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(Imagine that plane ^  on a runway please 🙏)

"LOUIS PUT THAT DOWN THIS INSTANT!!" came Liam's voice just as Louis tried to pick one of the bags, "IT IS A SMALL ONE! I CAN CARRY THIS ONE!" Louis yelled back at him, "NO YOU CAN'T NOW PUT IT AWAY AND GET IN THE CAR!" it was Zayn this time who also opened the car door and made a dramatic gesture for the blue-eyed man to get in as Niall wordlessly snatched the bag from him and moved to put in the trunk.

"Can I sit-" Perrie started walking out the front door with her bag only to be cut off by Jade who came out yelling, "I CALL SHOTGUN!" as she left her bag a little away from the door, completely pulling Perrie out of her sleep only to scream as Jade got in the passenger seat of the second car.

"Jade get out this instant, I won't ask again." Perrie said standing beside Jade's door who ignored her existence and plugged in her earphones making the former whine like a kid. "It's fine babe you can shotgun with me." Zayn said throwing an arm around her shoulder and leading her to the car he would be driving. 

"Ew no! I don't smoke and especially not from someone else's mouth." (If you didn't know shotgunning also means smoking while one person passes the smoke out into someone else's  mouth)  Perrie said not completely hating the idea but Zayn did not need to know that. He stopped next to the passenger side door of the last car, where Perrie happily got in letting Zayn take care of her luggage for her. Once all the baggage was thrown in the three cars everyone got into the car with Liam driving the car with Louis, Eleanor and Lizzie while Niall drove with Jade, Harry, Jessie and Zayn was with Perrie and Leigh-Anne.

The ride to the flight location was silent as everyone was tired and half asleep. It was a big luxurious private jet waiting for them at a secure runway far away from civilization. A few men made their way to them as the cars rolled to a stop near the jet and started taking their luggage and loaded in while the lads basically pulled the girls and Harry inside who were looking at the plane in awe only to have their jaws hitting the floor when they saw the interior. 

The beige and brown interior looked so pleasing making Perrie and Jade squeal, "Oh my God this is so pretty!!" Jade gushed looked around as they moved in. "Do you travel in this plane all the time?" Perrie asked still looking around with stars in her eyes, "Yeah, this one is Liam's. We all have our own though." Niall said nonchalantly like luxury jets were something everyone owned. 

The non-secret agent people in the room widened their eyes to size of saucers with their jaws on the floor, "What did you say?" Jessie asked blinking slowly at Niall. "Um this one is Liam's?" Niall repeated more like a question this time. "And all of you have your own private jets too?" Jade asked her jaw still on the floor, "Yeah we do?" Niall repeat like a question yet again. 

"Wow!" Eleanor said as she moved further in the jet, "I knew you were all rich but this rich? Just wow!" She exclaimed as she set sleepy Lizzie down on one seat and strapped her in as well. "Well Liam's is the biggest so we brought this one for this mission." Zayn said throwing himself on the seat next to Lizzie.

"Everyone take a seat while I go have a talk with the pilot, we'll take off soon." Liam said making his way to the cockpit putting Louis in a seat closer to the front. Everyone took a seat just as the captain announced to strap in, Liam came back to do the same. Soon as the excitement of being in a luxurious private subsided all of them fell asleep exhaustion taking over them. 


Hello beauties...

This is a short update... More like a filler...
I did not have any inspiration for this chapter...
I will try my best to update quality content as soon and as much as I can.

Please hold on🙏

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