with lizzie today." She said pointing at the little girl who was looking at Perrie like she hung the starts and the moon.

"Listen to me, Eleanor, you need to get Lizzie out of here right now." Perrie said to Eleanor grabbing her shoulder, "Wait what's happening? Is something wrong?" Eleanor asked looking at the three men standing with Perrie, "We need to get out of here right now. The guards will be coming soon." Louis said his patience running thin.

"El, get Lizzie home right now. I'll explain everything once I come home but now you need to go." Perrie said and just a second later they heard one of the security guards scream, "Look! They are over there!" and that's when the bullets started flying. "Get down!" Liam screamed and pulled Perrie down and Louis did the same with Eleanor and Haz got lizzie.

They started running in the direction of Zayn and Niall, who brought the car a block away from them and started shooting at the guards to cover their friends. Lizzie started crying, overwhelmed with everything around her. They reached closer to the car, Louis and Liam pushed Eleanor and Perrie towards the car and grabbed their guns so Niall could start the car.

"LIZZIE!" Eleanor screamed which caught Louis' attention, He looked around and saw Haz covering with his body in middle of the bullets. He ran towards them and pulled Haz and shoved towards the car which Niall started and ready for everyone to escape. Louis got lizzie and held onto her with one arm while shooting his way out of the wildfire.

Louis almost reached the car when he felt a few bullets go through him and the last thing he remembered was falling to the ground and a agonizing scream from a distraught woman. Liam threw his gun at haz, who was clueless but started shooting aimlessly towards the guards, and rushed towards Louis with Zayn covering him.

Liam and Zayn managed to get Louis and Lizzie in the car and got everyone in and Niall drove them away to a parking lot where they shifted Louis and Lizzie into a van that Zayn hot-wired and Liam drove it frantically to the hospital with Zayn. Niall, Perrie and Haz caught Eleanor before she could rush behind the van. Niall saw another car and started it before to take the rest of them to the hospital near Louis and Lizzie.

Niall hands were shaking and he couldn't see through his tears filled eyes. Haz got him to give up the steering wheel and shifted him to the passenger seat and managed to get Eleanor in the back seat with the help of Perrie, and started driving.

The ride to the hospital was agonizing, Niall couldn't stop the tears coming from his falling out of his eyes. Eleanor couldn't breathe thinking of her baby lying there unconscious struggling for life, she was holding on to Perrie for dear life, who was trying to console her but to no avail.

Liam and Zayn reached the hospital and quickly called for stretchers to get Louis and Lizzie in. Soon they had them on stretchers and rushed to the operation theatre. Only when Liam saw Louis being taken in for the surgery did he let himself break down. Liam and Louis were the closest to each other, Louis was like a brother he never had to Liam. Seeing him covered in blood and bullet wounds was killing Liam.

Liam felt Zayn hold him through his break down while he cried for his dearest friend too. Happy memories started flooding his head, the funny sassy full of life Louis was lying there unconscious and the air in the room felt heavy for Liam as he sat there with Zayn by his side, who was no better than him. Louis was always had them bound, He and Zayn were thick as thieves, quite literally when they played pranks on the others.

 They did not realize how long they had been crying, when they heard Eleanor screaming for her daughter they realized it wasn't just them that could lose someone today. Niall came up to Liam and cried on his shoulder until he had soaked half his bloodied shirt. Perrie managed to calm Eleanor down to heavy sobs to call their friends and tell them about what happened.

Niall sat down next to Eleanor, he never met this woman before but she might lose her daughter today and that blood would be on their hands, he felt terrible for what the innocent little had to go through today. He gently placed his hand on her shoulder to show her that he was there, that they were there for her through this. Eleanor broke down again at the contact, her Lizzie, the reason for her to live everyday, was in the the operation theatre holding on to thin wire for her life.

About thirty minutes later three girls, who looked like they had been crying for days, came in and went straight for the woman who had swollen eyes from crying for hours just to see her daughter healthy and alive. They fell into a pile around her, giving the woman the unspoken comfort she needed.

Niall retreated back to Liam Zayn and Haz, all of just sitting there silently praying for their friend and the little girl, who didn't have any part in the hell that was going on already, to make it back to them in sound health. She was too young and innocent to have to go through this. But there was nothing they could do but pray that they both make it out alive and give them the relief they were in dire need of.

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